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Goodbye Jesus

Why I Finally Got Out?


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I was brought up in a christian home and my dad was a pastor. I was made to go to church and hated it. When I was naughty my parents used to try and exorcise me (!) so I have not seen a good side to christianity. I saw a lot of hypocrisy in the church and quite frankly thought that there were better people in pubs than churches (and still do think this!). Over the years I considered going back to my faith whenever I hit a crisis because it is familar and I have been indoctrinated about the fear of hell. However, I never really fitted in to the whole church thing and would get cross when people said I just had to "believe" and put all my questions and doubts to one side!!! The bible is full of good and bad things but I cannot understand God's concept. He made man (knowing he would turn from him) and would eventually sent most of mankind to the burning fires of hell as they have not gone his way!!!!! If that is a loving God I am a turnip growing in the garden!!!!! Weird analogy I know, but you get my meaning. When children are indoctrinated at a young age (which I was) you are brainwashed before you can walk. It is totally and utterly wrong....not just wrong but is child abuse. I hate it!

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I am sorry about what you have gone through. I know that this website has helped me quite a bit, even in the short time I've been here. I hope it can help you, too.



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Hello Rachel, and welcome. A number of us were indoctrinated from childhood, and that journey out is never easy especially when you still want a relationship with your family. Hopefully you will find some of the support here useful!

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Hello Rachel. I understand your frustration and anger at being indoctrinated from childhood, it really screws your head up as you slowly deprocess everything you were taught to believe. I'm sorry for what you went through, it sounds horrific being exorcised as a young child. I too hope this site can be of help to you. I find just reading other people's stories and thoughts comforts me as I realise I am not alone and not actually as crazy as I thought....

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Thank you so much much guys...it's nice to know I am alone in all this!! :thanks:

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Welcome Rachel,


We PK's are a twisted bunch aren't we.. :wicked:

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I was brought up in a christian home and my dad was a pastor. I was made to go to church and hated it. When I was naughty my parents used to try and exorcise me (!) so I have not seen a good side to christianity. I saw a lot of hypocrisy in the church and quite frankly thought that there were better people in pubs than churches (and still do think this!). Over the years I considered going back to my faith whenever I hit a crisis because it is familar and I have been indoctrinated about the fear of hell. However, I never really fitted in to the whole church thing and would get cross when people said I just had to "believe" and put all my questions and doubts to one side!!! The bible is full of good and bad things but I cannot understand God's concept. He made man (knowing he would turn from him) and would eventually sent most of mankind to the burning fires of hell as they have not gone his way!!!!! If that is a loving God I am a turnip growing in the garden!!!!! Weird analogy I know, but you get my meaning. When children are indoctrinated at a young age (which I was) you are brainwashed before you can walk. It is totally and utterly wrong....not just wrong but is child abuse. I hate it!

I was indoctrinated at a relatively young age...7 or 8. So, not necessarily born on Saturday, in church Sunday kinda deal, but young enough that the fear festered deep enough to leave scars! But it's still so liberating to get the hell out, pun intended!

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