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Goodbye Jesus

The Prayer Room


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I'm in College, which is actually more of a skills training center. I was looking for a quiet, isolated place where I could focus on my studies. What I was really after was one of those desks you see at public libraries with a light overhead and a board on either side to provide privacy. No such thing existed in this skills training center when I asked a person at registration, so she suggested, "Why not use the prayer room? Nobody ever uses it anyway."


"No thanks," I said. "I wouldn't want to encourage anyone."




Perhaps I should start something to have the Prayer Room renamed the Quiet Study Room?

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Was there not some kind of library? Even the small community college I go to has a library.

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Sounds like a renaming is in order!

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The library is on the main campus. I'm busy constructing a well-worded letter; in effect pointing out how this excludes, for example, Buddhists and atheists, followed up with a demand for either: a) equal space to those whose religions would have them meditate instead of pray (as meditation and prayer are two completely different things), along with equal space for a third atheistic "Thinking" room, or B) a renaming of the room to something more secular, such as a "Quiet Study" room.


I'll be sure to post my letter here for future reference.

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The library is on the main campus. I'm busy constructing a well-worded letter; in effect pointing out how this excludes, for example, Buddhists and atheists, followed up with a demand for either: a) equal space to those whose religions would have them meditate instead of pray (as meditation and prayer are two completely different things), along with equal space for a third atheistic "Thinking" room, or B) a renaming of the room to something more secular, such as a "Quiet Study" room.


I'll be sure to post my letter here for future reference.

Renaming it might be nice, but unless there are symbols related to some religion, like an upside down cross for Satanism or the Star of David, they could say it is no more than a quiet place by design where people could pray or meditate - including atheists and Buddhists.


Are there such symbols? Is the name of the place written on the outside of it, or is it just a convention that people use to refer to it?


Like, the "bathroom" doesn't necessarily have a bath in it, but we still call it that, even if it is officially the "rest room".


Actually, now that I think about it, instead of "Quiet Study Room" perhaps you could ask them to rename it to the "Rest Room" - a place for people to rest.

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Renaming it might be nice, but unless there are symbols related to some religion, like an upside down cross for Satanism or the Star of David, they could say it is no more than a quiet place by design where people could pray or meditate - including atheists and Buddhists.


The definition for prayer is as follows:


1. a devout petition to God or an object of worship.

2. a spiritual communion with God or an object of worship, as in supplication, thanksgiving, adoration, or confession.

3. the act or practice of praying to God or an object of worship.

4. a formula or sequence of words used in or appointed for praying: the Lord's Prayer.


Thus, by its very definition, the name "Prayer room" implies that those who do not practice in prayer are excluded from using it. Even if they are not expressly excluded, the name of such a room gives one the impression that's what it is meant for, and has no place in a secular institution.

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I agree that by using the name "prayer room" they are excluding people who don't "pray." I think a "Quiet Room" or even something fun like "The Sanctuary" would be less exclusive.

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It's a well known fact prayer rooms are not actually used for praying, but silent masturbation by heavily repressed religious sex addicts. Just my 2 railroad flattened cents.

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