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My views on charity's!


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I am pleased to hear that so many are interested in this. I really do want to start a charity organization one day that equals or surpasses that of the "Red Cross," and "Salvation Army." I am still young and learning what I do and do not believe in. Here are some of my main issues.


I donate blood to the Red Cross all the time. So far 33 times which is just over 4 gallons. I wish to encourage this and educate people that it should be an individual responsibility. What the Red Cross does wrong is discriminate against individuals who are gay, or who have merely visited certain countries. With new technologies in advanced computerized testing of blood available now discrimination is stupid. Parents should be encouraged to be role models to their children. Family's should go to blood drives together. I want my charity to become more involved than the Red Cross. I would run an ad campaign criticizing the Red Cross for their discrimination of "Gay Blood." Sort of a Shame on you campaign.


I would also wish to campaign and support those scientists (like my boss,) who are involved in doing stem cell research to include both the scientists and the engineers (like me) who develop the equipment and tools that the scientist need to do their research.


I would also like to create teams of educators who would go to the various countries where starvation is an enormous problem and have them teach community leaders how to farm, breed cattle, etc. (Sending food only helps those in the present, educating community leaders how to provide for themselves creates a cycle of self sustaining substanance. These communities should be rewarded with additional funds when they show community improvements. Inspectors and tests would be used to varify improvements.


Cultural ignorance about organ donation needs to be battled. Special benefits should be given to those who sign up and remain on an organ donor list. Secondly if hospitals can get $100 dollars or more for a couple tylenol pills from insurance, the insurance companies can send a small check to donors family's for saving the life of one of their members.


Another idea I had was to pay for the charity/company it should be supported by members who then become shareholders. A share = x dollars. When ever a decision about something that should be done a vote is made by share holders. Share holders votes are valued based on how many shares they own. Shares can never be sold or transferred, when a share holder dies their shares are split evenly amongst the living share holders based on how many shares each share holder has at that time. Share holders get to decide how funds are spent for various things like research grants, bloods services, organ transplant services, assistance funds, etc. Large share holders could get special voting priveleges, maybe.



The global hate against various religions can be used in campaigning. Ads could be posted worldwide saying the following: "Are you frustrated with the way the X church has been handling their funds? Do you want to join and support an organization where there is no religious affiliation. Are you tired of giving thousands of dollars each year to your church or other support group but not having any say on how the money is used and want to become more involved. Then join "Help without God." (need better more politically affluant name) 80-90% of the money could go where the donor says, 10% goes into the community pot for community vote.


I'd love to hear what you think! Where would I start doing something like this.

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