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Goodbye Jesus

10 Reasons You Should Never Have A Religion


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So, I'm not sure I have this in the right section of the forum, but I recently found this article on Steve Pavlina's website. I don't agree with everything the guy says on his site, and I dislike the condescending tone he tends to take on, but it's an interesting read nonetheless. I particularly like the quote, "Religion is the off-switch of the human mind". So, I was just wondering what you guys have to say about it?

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Good list; except for number 6. I suppose it does ring true in some parts of the world and for some specific cults, but for mainstream Xianity? Not really.


I just read the titles and/or got the gist through the first paragraph, but I'm not in the mood to read all of that.

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Good list; except for number 6. I suppose it does ring true in some parts of the world and for some specific cults, but for mainstream Xianity? Not really.


I just read the titles and/or got the gist through the first paragraph, but I'm not in the mood to read all of that.

I thought 6 fell in quite nicely with Christianity.


Religions frequently promote inbred social networks. You’re encouraged to spend more time with people who share the same belief system while disengaging from those with incompatible beliefs. Sometimes this is done subtly; other times it’s more obvious.


I take it to mean that religious people don't usually associate with other non-religious people, and they are encouraged not to spend time with people outside of the faith. It's quite biblical. Maybe that's not your experience.


The article in general seemed a bit strident to me. Too self-possessed, overconfident, arrogant.


But the content of the article was good aside from the presentation. I couldn't really find anything that, upon close inspection, wasn't mostly on-target.

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It seems very overwrought and extremist. I don't agree that there is nothing worthwhile in any organized religion. That is a very broad generalization. I notice that not much is said about Buddhism and many other religions. There is a tremendous amount of variety out there.


Many people find inspiration for living in a difficult world through religion. Not all religious people are intolerant or hopelessly ignorant. Sorry, just can't agree.

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I feel a bit guilty for agreeing with this since I really don't want to be intolerant or extreme but I do tend to agree.


For reasonably intelligent people who aren’t suffering from major issues with low self-esteem, religion is ridiculously consciousness-lowering. While some religious beliefs can be empowering, on the whole the decision to formally participate in a religion will merely burden your mind with a hefty load of false notions.


When you subscribe to a religion, you substitute nebulous group-think for focused, independent thought. Instead of learning to discern truth on your own, you’re told what to believe. This doesn’t accelerate your spiritual growth; on the contrary it puts the brakes on your continued conscious development. Religion is the off-switch of the human mind.


For the record, I don't see members like DevaLight, et al falling into these traps, they seem more thoughtful than this. So perhaps this is just my own confirmation bias :shrug:

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Have skimmed it up to item 6. As I see it, it holds true for morontheism perfectly... for "mainstream organized religion" maybe some 50 %, give a little, take a little... and it's a very wild (and wildly inaccurate) guess regarding those heathen religions I know from personal experience (meaning my own Asatru faith, Celtic faith as my wife sees it, and what little I've seen of how Wiccans over here behave). :shrug:

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you substitute nebulous group-think for focused, independent thought.



Have to lean a bit with Vigile on this one. I've even noticed sometimes with even Buddhist-type friends, or even "progressive New Agey" type friends, this slipping into "group think" and generalized ideas that are OK and everything, but if I bring up an independent rational point, it's like......I just don't understand aspects about their "higher plane of consciousness" or something...... there's still that kind of dazed look that unfortunately is often a bunch of nice-sounding rhetoric.


Give me active examples, not "we think it would all work out"..... I dunno.

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He has a lot of good reasons. But there are so many more and some better reasons I think. Of course when you limit yourself to 10 you can't get them all so I can't really fault him too hard for that.

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In general I would agree with him, but he paints with a very broad brush, and comes across as the be all and end all to free thought...which none of us could ever claim.


I think a less arrogant, and more eloquent version of the same would be a bit more accurate.

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