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Goodbye Jesus

I'll Go To Heaven And You'll Go To Hell


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YouTube video of a 92 year old woman who "tamed" her attacker by using the line posted as the topic title. I have some thoughts...either this attacker had no intentions of hurting the woman in the first place, or the woman was confused. Did anyone see the attacker get in her car? I think she may have been the only witness. Reminds me of Joseph Smith!
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She misremembered.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nothing new , i got used to listening to stories like that everyday , of people on dead or life situations with robbers , etc - is just for the OOH MY GOD factor anyway.


Is not strange eitherway - for example carrying images of the " La Santa Muerte " - Saint of the Death , here on mexico can free you from a lot of problems since is so respected people fear her and love her still a lot. Anyway My point of view? the robber was like Oh god not again , please give me the money bye , maybe? hah

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