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Goodbye Jesus

Ancient Orgin Of Fairy Tales


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Interesting article on how some of the fairy tales of today can trace thier origins back a very long time and similiar stories with similiar themes have appeared all over the world. Now if they would just make the leap and include religion as a fairy tale.....



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Interesting article on how some of the fairy tales of today can trace thier origins back a very long time and similiar stories with similiar themes have appeared all over the world. Now if they would just make the leap and include religion as a fairy tale.....



"... Then, seeing that the people of Hamelin still refused to worship him, the Pied Jesus took out his magic youth ministry (Which had really hip Christian music and fewer than usual pedophiles.) and started playing. All of the children of Hamelin heard the music and their brains drained out of their noses and all thought and personality vanished from their eyes. The children followed the Pied Jesus into a cave, never to be seen again, and there was great weeping and lamentation in the town of Hamelin."

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The story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves is a heavily bowdlerized version of a story from Norse mythology, where the goddess Freyja sleeps with four dwarves in order to gain possession of the Brisingamen necklace.

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where the goddess Freyja sleeps with four dwarves in order to gain possession of the Brisingamen necklace.


I think I saw the movie the other night... :wicked:

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Just to have mentioned it as another wonderful example... What we call Santa today was Odin/Wotan back then before jebus cult came :fdevil:


Oh, and that thing about Hell and the older heathen life-after-death in Hel (except for the chosen warriors who went to Valhalla)... :)

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