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Goodbye Jesus

Get Out Of My Country!


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Quick rant - How many of you have been involved in some political discussion and someone mentions that if you don't like the way it is in this country that you should just get out? This happens when discussing things like "under God" in the pledge or social problems. It gets me sooooo angry to see it. I just wish I could be face to face with them and I'd slap their arrogant mouth clean off. Today I merely answered a little poll type question: Do you think we are safer since the policies after 9/11 or less safe. I said, "I am more afraid of people within the country than outside". Low and behold someone could not wait to tell me that I should just leave if I feel that way. Excuse me?


I was honestly just referring to the FACT that Americans kill more Americans than foreigners do. I am much more afraid of dying in a car accident than I am in a terrorist attack, but I am a logical person. So I don't think foreign policies do much to really make Americans safer when we are killing each other off left and right. I had no idea I was making a hate speech about America.


Needless to say I set him straight and told him that he could shove his "get out of this country" bit up his ass. How unamerican is it to go around telling people who might disagree with you to leave? I am just so tired of hearing people talk about "real" Americans, "true" patriots. They forget that America is much much more than their tiny world view and thank goodness for that. I love the variety in opinions, lifestyles, beliefs, experiences that all make up America. My blood starts to boil when others want try to define what a "true" American is and is not, almost demanding that those who fail to meet their qualifications to get out.


I may be making too broad a generalization, but in my experience those who spout the true America doctrine are usually rather hardcore Christians. The commenter I referred to certainly is my husband has also been hit with it for wanting to take "under god" out of the pledge. I hope they felt ashamed when they discovered he is in the military and an atheist and yes - he is every much as American as they aree.


I love this country but I am not blind to its faults. Patriotism does not ignore our hurts and it certainly doesn't demand that everyone be the same. The idiocy of the statement "Then you can just leave the country" is one of a few statements someone can make that will truly offend me.

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I left the country. There are a lot of good people in the US. Ignorant blowhards like these are like the asshole on the beach cranking out Phil Collins. The beach is great, most people on the beach are minding their own business, yet that guy makes the beach is intolerable.

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I wouldn't really mind leaving the country, but the audacity to tell me to is just too much. In this particular subject, I wouldn't feel much 'safer' in most other countries. Except New Zealand. I would totally immigrate to New Zealand if it were possible.

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I love this country but I am not blind to its faults. Patriotism does not ignore our hurts and it certainly doesn't demand that everyone be the same. The idiocy of the statement "Then you can just leave the country" is one of a few statements someone can make that will truly offend me.


I know what you means. It's especally ironic when these fault-ignorers automatically drop their "questioning things is unAmerican" the second a president of the opposite political party gets elected and then they start acting like big bad revolutionaries.

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Painting those you disagree with as not true countryman, or implying it with 'like it or leave it', is a typical 'No True Scotsman' fallacy. It attempts to redefine the term 'American' from 'American citizen' to 'American citizen that agrees with me'.


It is also sad that it is used to squash debate in a supposed democracy.


It's the same stupidity that makes people say we were not true Christians.

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I love this country but I am not blind to its faults. Patriotism does not ignore our hurts and it certainly doesn't demand that everyone be the same. The idiocy of the statement "Then you can just leave the country" is one of a few statements someone can make that will truly offend me.

You are so right. I think that is the only way one can really love their country. People are doing a disservice to it to claim that it is perfect and can't be improved.

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Not only is this guy most likely a hardcore Christian but has probably never traveled outside the country.

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The Indians were here first. Christians are intruders, as much as anyone else (except the natives).

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I have to say that I got out as well. While I do love the country and fight for the rights our forefathers gave us and that many of these assholes are trying to take away, there is no way I could ever live there again with the amount of intolerance and the grip that the Christian Right has on the country.


As for your desire to live in New Zealand midnight-mindwanderings, Australia is another great place. I migrated there and got citizenship. Both Au and Nz are about par on safety, but Au is warmer and has better beaches and less small town Christian mentality that I found in Nz. Nz is beautiful tho.


Either way the US has got to change, and I fear that the only way that the true change we need is going to happen is by a revolution, provided the good side wins, and it is sad to say but the bad side has more guns. They are dumber, but way more guns.

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Reminds me of this episode of All in the Family where Mike was disscussing what happened at a protest he was at where a counter protestor said "America: Love it or leave it" and in return one of the people on Mike's side said, "We love it, so why don't YOU leave it."


Shawn Tuesdell: And the other side is also crazier. I have a friend who has even bragged that if he had to power and means to take over the country, "there'd be more blood than Hitler and Stalin combined" when he is in charge. So a revolution would be a real coin toss which scares the hell out of me.

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I love this country but I am not blind to its faults. Patriotism does not ignore our hurts and it certainly doesn't demand that everyone be the same. The idiocy of the statement "Then you can just leave the country" is one of a few statements someone can make that will truly offend me.


Reading that reminds me of the wise words I once read, sadly I don't remember who said them... "Patriotism is loving your own. Nationalism is hating all others."


Seems pretty clear to me what kind of person that one you described is... :Hmm:

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He has continued to leave me comments, all of which are rude and condescending. I think he's still mad from another post I did about why don't Christians give all their money to the poor as Jesus so often commanded. His vain attempts to get the bible to support capitalism were laughable. He now feels the need to enlighten me of all the dangers we have avoided by fighting terrorism and how selfish I am not to see it. I am sure my responses are making me sound immature, but I am pregnant and quick to wrath and what little self control I usually possess is gone in a rage of hormones. Oh well, it feels good to call someone a self righteous prick once and a while.

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It's a cowardly response used only when they know they don't have an argument.

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