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Satan Is More Powerful Than God


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What is it that make Christians think God is more powerful than Satan? We can see that the majority of mankind do not believe in Jesus and do not worship him. In fact many Christians would claim we worship Satan rather than God. Does it not bother Christians that God’s will is so weak that only the minority believe in him? Does it bother them that so many people can genuinely seek God, but yet end up becoming ex-Christians?


How powerful can God be if sin is so prevalent? How powerful can God be if he can’t keep his followers? How powerful can he be if a little bit of sin makes it impossible for him to communicate with us? Is sin God’s kryptonite? How come God has this serious weakness? Satan doesn’t seem to have any weaknesses. He seems to be a lot smarter, a lot more influential and a lot more successful. Why is God so feeble?

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Well not only that but if you'd believe all you hear Satan is also powerful enough to have orchestrated all the pagan religions to make Jesus look less legit, planted supernaturally aged dinosaur fossils and fake transitional species to make evolution look true, not to mention sex, drugs and rock and roll that has corrupted our society from youth on.


Then there's the love of money and materialism that is EVERYWHERE and churches eagerly take their part in it. What was that line about the love of money and where it leads?


I actually recently read a blog written by a Christian discussing the idea of sin being god's kryptonite and the struggles he was having with it. His rational led him to believe in universalism and that sin actually isn't something that separates us from god. It puts the reasoning for not being a bad person in humanist terms - don't do it because its wrong not because you are afraid of hell. He got a lot of flack from Christian commenters for this and his view that Satan either isn't a real person (personification of our internal struggle) or is not evil and just tests us as an angel of god.


Also this post reminds me of the whole "Who would win - Spiderman or Batman?" type questions. But I suppose "who will win, God or Satan?" is the idea behind the years of tribulation amirite?

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Guest I Love Dog

Christianity is no different to any other religion or Hollywood movie. You have to have a "goodie" and a "baddie" to show that good always triumphs over evil. Except that it doesn't always, except in books, myths, legends and Hollywood movies.


It's an age-old method, designed to convert the gullible and used ever since gods were invented. There was always a "goodie" to triumph over the "baddie". Christianity invented Satan, to go along with their invented god, so that they, too, could carry on the tradition. The tradition, they copied, Satan was their invention.


It supported the rest of their copied tales, the godman/sun god who came to Earth, got crucified, went up into heaven to be with his father, who was actually himself. His mother, of course, was always a virgin in the myths and legends from which godman was lifted.


Load of crap!

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Yeah, as I started to lose my faith, I started to think of it along those lines too. The story of God vs Satan set the standard for lots of good fictional stories to come.

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Is sin God’s kryptonite?


That, unbelief, and iron chariots.

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Is sin God’s kryptonite?


That, unbelief, and iron chariots.

Yeah, iron chariots defeat the hebrew god.

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I would say another good question would be that if you read the bible what's the worst thing that Satan has ever actually done, convince somebody to eat magically fruit other than that pretty much nothing. Now if we compare this to God on the other hand hes wiped out entire human populations both by his own hands and by those of his chosen people. Continually set calamity after calamity upon his chosen people for showing even the slightest sign they don't want to be his bitch anymore. Sent his evil spirits out to lie to people and lead them to their deaths and or drive them mad. etc. and that's even before we get to sentencing everyone to hellfire.


I mean somebody has to be a right royal bastard if even his own PR book shows that his worst enemy is infinitely nicer and more pleasant than himself.

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I would say another good question would be that if you read the bible what's the worst thing that Satan has ever actually done, convince somebody to eat magically fruit other than that pretty much nothing. Now if we compare this to God on the other hand hes wiped out entire human populations both by his own hands and by those of his chosen people. Continually set calamity after calamity upon his chosen people for showing even the slightest sign they don't want to be his bitch anymore. Sent his evil spirits out to lie to people and lead them to their deaths and or drive them mad. etc. and that's even before we get to sentencing everyone to hellfire.


I mean somebody has to be a right royal bastard if even his own PR book shows that his worst enemy is infinitely nicer and more pleasant than himself.


Well, there was all that shit he did to Job, but gawd set him up for that one.

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The Bible can be summed up in the first 3 episodes of Star Wars....God, as played by Darth Sidious, plays both sides, and has his second in command lead the "separatists movement" to create false conflict. And once God has no more use for "other side" he gets rid of them, having achieved what he wants.


God plays both sides. And Satan is his willing apprentence. It is how I have always seen the story play out in the bible.

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Satan not only managed to deceive God's perfect creation, but he also managed to create viruses, bacteria, and turned the animals wild and dangerous. Another thing he had the power to do was to create the sexual drive, lust, and desire in humans. And it doesn't stop there since he also created anger, hate, and all mental illnesses too!


Then we come to how strong doubt is, the tool of Satan's trade. In a church of 10,000 people, they pray for a miracle, but lo and behold the miracle is absent because of just that single guy, the doubter sitting in the back blocking God's power.


If you ask me, Satan is stronger than God, and doubt is stronger than faith.

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Satan not only managed to deceive God's perfect creation, but he also managed to create viruses, bacteria, and turned the animals wild and dangerous. Another thing he had the power to do was to create the sexual drive, lust, and desire in humans. And it doesn't stop there since he also created anger, hate, and all mental illnesses too!


Did he? Or did he just get God worked up enough to use them. I find the creator concept a bit more chilling, means every horrible thing existed in the mind of God prior to creation.

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Is sin God’s kryptonite?


That, unbelief, and iron chariots.

That's why he could not get off the friggin' cross, they used iron nails!


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Satan not only managed to deceive God's perfect creation, but he also managed to create viruses, bacteria, and turned the animals wild and dangerous. Another thing he had the power to do was to create the sexual drive, lust, and desire in humans. And it doesn't stop there since he also created anger, hate, and all mental illnesses too!


Did he? Or did he just get God worked up enough to use them. I find the creator concept a bit more chilling, means every horrible thing existed in the mind of God prior to creation.

Or that.


I was thinking about that yesterday, God creating lust in humans and then denying them to act out on it. Thereby creating a constant conflict and inner turmoil. Intentionally causing an infinite and undying strain pushing some people over the edge of insanity. Yeah, God, you're great... -ly evil.

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Is sin God’s kryptonite?


That, unbelief, and iron chariots.

That's why he could not get off the friggin' cross, they used iron nails!


Oddly, that is a great apologetic concept, only most Christians are clueless to the whole Iron is more powerful than their God thing.


Now I have Iron Man playing in my head.

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Jesus had anemia caused by iron deficiency, that's why water came out of his side.


(Damn! It makes sense!!!)

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Satan not only managed to deceive God's perfect creation, but he also managed to create viruses, bacteria, and turned the animals wild and dangerous. Another thing he had the power to do was to create the sexual drive, lust, and desire in humans. And it doesn't stop there since he also created anger, hate, and all mental illnesses too!


Did he? Or did he just get God worked up enough to use them. I find the creator concept a bit more chilling, means every horrible thing existed in the mind of God prior to creation.

Gawd gave me the screamin' hornies? Thank you, jeebus!

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Satan in fact is much more powerful than god.

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