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Christians And Psychology


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I would just like to take a moment here to vent about something that has caused me tremendous pain in my life. I come from a very chaotic family background. By the time I was 16 I had developed some obsessive compulsive tendencies as a result of the stress. My parents decided to send me to a psychologist they knew of who Ill call Dr. D. It turns out he was a fire and brimstone Catholic. I should have known something was off when, after hearing me describe my issues he told me that the problem was that I was possessed by Satan. He then spent the next 3 years worth of sessions trying to convince me that my problems would be solved if I became a priest. He also would scare me to death about going to hell. During that time my tendencies grew into full blown OCD. I ended up believing his crap because I was so vulnerable and I just didn't know any better at the time. Any competent therapist would have easily identified my problem right away. They would have prescribed the proper medication and the problem would have been nipped in the bud. Instead Dr. D refused to separate his personal beliefs from his profession. Now I am really screwed up because I am paralyzed in fear of going to hell if I reject Christ, even though I now view Christianity as immoral. I could have had a normal life but I am afraid I will be in fear the rest of my days. Anyone else out there have a similar problem to mine? I know a lot of Christians think that psychology is the work of the devil, and that mental problems are from a lack of faith. I feel bad for the many people out there who didn't get the proper medical help they needed because of the lunatic Christian's around them who were in positions of authority. Innocent people have been destroyed because of that.

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I'm sorry you were forced to go to that quack instead of someone who was competent and could possibly have helped you!

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I'm seriously trying to comprehend how that guy managed to get/keep his license. Did your parents know he was insane?


If your not already doing so, and your not complete put off them by this experience, I would advice seeing a proper therapist and see if they can help you through this. Other than that I would advice continuing to talk with people about it. Also it might be useful to learn more about Christianity and it's absolute bogusness. That helped me a lot.

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If that Dr. really had a license, it should have been revoked for causing more harm.

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"Christian" psychologists/psychiatrists are actually kinda common. Or at least not uncommon. My parents used to take me therapist hopping, going from one therapist to another until they'd find one that had good, Christian advice. I still find it rather disturbing that all the good, "Christian" therapists were the ones who blamed me for all my problems, absolved my parents of any responsibility, and just advised me to live in a more Biblical manner. You're not alone in this experience. Even without a fire and brimstone doctor, "Christian" psychologists can do much more harm then good.


I'd advise you to go and seek a good therapist. Lots of them exist, you just may need to look for them. Call up some places and see if you can have a chat with a doctor to scout out potential good ones. Explain your fears and previous experience. They exist though, and it's worth giving it another go around to help with your OCD and problems with religion.

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Hey I really appreciate the replies. I think the statute of limitations has ran out, otherwise I would love to sue the bastard. The sad part is, Im sure in his mind he thought he was doing the right thing. Religion is the only accepted mental illness...

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I had a fundy therapist. Eventually it got so bad that I had to go to the mental hospital. It took me 9 months to get my life half right. Don't give up on good therapy and counseling though. As to your old therapist, I say fuck him, forget about him and try to move on to a good therapist.

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F*ck. If you can't sue, then file a complaint or something with the board that issues his license. Try to get his license revoked. At least the complaint will be on his record. Though I'm not sure what happens in these cases and if you have to testify or anything.

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I should have known something was off when, after hearing me describe my issues he told me that the problem was that I was possessed by Satan.


Understatement of the fuckin' month. :twitch:

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Religion is the only accepted mental illness...


That's so fuckin' true. In Italy, the psychological/psychiatric profession has this "unspoken agreement" with the Vatican to keep a "hands off" policy towards anything involving the Catholic religion. So if you're hearing "God's voice", you're hearing God's voice. It's not like they wouldn't like to put their hands on it... but they're highly compelled not to, let's say.

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F*ck. If you can't sue, then file a complaint or something with the board that issues his license. Try to get his license revoked. At least the complaint will be on his record. Though I'm not sure what happens in these cases and if you have to testify or anything.


How long ago was it? Was it like 8 years ago or something? Allegations get stale after a while.

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Religion is the only accepted mental illness...


That's so fuckin' true. In Italy, the psychological/psychiatric profession has this "unspoken agreement" with the Vatican to keep a "hands off" policy towards anything involving the Catholic religion. So if you're hearing "God's voice", you're hearing God's voice. It's not like they wouldn't like to put their hands on it... but they're highly compelled not to, let's say.


I have a psychiatrist that said that as long as you are not afraid of what you are hearing or seeing and aren't feeling threatened by it, it's ok (I was hearing fairy music--literally--but I only thought of it as a curious phenomenon).

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(I was hearing fairy music--literally--but I only thought of it as a curious phenomenon).


Don't go towards it! :eek: You'll fall under an enchantment and we'll lose you to the other side!

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Last time i saw the guy was 2002 so I think litigation is not an option. It took me this long to get out of the religious haze I was in before it hit me that that what he was doing was outragious. I mean telling me repeatidly to go to confession is not going to fix things...

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That is absolutely horrendous and no you are not alone. My dad is a pastor and used to try and exorcise me and make me believe all my issues were due to spiritual forces and demons. It is abuse and has caused me massive problems and pain over the years. I hardly have any contact with my parents now. And by the way I am also scared to death of hell and have nightmares I am burning in the big fire. It is brainwashing but worse than that my dad, and your psychologist indoctrinated you whilst you were looking for help. Don't ever go a christian psychologist. They might not all cause the problems you have had, but most of them think mental health problems are due to demons and satan. Load of fecking crap!!! Get a decent counsellor. Good luck and sorry to hear what you have gone through. Some people have a lot to answer for!!!

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Even though logically I am secure in my belief that Chistianity is nonsense, i still struggle with the fear response. Once you wake up to it, you realize that beneath all the "god loves you" crap is a system that absolutly preys on your deepest most terrible fears. The Catholic church describes hell's terror as "beyond humanity's ability to comprehend". To me that is beyond hitler like in it's evil. and yet there is over a billion catholic members out there. I just dont get it. Christianity, along with Islam are the only religions that beleive in eternal damnation. and yet they are two of the biggest. that shows to me that fear really is more powerful than anything else. Which is unfortunate. Even in my life. No matter what I tell myself, I still cant erase the fear. I still cant get over the "what if im wrong" thinking. My life may be ruined just because of someone else's religious beliefs that they should have never been shoving down my throat to begin with...

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Even though logically I am secure in my belief that Chistianity is nonsense, i still struggle with the fear response. Once you wake up to it, you realize that beneath all the "god loves you" crap is a system that absolutly preys on your deepest most terrible fears. The Catholic church describes hell's terror as "beyond humanity's ability to comprehend". To me that is beyond hitler like in it's evil. and yet there is over a billion catholic members out there. I just dont get it. Christianity, along with Islam are the only religions that beleive in eternal damnation. and yet they are two of the biggest. that shows to me that fear really is more powerful than anything else. Which is unfortunate. Even in my life. No matter what I tell myself, I still cant erase the fear. I still cant get over the "what if im wrong" thinking. My life may be ruined just because of someone else's religious beliefs that they should have never been shoving down my throat to begin with...


FEAR, is THE greatest tool and weapon that religion uses, especially Christianity and Islam. I encourage you to seek a really good therapist. Someone suggested you go to your doctor and ask for one to be recommended to you. Make sure you tell the doctor you do not want someone who has religious convictions, be sure to seek a secular, freethinking therapist. Also, seek knowledge and educate yourself, read lots of books by good authors, listen to podcasts, and watch videos. Educating yourself along with therapy will enable you to recover from your religious abuse.

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