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What's The Deal With Christians That Are Like This?


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What's the deal with Christians like THIS?


Apparently, this guy had an OBE with God as a child. He witnessed an entire prison cell full of prisoners come to God, all at once. God gave him prophecies that supposedly came true and a sign that evolution is a lie. And, he prayed for God to destroy a wicked town and hours later, God did. All of this and yet he claims that he fell away from the Lord for awhile but is back in full force.


I don't know why, but Christians like this vex me. Because when it comes to what they are saying, there is really only three possibilities. 1.) They are telling the whole truth. 2.) They are partially telling the truth, but fabricating a lot of it and leaving certain things out. 3.) They are completely lying.


I still just don't get what would bring a person to #2 and #3. Maybe I don't understand human psychology and likely, I have not read up enough on critical thinking. But it vexes me. Either all of this happened, or this person is purposely lying online (on baseball forums...what?) to get followers. The Bible is clearly against lying and fabricating truths, so then what's up with these people? Are there really Christians out there who are just completely off the deep end, maybe they even believe the lies that they tell?


I guess that's the only explanation I can think of. Maybe someone around here can give me a better view into the human psych so all of this doesn't bother me. I noticed that even other Christians were rolling their eyes at this guy on the message board, but I can't shake it off that easy.


Check it out a little bit and let me know what you think. If applicable, tell me if you have had experiences with these type of Christians and if any of their claims held water under scrutiny. Thanks!


[Yes, I know. This sounds like yet another one of my 'Christian in disguise, trying to convince the atheists' post. Such is not the truth. If all critical thinking people like you became Christians, I think I'd end up going insane. :P I'm just looking for some perspective.]

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What's the deal with Christians like THIS?


Apparently, this guy had an OBE with God as a child. He witnessed an entire prison cell full of prisoners come to God, all at once. God gave him prophecies that supposedly came true and a sign that evolution is a lie. And, he prayed for God to destroy a wicked town and hours later, God did. All of this and yet he claims that he fell away from the Lord for awhile but is back in full force.



Check it out a little bit and let me know what you think. If applicable, tell me if you have had experiences with these type of Christians and if any of their claims held water under scrutiny. Thanks!


[Yes, I know. This sounds like yet another one of my 'Christian in disguise, trying to convince the atheists' post. Such is not the truth. If all critical thinking people like you became Christians, I think I'd end up going insane. :P I'm just looking for some perspective.]

From the article:


"Hey, check out my EXCITING testimonials!!!!! When I was young, I had an out of body experience and met THE LORD!!!!!!! I was just a little boy, and you can read about it right here in this AMAZING thread!!!"


Lots of exclamation marks. The guy may really be telling the "truth" as he remembers it. I thought I had gone to heaven as a little boy too. It was "soft and fluffy-like".


For those who happen to have the Lord tell them what to believe, it always coincides with what they want to believe, and/or what they have been told to believe. Some lie, and it's called "pious fraud." The thinking is like Paul when he wrote about lying for the lord. Anything to further the faith.


It's why some have created artifacts and documents to support the faith (when the document otherwise would have detracted from the faith), and it is motivated by what they see as sincerity. I think they may even come to believe their own lies.


Deal with them? Walk the other way.

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I smell cow flop.

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What's the deal with Christians like THIS?

Well I just don't know. Maybe hookworms.


Are there really Christians out there who are just completely off the deep end, maybe they even believe the lies that they tell?


You are a bit of a young'n aren't you?


People believe lies all the time. If they didn't there wouldn't be any lies. I'm sure I'm believing a half a dozen or so myself even as I type. Worry about getting the lies out of your own eyes before you worry about the fib in your brother's eyes.

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I once saw a car driving down the street melt into a puddle and flow into the drain.


I also once saw the Michelob Tire guy (Bibendum) jump off the back of a truck on the freeway and run off down the road doing about 70.


Wanna buy a t-shirt?

