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Goodbye Jesus



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Sorry, but have you guys seen this? Its a superhero show that is made to teach little kids about the bible. Bibleman fights the evil of doudt, anger, gossip and more with a lightsaber and bible quotes. I thought the show captain planet was bad but this, this is just insain.


In one moment Bibleman is telling little kids how to be good boys and girls and the next is he killing his ememyes.



Just take a look at the epic stupidity!






There two can look at this. Is it frighting mind control for kids or comedy gold?

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Goodbye Jesus

OMMFG! I HAVE seen this!!! I was VERY stoned, and I seriously thought I might have hallucinated part of it, but nope, it's as retarded as I recall. And how overly-blown and homoerotic is his suit??? :lmao:

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That was hilarious!!!


One of the best comments was from JCLeSinge, "By the braided beard of Odin! This show's like... ugh, it's like the Power Rangers gang-raped Robocop and abandoned the resultant freak-child at a Revival meeting!"


It's true: True fundyism is nearly impossible to distinguish from parody.

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OMMFG! I HAVE seen this!!! I was VERY stoned, and I seriously thought I might have hallucinated part of it, but nope, it's as retarded as I recall. And how overly-blown and homoerotic is his suit??? :lmao:

This would be such a GREAT party dvd! I have no trouble at all picturing a Rocky Horror-like cult following developing.

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Who are you kidding guys? This is a huge money maker for that former Charles in Charge actor that plays Bibleman and all the toy, costume and t-shirt distributors that comprise the franchise.


In the 90's we took our kid to a couple of Bible man rallies; we bought videos for him. He had costumes and swords.


Massive $$$$$ from this ridiculous parody!


Maybe we need to come up with a "Reason Man" character. Ok, "Reason Person" to avoid charges of sexism.


Maybe we can make some $$$.

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And Christians wonder why they are laughed at and ridiculed, even in Third World countries.

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I don't ever recall ever coming across this; I was always to busy watching shows on the paranormal....how deliciously hethonistic of me.


A point of interest though, while coming home from Memphis, I passed a pickup truck with professional looking decals calling him "The Bibleman." "Who you going to call when you have a Bible question...Bibleman." If I weren't with my mother, I would have called him and asked on of those like, "How can Jesus be at the right hand of God when his chronicled genetic history shows that he is a [i'll edit this as soon as I get the right name]?

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I've seen this before. I thought it was stupid even when I was Christian.


I liked what one viewer comment was on the video:


"a list of bible man's arch nemesis':

1. reason

2. independent thought

3. questioning and reason ( twin terrors )

4. facts"



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Let me put on my shoes of peace and stomp your wicked ass!


How utterly ridiculous. This is by far worse than the Power Rangers (which was just becoming popular when I was a kid). I'm glad that I was never subjected this this horseshit when I was a child. I mean, now they need a super hero to keep kids from exercising their free will and making some *gasp* bad decisions every once in a while. These people want to shelter their children from the world and all it does is keeps them from being properly prepared to make their own decisions once they are grown and on their own.

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One of the best comments was from JCLeSinge, "By the braided beard of Odin! This show's like... ugh, it's like the Power Rangers gang-raped Robocop and abandoned the resultant freak-child at a Revival meeting!"


:lmao: :lmao: THAT'S AWESOME!


...this totally could be a party dvd. :lmao:

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Guest Valk0010

I've seen this before. I thought it was stupid even when I was Christian.


I liked what one viewer comment was on the video:


"a list of bible man's arch nemesis':

1. reason

2. independent thought

3. questioning and reason ( twin terrors )

4. facts"



I would have thought it stupid to


and completely agree on the list

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The only way to show these folks their hypocrisy is to throw their "values" back in their faces. My daughter and son in law are, sadly, fundamentalists. S.I.L. and their boys are involved in a group that plays war games with paintball guns. S.I.L. wanted to know if he could bring the group over and use our back acreage as a battlefield. I told him no, that I didn't think teaching children that war is a game was compatible with Christian values. I received no response and the matter has been dropped.

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Sorry, but have you guys seen this? Its a superhero show that is made to teach little kids about the bible. Bibleman fights the evil of doudt, anger, gossip and more with a lightsaber and bible quotes. I thought the show captain planet was bad but this, this is just insain.


In one moment Bibleman is telling little kids how to be good boys and girls and the next is he killing his ememyes.



Just take a look at the epic stupidity!






There two can look at this. Is it frighting mind control for kids or comedy gold?


It's real.


When I used to lead a youth group the Christian bookstore next door gave us all their old videos when they moved to a new location. We found one of these and put it on during a youth movie night, and proceeded to mock the hell out of it.


1:37 -- he finds a bible in a pile of manure? Appropriate. And check out that codpiece of comedy at 2:52. I also like how they stole visual and sound effects from Star Wars and DOOM.



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sadly my 12 year old sister was "saved" by bibleman (willie aames) in 2003 at a franklin graham crusade..it was free so i can't ask for my sisters' money back. and my little 17 year old brother still watches the dvd. even when i was a christian i thought it was hysterical.

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Live show!? Right...ummm...where to begin...


Well given what was in the clip, there should at least be a lot of pyrotechnics. Probably the only thing good about it.

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*hangs head in shame*


yeah...I saw this live.


It was the opening act at a Carman concert when I was young. R.I.O.T tour. I thought it was pretty stupid then, I think it's pretty stupid now.

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My Sunday School class used to love Bibleman!

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My X married a fundie and squanked out a couple pups from him. I was at their house several years ago for my daughters open house. At some point during the festivities her 8 year old half-bro came running out of the house with a cape and sword shouting something about bibleman, the horror. The lad had joined with the collective.

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  • 2 weeks later...

... can i get those 5 minutes of my life back , pleaaase?


But really .... i dont have words for this , is like , you wanna stop watching but you cant .... :twitch:

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I remember that my mom took me to see this LIVE when I was seven...this was in the 90s, and I was a huge fan of Batman: The Animated Series as a kid. Dear old fundy-Mom thought this would be a nice Christian substitute.


I even had some of the videos back in the day, along with a "Bibleman Bible" that had comic book inserts. There were many Sundays where I was so bored in our Pentecostal church that I'd spend entire services reading the comics. Since I always had my head in that Bible, people thought I was really spiritual. On the back page, there was one comic where, at the end, it said, "Remember, kids, Jesus is the only TRUE superhero!" and I always noticed that the one guy who always played the villians in the video (it was always THE SAME GUY) looked a little like the comedian Sinbad.


Also, even as a kid, I remember thinking that Bibleman's sidekicks Cypher (WTF name is that?) and Biblegirl were the token black guy and Latina, respectively...


I should find these online and re-watch some for a laugh. It's a damn shame that Mom wanted me to see this, but the actual Power Rangers were deemed "too demonic" for our home.

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That black kid has a "you're gunna burn in hell motherfucker" creepy smile if I ever saw one, all the white kids look like zombies, and the whole thing just makes you want to stick a shotgun into your mouth and end it all.


Good god that was fucking hilarious.

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