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Goodbye Jesus

The Stupid! It Burns!


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It's not a religion, it's a relationship.

God said it, I believe it, that settles it.

Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven.

Jesus is the reason for the season.


Four of the best - or should I say worst? - lines EVER. My sister loves the one about not having a "religion" but a "relationship". Stupid.

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Ooh, I have another one: when a believer thinks the quote "The Devil can cite Scripture for his purpose" is actually in the Bible.


It's not - it's from Shakespeare:


ANTONIO: Mark you this, Bassanio,

The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.

An evil soul producing holy witness

Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,

A goodly apple rotten at the heart:

O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!


Merchant O'Venice, that. Act I, Scene iii.


Sounds like it describes some godly people many of us have known, don't it.


I don't think this one is actually fair. The actual source for this concept is Satan's temptation of Jesus in the wilderness, in which he quoted scripture.

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Ooh, I have another one: when a believer thinks the quote "The Devil can cite Scripture for his purpose" is actually in the Bible.


It's not - it's from Shakespeare:


ANTONIO: Mark you this, Bassanio,

The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.

An evil soul producing holy witness

Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,

A goodly apple rotten at the heart:

O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!


Merchant O'Venice, that. Act I, Scene iii.


Sounds like it describes some godly people many of us have known, don't it.


I don't think this one is actually fair. The actual source for this concept is Satan's temptation of Jesus in the wilderness, in which he quoted scripture.


It's still stupid because the babble is stupid and the notion of Satan is stupid.

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The stupid more than burns, it's like a nuclear warhead going off.


I seriously want to cry after reading the first post.

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Guest ephymeris

I was watching discovery channel with my mom one time and an advertisement came on for a program about dinosaurs and fossils. My mom actually said "And just how do they know what dinosaurs looked like? I mean, the fossil records are't even right. The earth is only 6000 years old." I was flabbergasted o_O

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As before, my notes in []


[More 'fun' from Youtube, in video form because it's related to the comments. The stupid is beyond belief. Youtube is a good place to find Christian stupidity.


Note the signs she's holding when she starts ranting about his language.]




[Wait till the end for the stupid rant on this next one:]



[Related comments:]





Preaching God's judgement of sin is NOT hate.





The get their definition of sin from the Bible. And, they are doing that quite accurately. The Bible describes all sin as leading to destruction, so its not just a matter of belief but actual fact.  Sin kills. It is love to warn people that their actions are leading them toward death an away from God's love.





Malachi 2:16 - "I hate divorce," says the LORD God of Israel, "and I hate a man's covering himself with violence as well as with his garment," says the LORD Almighty. So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith.





i love a person no matter who they are but gays how do you explain sodom and gamora its in the bible





Gay pride = Sin pride


Welcome to Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0



[A true gem. A polished turd of the shiniest magnitude. Warning, it's reeeaaaally stupid. WARNING 2.0!!! This is quite long and gets really nasty. It becomes extremely vile and insipid stupidity of the worst kind. Sensitive types may want to skip a bit, as it gets progressively worse and more bone headed. The bigotry and hatred is simply astounding, -and- it's really stupid.


Just skip down to the next post to avoid it if you think your eyes might bleed after getting a little ways in.]]




You have none of that freedom though because your church is false. It is precepts of man, mingled with scripture. You profess to believe the scriptures but deny God. If you want to know the truth to my words ask God. Why do you refuse to turn to God for the truth? The scriptures won't help you if you deny the power of God they speak of. If you want to know the truth. Ask God. He DOES answer prayers. Yes immediately and definitely. Listen to what I say, then ask God if it is right.





How exactly do you think that applies to me? You don't follow Christ. You worship the bible and completely deny the true spirit of God. Why are you so offended that I state what I believe? It is because you can feel the power of the spirit behind it. That spirit and truth is what is offending you. Be humble and seek the truth if you really care about it. I know what I know, I know what you believe and where you are empty and don't really know. The difference is the confidence of the spirit





Evil thoughts like those are put in your head by satan. I certainly wasn't thinking of burrying people's children. The reason you are so hateful and contentious is because they are basically right. Satan knows it and prompts his followers to incredible levels of hate and contention. Stoning them, threatening to stab them in the face and all the other henious evil just shows how correct the intent of their message is. Killing their children is not a good thought. Repent immediately!!





The reason I can discern is because I have the gift of the spirit given from God. I know for a fact your church doesn't follow God because God told me so. That's how I KNOW the truth and those that follow you can only "believe". There is a big difference between KNOWING and just believing. We are commanded to judge, you keep messing up that scripture and confusing it with judging based on how much money people have and the color of their skin. Yes my word holds up, ASK GOD. Sincerely.





