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Goodbye Jesus

Gotta Get It Out.


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So (insert Xian family member here), you think I'm a fool? "The fool hath said in his heart there is no god."


Oh boy... I'm a fool? You believe that the Earth is 6,00 years old! You trust in a book that says the Earth is FLAT and that snow and hail are kept in STOREHOUSES. I'm a fool? You think that trees can impart knowledge, animals can talk and that, if you listen hard enough, you can hear "god" talking to you! You can't argue your side from reason or logic, all you can throw at me is, "You need to have faith! You need to trust god! Satan is deceiving you!" Ya, Satan has nothing better to do than screw with me. He photoshops pictures of the Earth so that it "appears" to be a sphere, he works cunningly through scientists to deceive the faithful, he places fossils all over the world in an ordered manner to create evidence for gawdless "evilution". I can see it so clearly now, thank you.


I bet that kool-aid was fucking awesome.


Really, you want to tell me I need to accept your beliefs to be right with god? You tell me I'll go to hell if I don't? I should trust you because your book says so? I think your book disproves itself very well, try reading it sometime.


It frustrates me, yet at the same time I feel a deep sympathy knowing that I completely blocked out everything that was pure crap in the Bible when I was a Christian.


Had to get that all out, I can't vent anywhere else since I'm surrounded by Christians. Had to stop blogging for that reason.

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Do forgive any grammar/numerical errors. I haven't gotten into the habit of double checking posts.

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My dad is always insinuating that I am a fool. Also a communist. Generally that not believing is both extremely stupid and more importantly supremely evil. Yet he thinks the earth is 6000 years old, the flood story is exactly correct, the Exodus happened, that Barack HUSSEIN Obama was born in Kenya and that global warming is a hoax...


I can relate a bit :). But I only have this one very vocal Christian, and we live in different states. So vent away! Its good for you. Try to find at least one person irl that you can vent to also because that helps a bit more than online.

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I agree that even one person in real life can make a huge difference - but I can relate! Go ahead and vent, sometimes it's helpful just to get it out even in writing (heck, there're times when I find that even MORE useful than verbally).

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My reply to that would be, "I'm a proud fool. If I am a fool for understanding science that says the earth is 4.5 billion years, then I am a proud fool. If I am a fool for understanding evolution and seeing that it works, then I am a proud fool. If I am a fool for being pro gay rights, then I am a proud fool. If I am a fool for seeing no evidence for a god (especially in answering prayers), then I am a damn proud fool!"

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My reply to that would be, "I'm a proud fool. If I am a fool for understanding science that says the earth is 4.5 billion years, then I am a proud fool. If I am a fool for understanding evolution and seeing that it works, then I am a proud fool. If I am a fool for being pro gay rights, then I am a proud fool. If I am a fool for seeing no evidence for a god (especially in answering prayers), then I am a damn proud fool!"

Pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins.


And I'm proud to know you, proud to be a part of this group, and proud to be an atheist.

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My reply to that would be, "I'm a proud fool. If I am a fool for understanding science that says the earth is 4.5 billion years, then I am a proud fool. If I am a fool for understanding evolution and seeing that it works, then I am a proud fool. If I am a fool for being pro gay rights, then I am a proud fool. If I am a fool for seeing no evidence for a god (especially in answering prayers), then I am a damn proud fool!"


First off, that's a cool quote!


This whole topic reminds me of the first time I realized the gulf that was growing between me and my family. My aunt was trying to figure out of Methusaleh's age meant that he died in the flood. All I could think was, "You actually believe that happened?!" I couldn't even remember what it felt like to believe that kind of thing.

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There is a tree named Methusaleh that is older than the biblical account of the flood; it's still livin' and kickin', so to speak.

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There is a tree named Methusaleh that is older than the biblical account of the flood; it's still livin' and kickin', so to speak.


Seems pretty ironic that it should have a biblical name...

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