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For food for thought from psychology, try googling Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Delusional Disorder, Grandiose Type


* Reacts to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation

* Takes advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals

* Has feelings of self-importance

* Exaggerates achievements and talents

* Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love

* Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment

* Requires constant attention and admiration

* Disregards the feelings of others, lacks empathy

* Has obsessive self-interest

* Pursues mainly selfish goals



You just described my cat.

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This guy is some kind of total loser who lives in a fantasy world and obsesses about being special and having special powers. He wants attention and recognition, and when he gets scorned instead, he uses it to feed his delusion (being martyred confirms his specialness). I don't know whether he believes his crap, or whether, like a fatherless kid who pretends his Dad is a fabulously wealthy international spy, he is conscious of making it all up. Either way, practice rolling your eyes and moving on, or, in person, imitate this emoticon: :Wendywhatever: .


For food for thought from psychology, try googling Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Delusional Disorder, Grandiose Type


From https://www.google.com/health/ref/Narcissistic+personality+disorder

<quote>Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition in which there is an inflated sense of self-importance and an extreme preoccupation with one's self. Symptoms:

* Reacts to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation

* Takes advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals

* Has feelings of self-importance

* Exaggerates achievements and talents

* Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love

* Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment

* Requires constant attention and admiration

* Disregards the feelings of others, lacks empathy

* Has obsessive self-interest

* Pursues mainly selfish goals</quote>


From http://www.webmd.com/schizophrenia/guide/delusional-disorder


<quote>The main feature of this disorder is the presence of delusions, which are unshakable beliefs in something untrue. People with delusional disorder experience non-bizarre delusions, which involve situations that could occur in real life, such as being followed, poisoned, deceived, conspired against, or loved from a distance. These delusions usually involve the misinterpretation of perceptions or experiences. In reality, however, the situations are either not true at all or highly exaggerated.


People with delusional disorder often can continue to socialize and function normally, apart from the subject of their delusion, and generally do not behave in an obviously odd or bizarre manner. This is unlike people with other psychotic disorders, who also might have delusions as a symptom of their disorder. In some cases, however, people with delusional disorder might become so preoccupied with their delusions that their lives are disrupted.Grandiose: A person with this type of delusional disorder has an over-inflated sense of worth, power, knowledge, or identity. The person might believe he or she has a great talent or has made an important discovery...


Grandiose: A person with this type of delusional disorder has an over-inflated sense of worth, power, knowledge, or identity. The person might believe he or she has a great talent or has made an important discovery.</quote>


Thanks, I will read more on all of that!

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It's still hard for me to think "well, they're just making it up" when someone so zealously makes all of these miraculous claims. A part of me always wonders, "why would they make it all up? What if it actually happened?" You really think this guy is just full of beans?


The idea of him praying and God destroying a whole town seems the most far-fetched. Could it have just been a coincidence or do you think it's a flat out lie? Or, is it a fabrication? Like, he saw on the news that a tornado was going to touch down in a small town and he felt the presence of God tell him that the town was evil, so he prayed that God destroy it? And do you think his story about the all of the prisoners coming to Christ at once is true, a fabrication or just an all out lie? I know it's possible for a lot of "down on their luck" people to come to God at once. That Pentecostal stuff can really hypnotize a person and effect them, emotionally (I should know, when I converted to Christianity, it was in a Pentecostal Church; of course, I'm since deconverted).


How do all of you think these stories formed in this person's mind?

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It's still hard for me to think "well, they're just making it up" when someone so zealously makes all of these miraculous claims. A part of me always wonders, "why would they make it all up? What if it actually happened?" You really think this guy is just full of beans?


The idea of him praying and God destroying a whole town seems the most far-fetched. Could it have just been a coincidence or do you think it's a flat out lie? Or, is it a fabrication? Like, he saw on the news that a tornado was going to touch down in a small town and he felt the presence of God tell him that the town was evil, so he prayed that God destroy it? And do you think his story about the all of the prisoners coming to Christ at once is true, a fabrication or just an all out lie? I know it's possible for a lot of "down on their luck" people to come to God at once. That Pentecostal stuff can really hypnotize a person and effect them, emotionally (I should know, when I converted to Christianity, it was in a Pentecostal Church; of course, I'm since deconverted).