It will be much easier to ban me than to argue with the spirit of God. You won't find a single thing wrong with what I'm saying. Because it isn't wrong. You look for scriptures but won't find any unless you missinterpret their meaning. What I'm telling you should be good news to you. That feeling of missing something is there for a reason. I know the answer and can help you get it directly from God. You don't have to believe a word I say. I can help you get the answers directly from God.





Look how many seriously sick people there are. The WBC are right, we are doomed. The USA was founded as a Christian nation. It will not stand and an anti-Christ nation. Only following the commandments will protect us. There is no possible way to defend against terrorism or any serious attacks. Only following the commandments and seeking God's help will keep this country safe. satanists like those who suggest shooting people for their beliefs need to repent immediately. So sad, so blind.





Why focus on what they are doing wrong instead of the basic intent and reality of the message as a whole? What they are trying to say is pretty much true. How they are saying it has some issues but the basic message is true. Thank you WBC for trying to get accross just how bad of a situation Amerika is in.





Yes that's exactly what satan wants you to do and feel. Interesting how all their opposition worships satan...





It really doesn't matter who they are and what they have done in the past. The WBC is pretty close to right. Their church isn't the one true church of Jesus Christ and so like the Catholic church it is the great and abominable church of the devil, the whore of all the earth, but I applaud their efforts to speak out against fags and porn and other heniously evil things. Well done WBC. Just like other catholics I know to attack those that try to help them.





The scripture is right but you are off. Stop following the "word" as in the Bible. Start following God. The Bible is useless without the spirit of God to interpret it. Look how many false churches all profess to believe in the Bible. They claim to follow the word and totally deny the spirit of God. The true church is all about following God.  The Bible is a sales guide to get you there. Just don't worship the guide. God is real, you don't need to worship the "word" or the "good book".





You claim to follow God but totally deny the power of God. I know where you are coming from. I know your level of spirituality. We are commanded to judge based on that and not on skin color or how much money a person has. Yes that is in the scriptures which you worship. Now you need to take the next step and start to follow God as you are very sidetracked following his word while denying his power and authority. There is so much more you haven't experienced. Seek and ye shall indeed find




Way to go WBC! Thanks for getting people talking about right and wrong. There are so many horribly evil people in the world it is about time somebody really got people talking. Just look at the comments from your opposition.  Their hate and contention just proves they do indeed worship satan. God doesn't hate people though, he just hates the sin. I know you are probably just using it to catch attention though so I'll accept their is some form of truth to it.





Freedom? What freedom did they give us? The freedom to pay 75% of what we made in taxes? The freedom to sue someone for their opinion and get a judgment for 10.9 million? The freedom to get harrassed & bagered by police? The freedom to have your right to defend yourself taken away? What freedom? Perhaps you mean our freedom to pay $5 a gallon for foreign oil because we have no freedom to use the unlimited supply right here in the US? How about the freedom to be a fag in school but ban God?? Yea!





No need to go to Mozambique, just stay here for a bit longer and it will come to you. America needs to repent immediately and follow the commandments or it will be destroyed. The WBC is at least getting a decently correct message out. Yes I sure appreicate this country where an employee can flat out lie, claim discrimination and cost their employer $477,000. Liberty is dead because property is NOT secure. The constitution is now toilet paper.





More total fraud. If they hated people it would be completely pointless to spread a message of any sort to help them. You seem to be the one full of hate and contention. Who cares if they hold their signs? A prophet said "he who gets offended when no offence was intended is a fool; and he who takes offence when offence was intented is most likely a fool" Fags are fags, the US is filled with henious evil. Executing children and suggesting abortion is ok is freaking evil.





Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. How many of the 10 commandments are you going to break??? Where do you get off attacking their faith from a supposedly Christian viewpoint while breaking many of the big 10?? Yes it is plain to see the opposition to the WBC worship satan and DON'T follow God.




And the liar shall be thrust down to hell. Why do you lie like that? What is the point of telling people they are doomed if they have no hope?? Wouldn't that be a total waste of time? You make no sense at all. You seem totally illogical. Their message is one of love, repentance and follow the commandments. That's why they are out there. They want people to take notice and to repent and stop being faggots and satan worshipers. Great message WBC.





Excellent work WBC! Strange that those calling themselves Christians would be arguing with a simple message instead of appreciating the effort. Yes obviously there is major abomination in the USA. Yes fags need to repent. Yes people thinking this is a free country are clueless. 10.9 million reasons why freedom doesn't exsist. Keep up the great work. The lawsuit against you was a henious abomination and all involved will pay the price for attacking your right to free speach. Go WBC!





"A Few Good Men" The reality is WHAT FREAKING FREEDOM??? The WBC is out there trying to help people and they get suied for 10.9 million??? Where is the dang feedom?? How clueless can people be??? Some lady sues McDonalds when she spills her hot coffee and gets million. Where is the freedom??? If you fight for America you don't fight for freedom, you fight to give more power to the heniously evil socialists in charge that take more and more of your freedom from you every single day. Wake up!!





