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Goodbye Jesus

Christianity - Lies, Hypocrisy, Filth.


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Here is an awesome little video that asks questions about the hell doctrine v. the

loving,non-judgemental concept conflict that Xians never have answered, or will ever

answer sufficiently.



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Yes. People can pull something out of the Bible that sounds good, but for every good saying of Jesus, for example, I can find 10 more that are much less savory. It is very difficult for me to respect this religion. There are some good people who are Christians, but I say they are good in spite of, not because of the doctrine. Actually, I doubt that the mind of man has conceived anything more fiendish. What good there may be is wrapped up in the most unjust, most mind-enslaving and corrupt system ever concocted. This may sound extreme, but just read some of the Testimonies on this site.

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There are some good people who are Christians, but I say they are good in spite of, not because of the doctrine.



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