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Goodbye Jesus

Historical Texts


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Considering that the vast majority of Christians use the Bible in some way or another as a literal text, then it should be able to stand up in comparison to other historical text.


The problem obviously is it doesn't.


1. Most historical texts, even ancient ones written before the Bible have distinct dates and information to place the time of events. The Bible has little to no proper chronological listings. In fact, it is still widely debated as to the proper order of the books chronologically.


2. Most historical texts will give distinct landmarks, topographical indicators, or other geographical markers to place them. The Bible is notorious for having numerous geographical errors.


Here's a references dealing with ones in the New Testament: http://www.bismikaallahuma.org/Bible/Contr...l/geo-error.htm


(these references are ones that I just casually dug up. There are many more that I can provide if you want me to.)


3. A historical text has to be historically accurate, and there are also numerous examples of how the Bible is historically fallible. Here's a couple references talking about it:



4. Beyond this, there are numerous examples of sociological errors, such as the depiction of Pontius Pilate and the Roman system of government & law in relation to the Jews, that show the Bible as being inaccurate in its depictions.


5. Finally, the vast and practically all-encompassing examples of how just about every story in the Bible has been plagurized from a mythology or religion other than Christianity. Most notably the book "The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold" By: Acharya S, which in detail shows all of the mythological sources for Biblical stories.


This contention could be seen as simplistic I suppose, but it is valid in that if you are planning on holding up a reference as historically valid, then it should stand up to the standards for other historical references. And the Bible does not.

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