Yes exactly, those that see their brothers and sisters parading around as faggots should get out there and try to help them know how badly they need to repent. The WBC is being a great example for effort. What are you doing to try to help people not go to hell? If you truely have love you will be speaking up for the truth and trying to warn people too.





Yes it is love, they believe what they say. Neither yours nor their Church has the full truth. People shouldn't get their shorts in such a bind because of what others believe and speak out for. I am all for their right to free speech. All those involved in the 10.9 million judgement should be prosecuted for their total fraud against the constitution. Honorable military personal would stand up for them as they are sworn to protect our rights from all enemies, foreign and domestic.





Neither of you attent a true Church. It makes no sense to argue points with each other. If you don't like their message you don't have to listen to it. They have a right and moral obligation to share it with you according to what they believe. I don't believe in their church, but their message is much better than what you find at some fag pride parade.





Who cares is the answer. So they condemn you. Waaa waaa waaa. Repent and follow the commandments is the message and that is a good message for everyone including Christians.





Sorry, you can't be a fag and a Christian at the same time. You either serve God or you serve satan. Man cannot serve 2 masters. You also don't understand the scripture about not judging. Read the scripture where we are commanded to judge people by their level of spirituality and not by the color of their skin, or how much money they have or who their parents are. All Christians love the WBC. They might not agree with their method but they still love them.





And your point is? Living as a fag is wrong no matter how you look at it. Everyone is our brother and sister. That's why we don't want them going to hell because they chose to live as a faggot. Thank you WBC for not sugar coating it and just telling it like it is. Those full of hate & contention are the heniously evil ones. The truth is the truth.





You haven't made a point to refute. No there are not any fags that "love" the lord. That is just silly. They may pretend they do but if you are living in abomination you certainly don't love God. You can't serve 2 masters. Either you serve God or you serve satan.





Oh REALLY??? Gee I love my parents so to show them how much I love them I'm going to murder and rape all their friends... Yea I'll show them how much I love them. Perhaps I could be a total thief and rip people off left and right to show my parents how much I love them. EVIL is freaking evil. You don't show God you love him by being evil. You demonstrate hate just like your post calling me a foul name. That is contention and all contention comes from the devil whom you serve.





yes that is an anti-Christ view of things satan wants you to believe.  The truth is still the truth though. There is no such thing as fags anymore than others are born adulterers. Oh gee if someone has a temptation to cheat on their wife it is ok because they were born that way? What a load of crap. I know satan is tricky but you gotta really be out there to believe that. Also your lies show who your master is and it isn't God. Repent and keep the commandments. What a wonderful message4all





Nope nothing wrong with faggot temptations. Giving into those tempations is the abomination. I'm tempted by hot chicks all the time. I don't yeild to those though or I would be a total loser. We all have different temptations. Yielding to them is the SIN. Living as a fag IS a henious abomination just as adultry or any other henious sin. If you don't know that then you clearly don't follow God.





Have you listened to their actual message? The media tries to twist it into something bad as do other evil people full of hate and contention. I think it is pretty amazing amounts of love to continue warning people no matter how much hate and persecution is thrown their way. Kudos WBC for doing what they believe no matter how many threats they get. People murdered Jesus for telling the truth. Those attacking the WBC are no much different.




Your foul language and ignorance is really shameful. Did you see what you just wrote??? I don't hear the WBC talking like that. You should be ashamed of yourself. That is just filthy and evil and it came directly from inspiration from satan. Yes you are following satan when you make posts like that.


[Wow. My eyes are watering from staring at all that evil.] :twitch:

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[And just cause it's worth seeing for the Lulz...]






[More stupid... I've stumbled across this idiot before myself. I thrashed him soundly and he removed his comments, but I stumbled across more gems of stupidity in another video.]




You do know that before the flood, it was written that angels from heaven reproduced with women of the earth? Hence destroying/corrupting the actual biology in which we were created. That's something that can derail the coming of God's salvation (the Christ). Noah and his family being the only uncorrupt humans. Just read the story before the flood, that's God's reason. To rid the hybrids. You didn't research before you brought this up?





Actually, no in that passage, you see the title the Nephlim. Research.


Rejects? So the word Fulfillment is another word for rejecting to you? The majority of the laws were strictly for the jews to form, and prepare for the messiah.





Most of the genocides in the ot were only towards hybrid non humans anyway..





why don't you read the bible about the nephlim. It's archeological proven stop posting your ignorance..