How do all of you think these stories formed in this person's mind?



I don't find it all that hard to believe. These idiots have faith and it fucks up their head. They believe just about anything provided it fits their idea of what belongs in their faith. My idiot sister honestly believes that God has been kind to her and has looked after the health of her and her kids. They are the sickliest bunch I have ever seen. Not a week goes by that her, her husband or one of her kids isn't sick beyond belief. But you could never convince her that God doesn't look out for their health.


They believe because they want to believe. I have memories of things from when I was a kid that I know now as an adult never happened. They were either vivid dreams or the product of a typical child's over active imagination. That is just the way it is. As we grow older some of us learn to set these things aside, while others choose to preach about them. Pure rubbish.

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Shawn while reading this last post of yours I started laughing and I can’t seem to stop.

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I once had an experience where I woke up and I felt paralyzed. It felt like an 800lb gorilla was sitting on me and I couldn't move. It was terrifying. I told my Dr. friend about it a week later and she explained to me that it's normal. Your brain put's you into a paralyzed state so that you don’t hurt yourself when you dream. Every once in a while people actually awaken between states and it’s a very frightening experience.


This was a normal event that is perfectly explainable without the need for demons, ghosts or any other mythological explanation. I’ve even heard a person claiming UFO abduction from their bedroom in the same state. Usually people return to sleep within a few minutes and dream some fantastic dream about an encounter. I did that night. I dreamed that I was being held down on my bed by a ghost.


Today’s media would have run the headline “Man Assaulted by Ghostly Spirit”. They would actually run that story as if it were real. They would not explain the phenomena I described to you above. People are predisposed to look for the fantastic before a logical explanation. Mankind is looking for any evidence that there is life after death and that, ultimately, is what causes this type of reaction.

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I once knew a knew I guy who whenever he came to a church meeting would always come with a fanciful story. Basically whatever he told you even odds he was lying. This didn't seem to be related to him being a Christian however, it just was that he was a compulsive liar. I guess the point here is that even if it seems like somebody has nothing to gain by lying they may simply lie because they enjoy it.

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I once saw a car driving down the street melt into a puddle and flow into the drain.


I also once saw the Michelob Tire guy (Bibendum) jump off the back of a truck on the freeway and run off down the road doing about 70.


Wanna buy a t-shirt?


Hell I've got this beat. On LSD I once saw a convenience store get up on pig's feet and run away. That same night I drove my car into outer space and had a hell of a time getting back to earth.

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I once saw a car driving down the street melt into a puddle and flow into the drain.


I also once saw the Michelob Tire guy (Bibendum) jump off the back of a truck on the freeway and run off down the road doing about 70.


Wanna buy a t-shirt?


Hell I've got this beat. On LSD I once saw a convenience store get up on pig's feet and run away. That same night I drove my car into outer space and had a hell of a time getting back to earth.



Been there with you chef....I saw a keg of beer get up and leave the room. It looked right at me and said, "Gotta take a pee. Hold my spot". To this day it's as vivid as it was 20 years ago.


Moral of the story kids...don't do drugs.......................alone. :HaHa:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Apparently, this guy had an OBE with God as a child. He witnessed an entire prison cell full of prisoners come to God, all at once. God gave him prophecies that supposedly came true and a sign that evolution is a lie. And, he prayed for God to destroy a wicked town and hours later, God did. All of this and yet he claims that he fell away from the Lord for awhile but is back in full force.


Let's think about this. If this guy really had all these experiences, then how could he ever have fallen away?


This smells of nothing but a big, fat lie designed to impress people with (1) God working in his life and (2) having experienced the other side (disbelief).


I'm not buying it....

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