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The Movie Legion Is Blasphemy!


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Apparently, the movie legion is to be shunned by the Tradition, Family and Property group.


Sony offended millions of Americans with its blasphemous film, The Da Vinci Code. Now it is set to do the same with the movie, Legion and that’s why The American TFP is asking its members to protest this latest blasphemy.


Yes protest this blasphemy. What is it with Catholics and blasphemy anyway. Can't god, you know the guy that's suppose to ultimately win against Satan (or has he already with Jesus dying on stick) can't take a little blasphemy? The big guy can't take a little lip seemingly, so his defenders must come to his aid!


The movie’s central and bizarre theme is that God has lost faith in man and thus decides to exterminate humanity.


Yeah, at no time has god ever lost faith in humanity and decided to exterminate humanity. Noah's flood anyone? Revelation?


A dialogue between the pseudo-archangels is likewise offensive:


“Michael: I knew He'd send you, Gabriel. You were always so eager to please Him.

Gabriel: Unlike you... the rebellious son.


This is another great offense. And to tell you the truth, I don't see why. God must be pissed though, otherwise this group wouldn't be out there doing God's smiting for him.


The real reason why this group is all in tatters is because the director called these religious ideas, that of Revelation, absurd.


And this group knows their religion is absurd so that's why they attack this movie. :loser:



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I think this movie was shunned by audiences in general. :HaHa:



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I think they just gave them added publicity.

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Wouldn't God know he would lose faith in man?


Omniscience just isn't what it used to be. Maybe god's gone senile.


Although, heck, god was suffering from omniscience-fail as far back as Genesis so maybe it's more of an overconfidence issue.

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Yes protest this blasphemy. What is it with Catholics and blasphemy anyway. Can't god, you know the guy that's suppose to ultimately win against Satan (or has he already with Jesus dying on stick) can't take a little blasphemy?


No kidding, it just goes to show that even they don't really believe all of their talk about god being great and all-powerful.

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I dunno, it's tradition or something.


At the time of their release, Christian groups said that 'The Sound of Music', 'Gone with the Wind' and "Mary Poppins' were blasphemous and morally reprehensible. There were Christian groups protesting them as well.


They were all morally reprehensible films that should be boycotted.


Even more people will go to see the film because of them and the word they're putting out by doing it. Either way, they fail and more than likely do the opposite of what they intend when they pull this shit.


To be honest, if I was going to make a movie/videogame/book these days, I would make certain it was offensive to Christians in some obvious way. It's the best free publicity you can get, and I dislike the sort of people who wouldn't got to see a film because their church said so to begin with. So it's win win as far as I'm concerned to have them protesting anything I made.


It'd be pathetic if it wasn't so funny. Well, maybe it can be both.

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Omniscience just isn't what it used to be. Maybe god's gone senile.

Omniscience omni-deteriorated.

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I say the movie is blasphemous....to what movies should be! That thing was horrible!

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Does this movie have much historical or theological weight? No.


Should it be banned as blasphemous? No.


I haven't read the statement, however I think it's perfectly legitimate to point out the flaws of a certain work, but to outright ban it or suggest that seeing it is somehow gravely sinful, is a bit excessive. Banning any sort of work is usually a sign of fear.


In the case of the DaVinci Code, I think religious groups would have stood better if they simply pointed out the gross historical inaccuracies. Educate people, don't ban works though - it usually only makes the work more desirable.



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Does this movie have much historical or theological weight? No.


Should it be banned as blasphemous? No.


I haven't read the statement, however I think it's perfectly legitimate to point out the flaws of a certain work, but to outright ban it or suggest that seeing it is somehow gravely sinful, is a bit excessive. Banning any sort of work is usually a sign of fear.


In the case of the DaVinci Code, I think religious groups would have stood better if they simply pointed out the gross historical inaccuracies. Educate people, don't ban works though - it usually only makes the work more desirable.



That is always the best approach - educate, don't incinerate.

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the quickest way to get attention is to be offensive to christians. no matter how crappy and uninteresting your movie is, if you spread around the word that the church doesnt want you to see it, ppl are suddenly going to want to go see it. ppl love doing what they are told is bad.

