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Goodbye Jesus

Skull Rewrites History


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I saw, "One of the skulls discovered in Georgia, which are believed to date back 1.8 million years" captioned under the picture of the skull and thought, "Well, shit! That skull's likely from someone who only died twenty or thirty years ago. Was it found next to some old beer cans?"


Then I realized that the Georgia in question was Russian Georgia, not American Georgia.


Never mind.

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With the discovery of the Homo Floresiensis in Indonesia scientests are starting to gravitate towards humans having several genetic lines with a few that died. One would think the discovery that Neanderthals walked with Homo Sapien and then disappeared would be sufficient evidence to make this a more likely scenario.


Dogmatic scientests still postulated that Homo Floresiensis was merely diseased and actually Homo Sapien. While the jury may still be deliberating that one, I don't know, the idea that Homo Floresiensis isa different strand is perfectly logical.


Pehaps this discovery will be the final straw on the older arguments?


As a former xtian, I like the idea that there are several strands of humans rather than merely one evolutionary path. (my bias) To me it seems like a stronger argument against creation.


I'm sure the apologists will find more weird explanations.



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As a former xtian, I like the idea that there are several strands of humans rather than merely one evolutionary path. (my bias) To me it seems like a stronger argument against creation.


I'm sure the apologists will find more weird explanations.



My ideas are along that line, but I think that there were several "varieties" of humans like there are several varieties of dogs or other species. They could perhaps still mate successfully, but had been isolated long enough to develop some distinctive characteristics. Hence, today we would probably call them different "races."

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