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Goodbye Jesus

Farrel Till


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I found this website yesterday and I'm curious whether anyone knows anything about its main author, J. Farrell Till. http://www.theskepticalreview.com Some of the articles look pretty damn cool, so I'd like to know if he's legit. I'd appreciate any comments. :]

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I found this website yesterday and I'm curious whether anyone knows anything about its main author, J. Farrell Till. http://www.theskepticalreview.com Some of the articles look pretty damn cool, so I'd like to know if he's legit. I'd appreciate any comments. :]

Farrell Till has been around for awhile and is a former Christian preacher that also did missionary work.

You may already have read his "deconversion" story at his site:



He also contributed to the Bible Errancy Google group on a regular basis.

Just about all the major issues were covered in this group and the archives can still be searched and accessed here:



I've always found his articles clear and to the point and over the years he's written a great many of them.

He did an excellent write up on Daniel 9, and took the time to dissect the lengthy rationalization of God's behavior written by apologist Glenn Miller.

I would also recommend his article dealing with the inconsistent stories concerning Paul's conversion activities, as it highlights problems with Luke's version of history vs. that of Paul.


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I've always found his articles clear and to the point and over the years he's written a great many of them.

He did an excellent write up on Daniel 9, and took the time to dissect the lengthy rationalization of God's behavior written by apologist Glenn Miller.

I would also recommend his article dealing with the inconsistent stories concerning Paul's conversion activities, as it highlights problems with Luke's version of history vs. that of Paul.


I tried to read some articles on his site that looked interesting, but there are three obstacles for me.


First, they are long and very detailed, with the meat somwhere in there.

Second, he also includes and refutes Christian Apologists. I can't stand reading Christian Apologists. More power to him.

Third, I did my biblical research years ago, and was satisfied that it was all bunk. To return and pretend that it means something or is important to spend time on is beyond my patience.


Anyway, Tiller is very clear about what the Apologists are doing - redefining words, changing the context, confusing with added bullshit.


Probably a great reference for someone with a biblical quandry who wants to get both sides of the argument - and that's the only way to really do it. Anyone that only listens to one side is half deaf.

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