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Southern Christians Need To Quit Whining


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When I faithfully attended youth group, all I heard was about how hard it is to be a Christian in today's society. All the preachers warn their flock that the leftist media and the liberal judges are out to eat their babies and convert everyone to Buddhism and tear apart the family and blah blah blah...


They talk about how Christians have to be really strong to withstand the temptations our sinful culture is chock full of. You would think True Christians were going extinct by listening to their sermons. Now for the reality:


The county I live in is dry. That means you can't go to the store and buy alcohol. You have to drive to the county line and go to the only liquor store within 50 miles if you want to buy any. There are two private clubs in town where the drinks are pricey and I think they both close around 10:00 pm. It's illegal to smoke in most public places now and my whole college campus is smoke-free. Ok, now that we've covered alcohol and tobacco...


I would guess that there are at least 35 churches for a town of 9,000 people. My campus of app. 3,500 has 4 Christian organizations. 3 of which have their own building, the fourth has an apartment-like space with living room, kitchen and office. Of the 21 college teachers I have had here, I know 16 of them were either sunday school teachers or faithful church attendees.


I'm just not seeing the persecution. I feel very outnumbered, actually.

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As long as there is a sliver of people not in the flock Christians will scream they are being targetted and attacked. Look at Europe when it was pretty much all Catholic...well then, the Jews and "witches" were a mortal threat to Christians and the Catholic church.

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I hear you, decaf.


I'm from a wet county in Texas which, nonetheless, as all kinds of funky rules regarding alcohol. It's nuts. And the church-per-capita ratio you see sounds very familiar.


See...Christians need to believe they're persecuted because the bible tells them that if they're behaving as they should, they will be persecuted. Thus, as with the rest of their beliefs, they begin with this notion and work backwards to find any data which seems to support it and to ignore all data against. This is how you end up with entire regions of the country loaded with flaming fundamentalists who continue to scream about how they're being persecuted because the US isn't yet a theocracy with their minister as the President and their elders running Congress--and even then, they'd find a way to insist they're still being persecuted because See Rule One.


Logic doesn't enter into it.



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I'm just not seeing the persecution. I feel very outnumbered, actually.

That's because Satan has you so deeply in his grip that you simply can't see how much damage your mere presence is doing to those fine, godly people.


Stop breathing their air! Jesus owns that air and has decreed and consecrated it unto His chosen. That's anointed air, and you're stealing it!

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I hear you, decaf.


I'm from a wet county in Texas which, nonetheless, as all kinds of funky rules regarding alcohol. It's nuts. And the church-per-capita ratio you see sounds very familiar.


See...Christians need to believe they're persecuted because the bible tells them that if they're behaving as they should, they will be persecuted. Thus, as with the rest of their beliefs, they begin with this notion and work backwards to find any data which seems to support it and to ignore all data against. This is how you end up with entire regions of the country loaded with flaming fundamentalists who continue to scream about how they're being persecuted because the US isn't yet a theocracy with their minister as the President and their elders running Congress--and even then, they'd find a way to insist they're still being persecuted because See Rule One.


Logic doesn't enter into it.



And don't forget Rule Three: If the Christians succeed in achieving a one-denominational theocracy, they must split amid accusations of heresy. (Bloodshed is optional, but highly encouraged.)


Repeat Rule Three ad infinitum.

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Groups like to feel marginalized and victimized even if they are the majority. Christians would still be crying persecution even if 100% of the world's population were Christian and of the same denomination.

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