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Reality Vs The Gaussian Curve

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Mindless ramblings for consideration.....not much.


I was thinking of how my own view of reality vs. time would be represented like the normal distribution curve. The intensity of the reality is represented as the top of the curve and the past and future fade towards outliers in my memory.


The question, if you can imagine what the heck I am trying to describe, how are the two related?


For example, the x axis would be time or the distribution of the measurement.


The y axis being intensity of reality or the mean.


So, strike the question, I guess what I am trying to describe is mean reality?


The question now, what is the test?


Please submit questions for the mean reality survey if you would like.....thanks.

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I tend to believe that time is an illusion. The present moment is all that is real. Past and future are fictitious projections caused by the way our awareness interacts with the physical world.

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Time and reality are illusory, and even in that context, relative.


So it would look like a donut fish bicycle.


Or not.

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Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's pretend it has meaning. After all, we have books that represent relative and illusory, past, present and speculative future.


I want questions to include in a test. :HaHa:


Edit: I looked up donut fish bicycle thinking it might be something I missed in Seuss. :Doh:

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What are you testing? Individual perceptions? Bell curves? The relationship of time to chip consumption during the Super Bowl?


I'm not real clear on the concept.

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What are you testing? Individual perceptions? Bell curves? The relationship of time to chip consumption during the Super Bowl?


I'm not real clear on the concept.


That's a damn good question. The concept is new to me as of last night, so it is sliding down the back side of the mean as we speak.


Perhaps the loss of details in our memory vs time.

Perhaps the values that remain.

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Does this help?




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Conscious memory is obvious. It's the vividity of certain experiences that occured in the past.


Body memory is the automatic stuff, like familiar tastes or movements maybe?


I don't know if that helps at all.



Memory is really strange, and it was partially through reading a book on the neurosciences that I really became convinced that memory and "soul" = mind = brain.


Certain diseases cause loss of memory, long term, short term or both. Tumors, Werneky's encephalopathy, Korsakov's encephalopathy, strokes, surgery and many, many other processes that affect specific areas of the brain affect what and how we remember.


Some diseases even affect our ability to remember anything at all, like Alzheimer's disease, Pick's disease and other dementias.


So when trying to figure out how our memories affect us, and their intensity, "keep in mind" those that are not fortunate to remember things long enough to make use of them.


Has anyone seen the movie "50 First Dates"?

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I was thinking of how my own view of reality vs. time would be represented like the normal distribution curve. The intensity of the reality is represented as the top of the curve and the past and future fade towards outliers in my memory.


The question, if you can imagine what the heck I am trying to describe, how are the two related?


For example, the x axis would be time or the distribution of the measurement.


The y axis being intensity of reality or the mean.


I'm going to ramble back at you, more responding to your concept.


You speak first of "the intensity of reality" and later of "memory". I think conscious memory is just one indicator of "intensity". There is also body memory, and experience in the moment. Maybe others.


Conscious memory is obvious. It's the vividity of certain experiences that occured in the past.


Body memory is the automatic stuff, like familiar tastes or movements maybe?


The one I like to think about is intensity in the moment. When I was really little, the whole world was crazy vibrant with color. I think I remember everything being a lot more insense. It could have just been that it was the 1970s, but somewhere in high school I realized the world wasn't as vibrant as it used to be. I decided my eyes were weakening.


Also, with taste. Little kids need mild tastes, I think because their taste buds are so new and everything is sooooo intense! So, in the moment, as children, many experiences are extremely intense at a micro-level they aren't for us as adults, and that is "reality". As adults, we become desensitized to this sort of thing. We need more sauce, more salt, more spice. But often our ideas become more intense...abstract thought (Not always, though...not everyone nurtures that stuff).


I don't know if that helps at all.




Believe it or not, I think that is a pretty good assessment......I think today's bell curve for me is really more the shape of a spike, not much lasting intensity give or take a few minutes. The apathy sometimes is overwhelming.

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Memory, as well as what we call reality, boil down to neurons firing in the brain. Nothing more. The dream generated entirely in your noodle seems perfectly "real" at the time it's experienced. Memories can elict responses from the body, again all neurons firing. No mystery.

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Like a highlight reel in a sporting event, I'm just now going over the highlights of my day; what stands out vividly still in memory, and what seems vague.


Just off the bat....OK, I had to meet a friend at the mall this afternoon. I really remember driving in and looking for his car as I knew I was late and he was pressed for time. I can still vividly see in my mind's eye his car off to the side in the less crowded part of the lot. For a moment, just for a moment, I can remember the smell of his wife's perfume. Everything else about it is nominal or vague.


I mowed the lawn this morning, but all I remember (lucidly) about that is when I ran into a spider-web near the hedge. As a matter of fact, I can't even remember now whether I did the little section near the bottom of the driveway.


I don't remember anything at all about coming home and booting up my computer and feeding the "fur god". Just "file" images, there. I do recall the nice sunset tonight, though...perhaps the nicest image of the day... a few minutes of fiery orange while I swept the front porch.


Moments of stress and pleasure, perhaps even aesthetics, are what seem to leave the most highlight reels. By next week of course, I won't remember any of this. The file tapes will have been archived.

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Has anyone seen the movie "50 First Dates"?

I did. I also recommend Memento.

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