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Goodbye Jesus

E-Mail From Co-Worker


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Well, this hasn't happened in a while but yesterday I received one of those emails. You know, the jesus chain letters. It was titled "Untimely Death" and basically spoke about people like Lennon who said the Beatles were better than Jesus --- shot 6 times. Then it went on about other celebrities and random people who said something against jesus and how the spontaneously bled to death out of their anus or whatever. Now, I've matured a lot over the last 6 years I've been coming to this form and don't get all emotional or really care about these trivial things. It's an email and it's stupid and whatever. But something just annoyed me about it yesterday and it was sent to about 12 people (the end of the email said something like send to 12 people or Satan will rape your family, not really but ya know) and it was through the work email. Government email, I'm in the Air Force. I just got pissed off for some reason and wrote back (reply ALL): "Millions of devout Christians have died from horrible deaths over the years. I wonder why this email didn't mention that. Oh yeah, probably because it was God's will." It was a spur of the moment thing and it was the end of the day. I wonder what will be in my inbox today....

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That was a frigging good answer. Short, to the point, and comprehensive. Very military-ish. :grin:

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Still may be worth bringing it up to your network admin - they may be a bit more forgiving if you apologize and bring it to their attention rather than pretend it didn't happen.


I get a lot of those emails from my MIL - most of the time I just delete them without opening, since they tend to annoy me. I've been tempted to ask her not to send me all the forwards, but I had done that with my work email (when I was still in the military) and she sent them all anyways (claimed she couldn't figure out how to remove my addy from her addy book). I ended up having to block her email from work. She is technologically challenged, but obviously we've figured out how to hit forward!

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I get those every now and then. I just ignore and delete them.

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I would have advised contacting the administrator, if you hadn't fed into the spam, especially with the "reply all".


Just going to the admin without replying, or sending a request to the original sender not to send mass e-mail unrelated to work and cc the admin would have been my advice, but now you've become a part of the spam problem.




I know and you're right, that's why I didn't contact the admin. The fellow who forwarded it to me is actually kind of a friend of mine. I just told him to not send me that stupid shit anymore.

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I just got that same email yesterday. I read the first little bit but deleted it instead of finishing or replying. That shit is pretty damn annoying, but thankfully I don't get as much of it as I used to.

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Forward a copy to the systems admin. I doubt they will look kindly on their email servers being used for spam.


As the keeper of the Internet mail system at work I concur.


Usually it's one of my users coming to me to make this shit stop. I've actually blacklisted a couple of church mail servers (yeah, they were big enough to have their own) due to this type of spamming.


No call for this type of crap on corporate email systems.

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