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Goodbye Jesus

Stupid Fundy Cubemate


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Yeah.  Today was the last straw.  I finally talked to my boss and told him what was going on.  Said it wasn't anything personal, my cube mate was just driving me nuts.  My boss is moving my cube mate near his immediate supervisor, so I finally get a cube of my own now. 







See, it does pay to be a heathen!

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What a great turn of events! Sounds like we can raise a toast to one small victory for the normal side of life.


The down side of all this is that you won't be ranting about him, because I LOVE your rants! They're hilarious.


I'll try to find some new moron to collectively pick on...haha :grin:

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The down side of all this is that you won't be ranting about him, because I LOVE your rants! They're hilarious.


LOL. Well, he may stop by to say hi from time to time. You never know. Or another annoying coworker might be hired in the future.

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If the time spent on non work activity really troubled me - and I was confident that I didn't spend company time day dreaming or socialising or reading something that interested me but had nothing to do with my job - I might ask my co-worker if it was theft to use something that belonged to the company when it wasn't part of the job and profitted the company not.


It's not the time spent that bugs me. It's the fact that he brings up religion in most of his conversations, even when I've politely asked him not to multiple times, even when I bring up subjects that have nothing to do with religion (hurricane Katrina, for example). My cube mate seems to think of the workplace as his own personal space to preach. I just don't think I could sit next to this guy for another 6 months. My contract isn't up until February unless I get laid off before then. I have said that I don't really care what you believe, just keep it to yourself, but my cube mate doesn't quite get that concept. (He doesn't quite get much of anything, IMHO.)

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Today was the last straw... <snip>...so I finally get a cube of my own now. 

Finally! I'm glad you worked up the courage to speak to your boss. You sure got the results you wanted.


Don't you love LAST STRAWS?

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Oh, I forgot to mention...


Friday we were talking about the weather (IMHO, the only really safe topic), and I looked up the farmer's almanac online to see what the winter was supposed to be like this year.


It says: "The East is on tap for a crazy ride, with the temperatures and weather initially leading into the winter season seeming mild, but the bulk of the winter will turn out to be unusually cold, with plenty of snow especially in the northern sections,” reveals Sandi Duncan, Philom, Managing Editor. The Farmers’ Almanac, which accurately predicted the hot, humid summer, is forecasting a more amusing winter in the West, with an overall warmer winter prediction, but with a fair share of snow and cold periods in the country’s midsections.


My cube mate was skeptical about that because he recognized that it was overgeneralized, but he can't be rational about anything else! It boggles the mind.

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Congrats!!! One small victory that leads to more peace of mind....bravo!

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I know I don't have to talk to him, but it drives me nuts to sit in a cube all day and say nothing to anyone, not even "hi, how are you?"


Man, that would be my dream job...


...of course, my real dream would be to have so much money I wouldn't have to work and then I wouldn't ever have to leave the house or talk to anyone...



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...of course, my real dream would be to have so much money I wouldn't have to work and then I wouldn't ever have to leave the house or talk to anyone...


My dream job would be getting paid a salary and benefits to do creative writing full time, but that's never going to happen. Best I can do is squeeze a little bit of writing in at work when I have downtime and nobody's watching.

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