My god, have you ever went to school What the bible calls Nephilim, Science calls Neanderathals. Unless you are going to say that Neanderathals are fiction as well regardless of the archeological evidence. You needed proof for something everyone knows as fact?Posting links isn't not allowed here... but i can message it to you. I'm sure you can ask any body educated about





My mistake, the word Nephilim means "fallen ones" and not giants, the word being translated in the King James Bible as "Giants", recognized now as somewhat of a mistranslation. However there are some findings of skeletons reaching 8 feet. Some think that the nephilims are the hybrid neanderthals.








the fact that good and evil exist in the world prove there is a God.




ask them why "jesus" has been killed five times

and brought to life five more times by people like the greeks and egyptians,

the bible can lead to knowledge,

but it has been passed down and played out 5 times that we know of and all relate back into the constellations,


I have to come to the conclusion that spirituality relates back into the planets and stars and the effect that they have on us,lights and rays effect our dna and our dna effects what we believe.





killing 1.3M babies in america is hate & many americans love to kill babies.





If I were you, I would BEG GOD to forgive me and devote myself to reading the Bible from cover to cover. Sorry but God is not the push-over you think He is. Go to Hell if you want to. I don't want to.


[That's enough for now, my brain needs to cool off for a bit. I think I may have topped the OP with this one. Most definitely not 'super' at all.]

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2.gif Unbelievable! American is hate and American loves to kill babies? Gee, I knew they were uneducated- my own mother has no clue what a zygote and blastocyst is. She is clueless about the various stages and does not realize it looks more like a tadpole before it looks human. She doesn't even realize that we go through a stage in which we look like an unborn cat or dog even. An acorn is not an oak tree and these people are uneducated.
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I have a new one from my weekend at my dad and his parents'. "Sarah Palin is a really smart lady" In all seriousness. Much agreement all around.

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  • 2 months later...

Since Contra brought this back up, here goes:




Honestly, that Nico is deranged. I'm going to hell too but I hold no delusions of being by the devil's side.  Those "psychologists" are obviously bunk.



you seem like you dont care that you think youre going to hell,

give your life to jesus and join us in eternal salvation.

I am not here to judge anyone,

and im not saying who is or who isnt going to hell,

but i just want to try and save as many as possible.



You're right, I don't care. I don't care because I don't believe. Trying to get me to believe through scaring me is like me trying to make you believe in Santa or else you won't get any presents for Christmas.




im sick of you atheists crying saying we are beating you up and scaring you to toture into belief,

was i doing that - NO!!

i was just try to make you see that satan worship is stupid,

even if you dont believe, if you talk about thinking hell is good, or thinking the devil is cool then that is still satan worshipping.

i said i wasnt here to judge and im not,

i am just pleading you to accept jesus,

im not holding you a fucking gun point.



Believe whatever you want to believe, just don't try to shove it down everyone's throats. We atheists know more about the Bible then you would be comfortable with--many of us are ex-Christians that, through study, realized Christianity is just like the other religions--man made.



Well Jesus said that there would be some people that would fall away from the truth. Anyone who has properley studied the bible and thinks it is just man made is in complete denial.



I would have to ask how properly have you studied it--that would include ALL parts of the book. If anyone wants to debate me, just message me because this (comments) is not the place to do it.



Why would I debate with someone who has turned their back on the truth. Nothing anyone can say to me will convince me that the bible is a lie and that God is not real. I will never listen to the lies of satan.



Insecure, mayhap?



If you can tell me exactly which part of the new testament is a lie and why, then I will be happy to look into it.



Since I only have a 500 character limit (and at the risk of being labeled spam) I just suggest you search "biblical contradictions" for all of the points. I have the points written out but, again, there is a limit. I suggest looking at the videos by TruthSurge since he too is a former Christian.



People that say the bible contradicts itself dont properley study the bible, or they try and twist it by mixing lies with the truth. If the bible is a lie then it's only fair you back it up with scriptures. Tell me what part of the bible is a lie and what proof you have of this.






This video is disgustingly extorted. Right off the bat it attempts to disprove Christianity by "comparing" it to other faiths and flagrantly attempts to draw parallels between them. Hey look, you don't believe in the tooth fairy right? Of course not! Then christianity MUST be false! Whose the deluded one here?!



Because Christianity is no more special than the other faiths; plus, it links them all together at the end. Just skip to 6.43 for the culmination of it all.



The accounts of "revelation" in the muslim and mormon faiths are isolated instances. The accounts found within the christian faith are backed up with countless eye witnesses and was made public. They aren't the same.



Comment removed by author



You have just exemplified what is being stated in the video. When we can't even find your eye witnesses--we're grasping at straws here--you say that the evidence for Islam is moot.

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Does anything really need to be said?



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Does anything really need to be said?


The funniest thing about 'Crockoduck' is that it really did exist.



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The crockoduck fossil is an invention of the devil used to deceive the ignorant and test the faithful.



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Jesus is coming back so we don't need environmental laws.


The Bible says there will never be peace, so why try?

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