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Another reason the Catholics(and probably most fundamentalist protestants) don't want people to see the movie, is because it tells the truth about angels. Even though I do like angelic imagery, such as guardian angels, cherubs, and all the cutesy stuff we've seen, biblical angels are not something you'd want to meet if they truly existed. They only appear in the bible for two reasons. To give a message from Yahweh, or to KILL PEOPLE.


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Another reason the Catholics(and probably most fundamentalist protestants) don't want people to see the movie, is because it tells the truth about angels. Even though I do like angelic imagery, such as guardian angels, cherubs, and all the cutesy stuff we've seen, biblical angels are not something you'd want to meet if they truly existed. They only appear in the bible for two reasons. To give a message from Yahweh, or to KILL PEOPLE.


Kind of like the Angels on "Supernatural". Now thats a really good show. It's now in syndication on TNT if you've missed any episodes.

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Another reason the Catholics(and probably most fundamentalist protestants) don't want people to see the movie, is because it tells the truth about angels. Even though I do like angelic imagery, such as guardian angels, cherubs, and all the cutesy stuff we've seen, biblical angels are not something you'd want to meet if they truly existed. They only appear in the bible for two reasons. To give a message from Yahweh, or to KILL PEOPLE.


Kind of like the Angels on "Supernatural". Now thats a really good show. It's now in syndication on TNT if you've missed any episodes.


Yeah, as entertaining as "Supernatural" is, it's theology isn't that consistent. But the angels are certainly badass.



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Another reason the Catholics(and probably most fundamentalist protestants) don't want people to see the movie, is because it tells the truth about angels. Even though I do like angelic imagery, such as guardian angels, cherubs, and all the cutesy stuff we've seen, biblical angels are not something you'd want to meet if they truly existed. They only appear in the bible for two reasons. To give a message from Yahweh, or to KILL PEOPLE.


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the quickest way to get attention is to be offensive to christians. no matter how crappy and uninteresting your movie is, if you spread around the word that the church doesnt want you to see it, ppl are suddenly going to want to go see it. ppl love doing what they are told is bad.



http://www.intratext.com/IXT/ENG0038/ (Revolution Counter Revolution)






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Wouldn't God know he would lose faith in man?


Well he didn't know whether or not Adam & Eve would eat the fruit, or that the talking snake would try and tempt them into doing so (he apparently also didn't know there were talking snakes or that they had found their way into his perfect garden either). He also didn't know how many faithful people were in Sodom & Gemorrah so he had angels do into the city to find out. The christian god doesn't seem to know very much.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Mr. Guimarães and Dr. Horvat split off from TFP and formed Tradition in Action. Nonetheless they remain true to TFP's core mission which is elaborated on here:





Principally this:


In History there have been various attempts to establish Christendom, but only one succeeded and formed a fitting reflection of Jesus Christ in the temporal sphere. This occurred with the ensemble of States that formed Western Europe in the 12th and 13th centuries. Such an ensemble formed Medieval Christendom or simply, Christendom. The order it established effectively represented the establishment of the Kingdom of Christ on earth.


Referring to Medieval Christendom St. Pius X affirmed:


“Civilization does not need to be invented, neither the New City to be built in the clouds. It existed, it exists, it is the Christian Civilization, the Catholic City. We need only to establish it again and incessantly restore it on its natural and divine foundations against the always reborn attacks of the evil utopia, revolt and impiety, omnia instaurare in Christo [to restore everything in Christ]” (Notre Charge Apostolique, n. 11).


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The wonderful cloister of the Mont St. Michel Abbey in France. It reflects the medieval harmony between religion and civil life.

Pope Leo XIII wrote these words about the Middle Ages:


“There was a time when the philosophy of the Gospel governed the States. In that epoch, the influence of Christian wisdom and its divine virtue permeated the laws, institutions, and customs of the peoples, all categories and all relations of civil society. Then the Religion instituted by Jesus Christ, solidly established in the degree of dignity due to it, flourished everywhere thanks to the favor of Princes and the legitimate protection of Magistrates. Then the Priesthood and the Empire were united in an opportune harmony and by the friendly interchange of good favors. So organized, civil society gave fruits superior to all expectations, and its memory subsists and will subsist, registered as it is in innumerable documents that no artifice of the adversaries can destroy or obscure” (Immortale Dei, n. 28).


