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Mommy And Daddy Closed Me Down!


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Look! VenomFangX! will be sent to his room without supper. :HaHa: At least his parents recognize their son is an embarrassment.
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ROFL! Well, I haven't paid much attention to him, but according to his YouTube account, he's 24? Isn't that a little old to have Mommy and Daddy tell you what you can or can't do on the internet?

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Oh, his parents are going to Hell now, for sure!



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ROFL! Well, I haven't paid much attention to him, but according to his YouTube account, he's 24? Isn't that a little old to have Mommy and Daddy tell you what you can or can't do on the internet?



Those who pay the bills make the rules. :wicked:


It's too bad he is such a loon, I can't help but think he is kinda cute. :shrug:

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I wouldn't get too excited over this, it just doesn't seem legit to me.


More likely someone hacked his hosting account and his Joomla install and put that page up, then changed all the passwords so he can't get back in and fix it. Just a guess...

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I wouldn't get too excited over this, it just doesn't seem legit to me.


More likely someone hacked his hosting account and his Joomla install and put that page up, then changed all the passwords so he can't get back in and fix it. Just a guess...


You must be right. That seems much more plausible. If his parents had anything to do with it they would have just pulled the plug and be done with it. I doubt they would put up that message when it is obviously designed by someone who just wanted to humiliate him. Which I must admit was funny. :grin:

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If his parents had anything to do with it they would have just pulled the plug and be done with it.

Exactly. And the more I thought about it, what 24 year old gives his parents all of his passwords for hosting, Joomla, etc. And then his parents took the time to learn Joomla and put up their own page? Doesn't make sense.... :scratch:

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Isn't this old news? Didn't the exact same thing already happen before?

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His YouTube channel is still up (and apparently active).





"This site has been taken offline by the parents of VenomFangX, they don't support/share his views and apologize if he has offended anyone. This site will be offline for good in 3 days."


Hopefully the above will be true... :shrug:

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I wouldn't get too excited over this, it just doesn't seem legit to me.


More likely someone hacked his hosting account and his Joomla install and put that page up, then changed all the passwords so he can't get back in and fix it. Just a guess...



That's even funnier than his parents closing him down!

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That page has been like that for about a year now. Plus, I thought he was under aged.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah. The Youtube mess. Here's the finale of that mess.



What it's about this time:



As he's pulled this shit before and gotten in legal trouble over it. [The apology above was an out of court settlement.]


He's now landed himself in legal hot water yet again, and his parents are understandably pissed about it.


I think he expects them to bail his sorry ass out. Though, at this point, I'm not sure that's possible. I'm pretty sure it's a measure to both punish him and an attempt to keep his retarded ass from getting into a life ruining lawsuit.


Though, in all honesty, I hope they are unsuccessful in covering his sorry ass. The punk needs a taste of having the book hit him in the face with it's full force I think.


Let him be an example to other retards.


I would personally find many Lulz if it was to result in a prosecution. It r win.

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I just came across this

Wow. That's sad. I haven't followed the problems, but I can understand how it came about.

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Shawn Karon is detaching himself from the VenomFangX persona: http://www.youtube.com/user/VenomFagnX#p/a/u/0/-ozSdSnamlg

(Today). And he is apologizing and showing expression of shame. First time he actually sounds sincere.


This came from Shawn's wrongful DMCA filing against DprJones recently.

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I just came across this

Wow. That's sad. I haven't followed the problems, but I can understand how it came about.


Neither have I, that said I remember my family being quite worried about me when I started going off the deep end. I never went that deep but who knows what could have happened.

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I've been aware of it from the start because I enjoy watching Thunderf00t's videos.


I learned of V-fang through him, and was fortunate enough to see the whole thing unfold from the start.


It's been vastly entertaining I must say.


While I feel for his family, I'm afraid I have difficulty feeling sorry for the punk himself.


I do hope he gets better and all, but watching him fail has been numerous levels of Lulz.


It's one of those cases where he was so much fail that he = win.


I wouldn't feel even the least bit of sympathy for him personally if he got himself prosecuted to the full extent of the law over this mess and the other things he's done in the past.


His family for certain, as they've done everything they legally could both for him, to prevent it, and to protect themselves.


Him, not so much.


Though, like I said, I do hope he gets better. While I don't expect him to become a secularist, I would not be upset to hear he has become a normal crazy person like most people.


Still, he's been enough of a douche in the past that I'd also find him crashing and burning in a blaze of glory highly entertaining as well.

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I wouldn't feel even the least bit of sympathy for him personally if he got himself prosecuted to the full extent of the law over this mess and the other things he's done in the past.


Actually one of the things which has occurred to me is that while his parents take may be that he is just a mixed up kid who got duped by crazy ass religion, or whatever the fuck, they would. I mean it's practically there job to think the best of him. On the other hand, it is my understanding that one of the scandals he got caught up in is that, he got people to donate money for sick children, and then absconded with said money to buy a car and pay for college. This does not strike me as the behaviour of a naive teenager who is just too taken in by his crazy ass religion, it strikes me as the behaviour of a manipulative deuche who realized he could get money and notoriety from act like a prick on youtube.


Maybe his just a guy who got caught up by religion. My pick however is that he realized he was in deep shit and decided to play the misguided card to get himself out of trouble.

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He sounds pretty much exactly like my 19 year old brother except he is more lucid and comprehensible. If my brother made videos they would be incomprehensible hate speech. Aside from that though, the being unable to form rationalized thoughts, being brainwashed by fundamentalism and hate, saying horrific things about people without thought to the consequences, even extorting money are all things I can see him doing. I do not feel sorry for my brother, I do not feel sorry for Venomfangx, but I do feel sorry for his parents and people should probably just ignore Sean out of respect for his condition. If he stops getting the attention he will be more likely to at least go away and possibly even get help.

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