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Goodbye Jesus

The Use Of God # 1


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There is times to me, that between having the Atheist trying to explain to the Theist out here in this world. Why some of us don't care to buy into a GOD belief.


People want to believe there is a GOD (In my own mind and thinking). Because it's like saying "I have the Government that backs me up for what I believe in"


So people in their GOD beliefs by having their beliefs. Try to be telling us all "I'm right because I have GOD to back me up with and for it." "I have the powers of the Universe backing me up for what I believe in and do. GOD told me this or to do that. I'm backed up for what I do or have done."


Now another issue. Haven't we all said that "Doing a wrong (for and from) a wrong doesn't justify anything?" I'm tired of Christianity thinking the greatest Love a GOD has for us is making a Sacrafice for our wrongs. As well I'm trying to think about how Sex can be a showing of Love also. But of course some of life's sexual abuses have been turning histories thinking of people that Sex is very abusive and bad. When on a better introspection that I'm having, It has the potential in my mind of being a better example of Love. So then if we hate abuses. I have felt and thought of Sacrafices having and being very abusive also. So I have been always disturbed that a GOD likes using a form of abuse "Sacrafices" to justify human's abuses. A wrong for a wrong. At trying to say we are saved now.


In my Mind. My belief of LOVE is showing an example. If there is LOVE to offer, I think it should be an example of something Good and not An Abuse. Not using an abuse for trying to justify those who have done abuses in their lives. And thinking 'Oh that's Love'. Sacrafices actually comes from our evolutional myths further into the past. Why is it when looking further into the past in discovering the Mayan Aztec Ruins in South America before Adam & Eve came about. The Cullture was obsessed with Sacrafices? Something Christians are always offended about what is discovered in Science. There where of the Truths of Charles Darwin, Discovering Dinasaurs and Carl Sagan as we try to discover more unbroken myths in the Universe. But people today are frightened to stay Loyal to this GOD belief.


So in my mind GOD is only used. Used for people to think they have the power backing them up for their own ignoance.




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I like to add this Reply as a Supplement to what I started here. I just noticed a Troll that had Posted on this Forum. Reminding me yet more Christian ideas of Abuses of this so called GOD in their Bible interpretations. That GOD is going to let all this bad stuff come on us for it to be the last days.


So a supposely Loving GOD thinks that making Earth have all these calamities that we are suppose to see and feel threaten about is just GOD really Loving us so much that how calamities are another means of being abusive measures. I'm suppose to believe this GOD is really out for loving us all by this?


I just can't buy into that! Sorry! Wendyshrug.gif

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:wicked: well what are you going to do? As twisted as i am, i cant figure out how to untwist the christian god, and what might they be actauly thinking.


God's love is shown toward we sinners in that while we where yet ignorant, God slaughtered our ancesters, and tortured his only begotton son. AND now , should we only realsie the the wisdom of this world is follishness that has made our hearts wicked.And renounce vain philosphies and strifes about words and the seduction of lust, God will listen to our pleas for salvation.


God will remember that he sent his son to be killed ....and.... and.....


thinking like this gives me a head ache.




The use of God, I sometimes pretend is to help one compartmentlaise his ego and his better judgment. To balance his willpower and his rebellon. And to Give himself athority over himself, and to test his wisdom against his wishes.



But dang, i got my picture of god ALLLLLLL messsssseddd UP.... see what i forgot was that i am a reprobate. Of course i have been abbandoned by truth. HOW could it possibly be that an atheist could fasion a god of truth and intgrity and dare hope to live up to it without shutting down his logic, and beliveing in the torture of Jesus alone for salvation. TO praise god for the murder of himself.... welll


better him than me. :shrug:



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wicked.gif well what are you going to do?



Was this question for me? If so, I'm not understanding it. Or was it for those reading this? huh.gif

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wicked.gif well what are you going to do?



Was this question for me? If so, I'm not understanding it. Or was it for those reading this? huh.gif



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Not a question Nimbus. Yes it was rhetorical. Part of my sarcastic reply. The reply was for those who read this.


I imagine, when the christian comes to tell me how bad unbelievers are and that they where successful in converting me. How would they feel if I took their damnation to heart? I guess, I would tell them how bad and deserving we are of damnation for rejecting their message.


I wonder if we spoke of ourselves with the same maessage they use to convert us, if that would make them see how odd it is psychologically.




I think it was funny, but if no one else can dig it, i have to put it back on the shelf for another time.



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Thanks Rev. Dr. Sparki Hooker and insanezenmistress for explaining it to me. wink.gif


I usually have a hard time picking up on rhetorical language and grammer, even when I'm assuming it. I haven't been around it much. Or invalved in it much either. I'm not one to grasp all of its meanings, but I try. Don't worry so much what you have said insanezenmistress. I'm sure you are meaning well.


There has been that approach to use the same message as to converting to showing their Hypocracy to Christians. I've notice that those in the FSM (Flying Spaggetti Monster) group are trying to do it.


You Christians out there. "You only need to have Faith that Abuses in the Name of God is a Cop Out!" 17.gif


It is writen to be absultly true in the Flying Spaggetti Monster's Bible and all Facts and Proof are truely in that book.

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