The establishment of Medieval Christendom represented the installation of the Kingdom of Christ in the temporal sphere and, with this, the end of the hegemony of the Devil.


Indeed, after his sin Adam lost the kingdom that God had intended for him to implant on earth. The kingdom he lost was taken over by the one who defeated Adam, the Devil, who with Adam’s sin acquired an enormous power over nature and human society. For this reason one can find in the great empires of Antiquity, such as those of Assyria, Egypt, Greece, and Rome, the notable influence of the Devil in the idolatry of most of the ancient religions. Scripture states that all the gods of those religions were devils: “Omnes dii gentium sunt daemonia” (Psalm 95:5).


The Redemption of Our Lord made amends for the sin of Adam. After the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, men were able to enter Heaven and see God face-to-face. The naissance of the Church initiated the New Covenant. But the temporal sphere remained under the power of the Devil. This explains in part the furor of the Roman Empire against the newborn Church.


From the 5th century on, with the conversion of the barbarians, many States became Catholic, the seedbed for what would become Medieval Christendom in the 12th and 13th centuries. Christendom represented for the first time in History the victory of Our Lord over an ensemble of States, those of Europe. Therefore, since Our Lord was victor in the religious and temporal spheres, the establishment of Medieval Christendom represented the complete re-conquering of Jesus Christ over the Devil after the original sin of Adam.


The principal characteristics of Medieval Christendom were humility and temperance. Humility, as a social virtue, means to love one’s place in the hierarchy of society, and to venerate the ensemble of the social and political hierarchy as a reflection of God. Temperance in the social sphere means submission to and respect for the rules of society, be they moral rules or disciplinary norms, which act as proper means to lead the social body to build the Reign of Christ. In another study I plan to deal with the way these two social virtues of humility and temperance truly molded Christendom, and how the magnificent social edifice that resulted was a worthy reflection of God.


Evil was defeated, but not for long. The Devil and his cohorts schemed to destroy Medieval Christendom and establish the precise opposite on earth. This aim constitutes the essence of the Revolution. As far as Medieval Christendom can be said to represent the establishment of order par excellence, the Revolution signifies the inversion of this order. This is the most profound meaning of Revolution.


Other characterisitcs of the Revolution


The agents of the Revolution are generically the forces that serve the Devil, with a particular emphasis upon two of them that have a special hatred for the Church: Judaism, understood as a religion and not as a race, and Freemasonry.


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Like the large and venomous snake above, the action of the secret forces is camouflaged everywhere in society. The optimistic and the naive don't see the danger, and don't believe in a conspiracy against Christendom. National Geographic, August 2004

Regarding individuals, these agents not only conspire and act externally but also internally. In their plan to destroy the Catholic order they utilize as natural allies the ungoverned bad tendencies of the human soul. The secret forces stimulate human vices in order to exacerbate them and also to attain the revolutionary goals. The principal forces of propulsion for the Revolution inside the soul are the ungoverned tendencies of pride and sensuality.


Pride is the vice that opposes humility. In the social sphere, pride is the revolt against hierarchy. It is to revolt against one’s place in society, to not accept a superior over oneself. Even more than that, it is to reach a kind of metaphysical degree of hatred, affirming that superiority and hierarchy per se are bad. Everything should be equal. Egalitarianism is set up as a metaphysical principle.


Sensuality is the vice that opposes temperance. Its social reflex is to counter the rules that govern society – either moral rules or disciplinary norms. Here also there are two layers: in the first layer the person hates the yoke of rules because he cannot do the bad things he wants; in the second deeper layer, he goes further to a metaphysical level of hatred and denies any rule whatsoever. Everything should be free. Liberty is proclaimed as an absolute value.


When someone reaches one of these two metaphysical levels of hatred, or both of them, one can say that he committed the sin of Revolution. That is to say, he committed a particular sin against the Kingdom of Christ on earth, and consciously or unconsciously became an active agent of the Revolution. This is true regardless of whether or not a person is a Jew, Mason, or member of other similar secret forces.




