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Prayer In Schools - Operation Put It Back


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"Because of a Supreme Court’s decision more than 40 years ago, which forbids voluntary prayer in public schools, we have witnessed a myriad of crimes and other violent acts committed by or against our children inside schools across America like we have never seen before"...Read More Here


O.K., this site pisses me off to no end. I could go on forever about the stupidity of associating crime against children with the removal of teacher and student lead prayer in PUBLIC schools....but I digress. Help me enlighten them please their email address is Operationputitback@yahoo.com


Thanks Gang



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I'm pretty confident it will never happen. The problem is it's not just atheists or nonreligious people who don't want prayer in schools. I believe it was Catholics and Jews who originally took the case to the Supreme Court to get prayer removed. Any minority religion has good reason to oppose this.

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...which forbids voluntary prayer in public schools...


This shows you that they do not know the facts. Any student or teacher can voluntarily pray in school any time they want to, it's that the school can not conduct any official prayers. Students can also form religious clubs at their own whim, but no one can force anyone else to participate, especially not the school.

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...which forbids voluntary prayer in public schools...


This shows you that they do not know the facts. Any student or teacher can voluntarily pray in school any time they want to, it's that the school can not conduct any official prayers. Students can also form religious clubs at their own whim, but no one can force anyone else to participate, especially not the school.


My major gripe about this particular web site is the association between a perceived increase in crime against children and the link or causation by way of removal of prayer in school. WTF, it reminds me of the reduction in the number of Pirates world wide and global warming. However, this is no joke.

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