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Goodbye Jesus

Fox Coverage of Disaster


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I watched some Fox today; why do I do that? It's like picking a scab: you know you shouldn't...


Anyhoo, there is Geraldo Freakin' Rivera carrying on like the hurricane is the best thing that ever happened to the country. The heroism! The courage! The compassion!


The looting, the suffering, the rotting corpses, you fucking moron.


Every other sentence is "Thank God".


For what, you idiot? The hurricane? Only Fred Phelps views that is a positive development. For the relief effort? PEOPLE are doing that, not God. What exactly are you thanking God for, Geraldo?


Geraldo and his ob-foxious cheerleading-for-the-administration ilk make me sick. Sick!


Maybe I should block the channel. Maybe I should cut back on the caffeine.


Thank you for reading my rant; I feel better now.

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I've been reading cnn.com for most of the coverage, but when I switched over to foxnews.com I could immediately tell a difference. Fox likes mixing their editorital opinions in with the "objective" articles, so you have headliners like "Why Global Warming is a Lie" on the front page next to the news reports.

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I can't stand Geraldo Rivera and watching him on FoxNews makes me want to hurl. We were all making fun of him whenever he came on (my mom watches Fox News, ugh.)

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I never really liked him no matter what network he works for.

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I refuse to watch Fox News anymore. I'm just so sick of it. They should rename it the fundy channel. The only thing I ever really watch on the Fox network is the Simpsons, come to think of it. And yeah, this whole pounding-thank-God-into-our-heads thing is really getting irritating. At least, they don't do that online so much.


It's like people believe god does this shit and they are thanking him for it?!?


Funny what brainwashing does to people, isn't it?

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I refuse to watch Fox News anymore.  I'm just so sick of it.  They should rename it the fundy channel.  The only thing I ever really watch on the Fox network is the Simpsons, come to think of it.  And yeah, this whole pounding-thank-God-into-our-heads thing is really getting irritating.  At least, they don't do that online so much.

Funny what brainwashing does to people, isn't it?


I don't watch any TV news anymore, it's all jaded or convoluted in one form or another. None of it is good, honest, caring journalism. It's a bunch of vultures sucking the blood of the dead.

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I don't watch any TV news anymore, it's all jaded or convoluted in one form or another. None of it is good, honest, caring journalism. It's a bunch of vultures sucking the blood of the dead.


I feel the same way. My parents (who I live with) have been watching the news almost 24/7 since the hurricane hit and even being in the room with that crap is sickening.

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I don't watch any TV news anymore, it's all jaded or convoluted in one form or another. None of it is good, honest, caring journalism. It's a bunch of vultures sucking the blood of the dead.

That differs from other news orgs how?

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Well despite what you or I think of Fox news, they remain on the air. Damn it all... :die:


But did Geraldo used to get punched out quite a bit by people for butting in where he wasn't wanted when he had his talk show in the 80's?


So it doesn't really suprise me he would be a Bush cheerleader now... :Hmm:

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But did Geraldo used to get punched out quite a bit by people for butting in where he wasn't wanted when he had his talk show in the 80's?


So it doesn't really suprise me he would be a Bush cheerleader now...  :Hmm:


Geraldo Rivera is a spot-light whore. If he couldn't get news desk jobs, or talk-show spots, he'd be selling shit on HSN or running for President EVERY four years. He's the white Al Sharpton.

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Geraldo Rivera is a spot-light whore.  If he couldn't get news desk jobs, or talk-show spots, he'd be selling shit on HSN....




That put the most hilarious visual in my head just now.


Geraldo selling vacuum cleaners.


"It sucks floors so you don't have to....."




Thanks Aexapo.... :grin:

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Geraldo selling vacuum cleaners.


"It sucks floors so you don't have to....."


ROTFL! Believe it or not, I got a new vaccuum cleaner for my birthday this year, mostly because my other one sucked...or wouldn't suck, that is. ;)

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ROTFL!  Believe it or not, I got a new vaccuum cleaner for my birthday this year, mostly because my other one sucked...or wouldn't suck, that is.  ;)


Best personified by this image:


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""It's like people believe god does this shit and they are thanking him for it?!? ""


I want to say something from my perspective - yes people thank god but who or whatever they thank, they're being grateful and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. We forget that despite the world being a cesspool of greed and torture as far as humans and some other animals are concerned, we are not owed anything by the world. Just because we need and deserve something doesn't mean we're going to get it and it doesn't always need to do with something concerning a rich person who's rich because they sucked the marrow of your ancestors and family and now they're saying 'why should I pay for your operation? I don't owe you anything'...


Although I guess you could say that animals and plants are saying the same thing 'I sucked off the marrow of your ancestors why should I give ou anything'...but then again rich people are just rich...they serve as cogs in our collective illness but animals and plants usually don't hoard like the rich.


Anyhow, we aren't owed anything by eagles or lions or roses even though we may need and deserve it, like love and care. So people saying 'thank god' or whatever they add may not be such a bad thing, because underneath all that god is people being grateful and recognizing that even though there's been great loss, they still have their lives, even if they're homeless , familyless and breastless, they've still got them. They value what is still theirs and don't turn their back from the treasure they still have. They honor what is theirs - and I don't mean to say that it can't be and isn't used to deny grieving or anger or risk to change situations so that things like this don't happen. But overall I think being grateful and appreciating what you have is a helpful thing, I know it helps me anyhow.

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