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Theists: Please Argue For Your God!


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The assumption on the part of theists is that 1) there is a god, 2) accepting #1, that god would, of course, care about (love) "his creation", therefore 3) he would have let "his creation" know about him if and when that creation was capable of understanding, 4) anyone that had that knowledge would have written it down, 5) that "creator" would be disappointed in how we have treated or received that message, 6) their holy book fits the bill, therefore their god exists in its every detail.


So, if we grant that any god exists, it must be Allah, Yahweh or whatever.


IOW, give them enough time, accept their "cosmological" or "teleological" argument for god, and they will eventually pull out their scripture.


I understand the frustration, but even though the Deist god is not the goal of the argument, it is the starting point.


Although the Deist god does not necessarily have the properties depicted by whatever god they are arguing for, and in fact could be 1) no longer in existence, 2) evil or 3) uncaring, just accepting the premise that there is "something mysterious and unknown" about the universe is enough for some to start fingering their crosses or blessing the prophet Mohammed.

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Really now, that guy should come out of the closet.

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That was brilliant. And it cuts right to the heart of why many of us are atheists - it's not that we've convinced ourselves that there couldn't possibly be anything like a god anywhere in or outside the universe; it's just that we have arrived at the conclusion that the existence or nonexistence of such a being is irrelevant to us, because said being demonstrates precisely zero interaction with the world or anyone in it.


I've lost count of the number of folks I've encountered on CAF and elsewhere who claim they are Catholics because that is somehow a rational conclusion they have come to. They spout all kinds of philosophical mumbo-jumbo about cosmological, teleological, ontological or whateverological 'proofs' of god, but all they are really saying is that it's possible that there might be something like a god-type being, somewhere, because, hey - we can imagine that there might be one. I guess they think that if they can convince us that there somehow must be a god, they suppose it's just a small step from there to demonstrating that this is their god.


Ever since the alliteration occurred to me, I've wanted to replace the word 'apologetics' with 'apoplectics'...'cause there's definitely something not right with these people's brains.

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Guest Babylonian Dream

Perfectly put, he sums up my big criticism of the christians debating his existence. Specific gods need to be specifically proven or disporoven.

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