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Goodbye Jesus

Fallen Angel


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Ok heres an story of lucifer i found , im unsure if is part of the actual lost writtings of the bible , but well you get the idea , theres actual almost miliion of stories about lucifer so it would be difficult to choose one , anyway - enjoy.




After adam was created, all the angels came to God to see his wonder. then said Gabriel to all the angels "knee down and worship to the Lords work, and pray to Adam like you do to God!" After Gabriel said so, all the angels on his side kneed down and did so.


But Lucifer spoke "why should i knee down and worship to this, when you know that i had promissed my father, that i will just pray to him and i will have only him as my Lord and Master! this Adam was created after me, and he should knee down and worship me! I promissed our father that i will only worship him, and so will i do!" And all the angels on the side of Lucifer did like he, and they stood still and they all won´t knee down.


Gabriel saw this and got angry and he said to the morning star "How dare you and deny this order! If you deny this, God, our father, will judge you in anger and punish you for this!"


As Lucifer had heard this words he said to Gabriel "If our Lord is angry about the fact that i act like i promissed him, and if he want to punish me because i only worship him alone, then i will raise myself upon his side and i want to be treaten like the Lord himself!"


After God had heard this words he became angry and Lucifer got banished.




For what i know ( and personally believe ) , he did got banished to the earth and he is not in an prison neither on hell , and he doesnt control the human affairs of what is good or wrong nor he creates the evil of the world - at last for the fairy tale factor of the story.


All i believe is that the sins and the pain in the world is because human stupidity , humans are stupid by nature sometimes , they have forgotten to use theyre brain first and later theyre heart , wich is one of the things that lucifer teach.


Plus the church have forgotten to teach of having pride and reputation , you gotta be proud of yourself and who you are , think before acting , use your brain - if something is wrong in your heart , dont just accept it. Your an wonderful being , believe on that , fight for what is good because is what you need to , choose doing the good because your own soul will thank you for that , not god , jesus - whatever. Fight for love.


I must admit im not an fully atheist , still i fight for the same thing , wisdom and freedom from religion , i dont just follow lucifer has the people in church , he is someone who i truly wanna follow has an inspiring figure to free the world from so much pain caused by main stream religions. The only thing i commited myself to him is to fight for the truth and iluminate minds , im not an slave - im my own god.

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Satan, in other words, is a Prometheus.

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