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Humanist Beatitudes


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The Beatitudes are considered a guide to morality because they identify those whom society may overlook. A closer examination of the specific Beatitudes however tells me that they do not inspire us to change or provide any beneficial action on their behalf. The message is clear - God will take care of them.


While believers find this reassuring, by themselves the Beatitudes are rather cold and heartless. We know that in the absence of human action, nothing changes.


The groups of people identified are said to be "blessed". What does this mean? I think it means that they are to be considered "special to God", although one could interpret this to mean that they are granted special privileges denied to others, and these benefits seem to be accrued in Heaven with nothing to help them while they are alive.


I decided to rewrite the Beatitudes in a way to inspire us to act on behalf of the people they identify; to provide them with benefits to improve their lot in life instead of empty promises that could serve to lead people to ignore their plight on Earth. When I say "deserving", sometimes it just means deserving of our thanks or gratitude, sometimes more.


Below I list the Beatitudes and briefly examine their flaws.





Blessed are the Poor in Spirit for Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.


The Poor "in Spirit" are not really the poor. They are those who are not self-centered. I interpret this to mean that they are humble, and therefore "meek" and this is slightly redundant. Most people, when they remember the Beatitudes, think that Jesus was speaking of the Poor. Perhaps he should have been, and so I did.


Blessed are Those Who Mourn for They Will be Comforted.


Comforted by whom and when? We can only assume that this is supernatural comfort since there is no suggestion that We should comfort them ourselves.


Blessed are The Meek for They Will Inherit the Earth.


Jesus meant the "submissive" but not weak-willed or spineless. I see the meek as the generous in spirit who will give without demanding attention, avoid unnecessary confrontation, and help behind the scenes when help is needed. Inheriting the Earth is another Pie in the Sky promise that will not occur when they are dead.


Blessed are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness for they shall be filled.


If righteousness is a moral and virtuous life, then it is good, but that is something that no one can do for them. Filling them (with righteousness?) is not a command, but a claim which presumably will not occur until they are dead.


Blessed are the Merciful for They will be Shown Mercy.


I like this one, but again the mercy they are to be shown is post-mortem and not incumbent on us.


Blessed are the Pure in Heart for They will See God.


The pure in heart could be those who are morally good, but then that is the same as the righteous. I think it means instead those that have good intentions. Seeing God is not much of a blessing.


Blessed are the Peacemakers for They will be Called Sons of God.


More Peace, less war. Do they get a badge, or just a label?


Blessed are Those Who are Persecuted Because of Righteousness for Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.


If anyone were persecuted for righteousness, I would come down really hard on the asshole that persecuted them. Given them the Kingdom of Heaven is like giving them lakefront property in Arizona.



My versions definitely have a commie/liberal slant to them, but I think that is in keeping with the spirit of generosity that they are meant to inspire.




Deserving are the Poor for They are the Debt we owe Ourselves.


Deserving are Those who Mourn for We Share in their Sorrow.


Deserving are the Meek for they need Protection.


Deserving are Those who Hunger and Thirst for Justice for Their Cause is Honorable.


Deserving are the Merciful for They Teach us Forgiveness.


Deserving are the Pure in Heart for They act according to their Principles and are Examples for us all.


Deserving are the Peacemakers for They keep us Safe.


Deserving are Those who are Persecuted for their Nature or Beliefs for They too need Freedom.

Ok, tear them up.

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Guest FaithDefender619

this is all nice and well but if humanism at it core is morally relativistic, this is good only in so far as the person who reads them agrees to them.

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I actually teared up (not the kind of "tear up" you had in mind) reading your real-world beatitudes. (Hard for a crusty old curmudgeon to admit.)


They are genuine, and if followed will make a difference in people's lives.


Thanks, Shyone. :goodjob:

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Guest ephymeris

this is all nice and well but if humanism at it core is morally relativistic, this is good only in so far as the person who reads them agrees to them.


STFU :Wendywhatever:

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Guest FaithDefender619

this is all nice and well but if humanism at it core is morally relativistic, this is good only in so far as the person who reads them agrees to them.


STFU :Wendywhatever:


very intelligent answer.

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this is all nice and well but if humanism at it core is morally relativistic, this is good only in so far as the person who reads them agrees to them.


STFU :Wendywhatever:


very intelligent answer.


Beats the hell out of your non-answers. More entertaining, too.

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this is all nice and well but if humanism at it core is morally relativistic, this is good only in so far as the person who reads them agrees to them.


STFU :Wendywhatever:


very intelligent answer.


I've been following your posts and it seems to me that you can not understand intelligent answers...

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Guest ephymeris

Yes, I have come to realize all attempts to converse and reason with this one are futile. I just went with my gut for this post and it seems to have gotten my point across. I didn't even have to use numbered bullets for my point.

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