They would supplant Liberty with the Virgin Mary, they would restore Christendom, they would fight Islam, and the oldskool Aristocracy (Thurn und Taxis) and others would rise to power once more to form the secular arm of the Holy Roman Empire renewed. America would collapse and fall under the control of the newly established Western European Monarchies as it was (generally) before our Revolution, Catholicism would then be the new Social Order in the West. Islam would be fought tooth and nail.


People... People need to be aware of this... Arrogance is a weakness.....

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They would supplant Liberty with the Virgin Mary, they would restore Christendom, they would fight Islam, and the oldskool Aristocracy (Thurn und Taxis) and others would rise to power once more to form the secular arm of the Holy Roman Empire renewed. America would collapse and fall under the control of the newly established Western European Monarchies as it was (generally) before our Revolution, Catholicism would then be the new Social Order in the West. Islam would be fought tooth and nail.


People... People need to be aware of this... Arrogance is a weakness.....

Long time no See!


That's deep stuff above. It would almost seem to support the establishment of God's Kingdom on Earth for the 1,000 years (about 500 to 1500 AD). If it wasn't so corrupt and based on lies and distortion, I could almost see how someone might see it that way.


And the rest of it sounds like some fundamentalist wet dream of theocracy.



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It is unclear to me or not whether Heralds of the Gospel (a splinter from TFP) is continuing the work that Dr. Plinio started; namely, the restoration of the Monarchies across Western Europe-the ulatimate goal of the Catholic Counter Revolution and the "Reign of Mary" which seeks to annul, on a polical level, every revolution Tribal, Sexual, Communist, French, Protestant, that has taken place according to Dr. Plinio- and the resulting reconstruction of the former Holy Roman Empire aka as "Christendom", with the result being a Pan-Catholic State. It is clear, however, that TFP is continuing to pursue this agenda and that they have the backing of powerful aristocrats within Europe, and apparently have taken their experiences with various intelligence agencies as a way to develop their own understanding of "clandestine compartmentalization" in order to eventually retain power should they eventually succeed in taking it. It has been my understanding, for various reasons, that these people in this group (TFP but not necessarily Heralds of the Gospel) form the "secular" arm of this endeavor to restore the Monarchies-it is assumed the Papacy would be very amenable to TFP once the Monarchy was restored, and in this respect I don't disagree with that assumption- with the idea that they work underground and with sympathetic cardinals/bishops/priests until the Reign of Mary is effected through effective collaboration with secular members of oldline aristocracy (bloodlines, Divine Right of Kings) in Europe who themselves, while not particularly religious, would love to wield the power inherent in such a structure. There are already more than a few members of the aristocracy in Europe who are sympathetic to this cause and it is unknown to me how successful they could be, but I tend to take these things seriously. TFP has done shady work of a not so savory nature for various organizations in the past but it's prime goal is not "terrorism"; it's prime goal is the restoration of Christendom itself; a social order across Western Europe (and America too if possible) that would restore the Holy Roman Empire. To do this they need to recruit people who have the "Divine Right of Kings" running in their blood; recruit families that are verifiable descendants of kings and queens from various European countries. As well they just recruit families who are sympathetic to their Monarchist cause, their pre-Enlightenment medieval cause as outlined very specifically by Popes like St. Pius X and Leo XIII. Why is it important to pay attention to this group? Several reasons, one of which is that they are pragmatically oriented and not just ideologically oriented, and two is because they engage in practical politics at the highest levels in certain areas: see Dr. Roberto de Mattei http://www.lepantofoundation.org/2009/la-turchia-in-europa-beneficio-o-catastrofe/ who was in Italian Politics. There is a tangible conspiracy (originating with TFP, Thurn und Taxis, Prince Luis of Braganza and others who are part of TFP) in place on some levels (I am not sure exactly how far reaching) to replace the secular governments in Europe with ones more amenable to the union of the Catholic Church and State with the view of the resurrection of Christendom and the defence of Christendom in mind (from Islam). It is important that people be aware of this. From that point on Europe would fall backwards into a Dark Age, become Catholic, Islam would be repelled, and the old Monarchies would be restored as well as the Divine Right of Kings. The idea isn't any sort of Apocalyptic anything really, just the "Reign of Mary" and peace of Europe as Europe gets to the business of launching Crusades against the Muslim Infidels.

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