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Goodbye Jesus

Hagar and Sarah

Luck Mermaid

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was born? Are we to believe that it's a simple issue of Hagar preening her male offspring about and being an uppity slave?


How would you feel if you had to live as a slave to survive without mass rape, torture and probably murder, and then some WOMAN no less asks her husband to rape you so that he can have a child? And when you are pregnant with that child inside you, and when that child isborn and you see forever etched on your child the face of your rapists (both of them - Abe and Sarah were diggin' the incest), how might that make you fee?


I was similarly disgusted by seeing Leah and Rachel 'giving' their female slaves to their husbands for rape and then stealing their children and saying they were their own. Horrible, horrible people. the fucking lot of them.


I'm reading the bible, starting with Genesis. God approves of slavery, there's no two ways about it. the biblical god thinks that people should be slaves, because he 'rewards' abe and jake and lot and them all with slaves and animal slaves too, but another matter.


od this is nauseous stuff - and we're supposed to act all surprised when people are like 'I just don't understand why Tom raped his wife and killed all those people...how could this happen - he read the bible?!"


Also on the subject of Lot raping his daughters - yes Lot raping his daughters, not incest, not this or that. This isn't the story as it went down - this is what Lot said in c ourt. Possibly, also, this is the end result of Lot's deliberate manipulation and grooming of his children to have sex actions with him.


Iwas recently egaging in violent mysoginstic fantasies in chat rooms, and it was interesting to see what the men I was chatting with thought - some of them said some things like - oh, I want to come on a woman's face and fuck her in the ass because I think every woman deep down is a porn star - similar to that but actually almost an exact quote from bangbus.com, where scenes are acted out where men 'trap' stupid or desperate woman into having sex- they laugh and smile and go along with the mens' deliberately rude and denigrating comments and suggestions, and in the end they're thrown out of the bus and stranded looking confused while the men drive away laughing.


Someone else said that it was 'primal' for women to be submissive cumsluts.


This was really interesting to me, because I know exactly why I go to violent mysoginistic fantasy rooms, because it's my way of working out being sexually abused as a child, and I decided this was what turned me on in order to protect myself and survive. It's particularly hard because I can do it so well, I really can be a 'porn star' ( a 'porn star') being someone who wants others to have sex in a way that's deliberately meant to be insulting to her and participate in it. But it was interesting - I adopted these fantasies because that's what was put on me, so it's interesting that men actually think that women are into this, when really , the porn industry is just responding to a market of men (and women but the majority of porn watchers is still men). And the porn industry is usually about somebody 'losing', whether it's a woman or women and girls in straight porn and lesbian-fake straight porn or men and boys in gay porn.


It was interesting because I was thinking ' what planet are you on?' on the one hand , yes I'm here, I'm participating in this, and I am scratching an itch. So why shouldn't you believe that what I 'truly' want is to be hurt, deliberately told I am not worth anything - but why does it turn you on? It's interesting that so many men really believe that women want to be told we're basically worthless and hurt?

I wasn't sure what males believe but I didn't think it was that.


And there's an extension of it in the Bible - the way Lot's daughters 'decide' that they're the last people on earth, and so they really give a shit. They really care about furthering a society in which they are basically slaves and will just be sexually abused by their father and passed around to be abused by others, rather than striking out on their own and seeing what they can do themselves in the world? The idea that Hagar would be mean to Sarah only because she could compete with her child-wise, and not because her owner, a woman no less, had ordered the rape of her body and DNA, these are ideas a man would come up with.


I was watching joe dirt this week and at one point Joe's got an a-bomb strapped to him and he's hijacking a tourist spot for information, and while he's at it, he tells a woman that if she doesn't show him her body he will explode the bomb and kill everyone for miles around. This is supposed to be funny. And in a way it is funny. But in another way, it's so obvious that this is another example of men's warped minds - they don't get that a person has just been harmed and that something BAD has happened - it's funny because they probably think the woman thinks it's 'icky' to do something sexual or that she doesn't think Joe 'deserves' to see her body - as in hist ory and modern day, the woman is no longer a woman, she's an object, a prize, a boat, a project.


It's the same attitude whites have toward nonwhites and why they decide they will kill and maim people when they don't get their way. I think that if the two boys in the Columbine shooting had not been raised to believe, covertly, that they deserved certain things in life and status above others and sidekicks and the works like the lead characters in Disney movies, they might have thought twice about deciding they had a 'right' to steal people's lives - just like a stalker fan becomes obsessed with a celebrity - they don't see the celebrity and they don't want to - they want to see an object - once the celebrity farts in front of them and acts goofy, they can be dumped - but if that celebrity walks away without catering to the whims of a crazed fan, if a woman walks away without ac ting as if she deserves to be owned and dominated by a man, if one being, human, animal, or plant, walks away from a human being and doesn't believe they are 'for sale' and 'owned', all hell breaks loose, and the fists of 'righteous' fury come out.

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It's the same attitude whites have toward nonwhites and why they decide they will kill and maim people when they don't get their way.


Luck, what is it with you? Is everything bad caused by white supremacy, anti-semitism, etc. Read carefully what you wrote above. How is your statement any different than the prejudicial statements or beliefs that you claim to be disgusted by? As MLK said, he had a dream where people were judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin. I firmly believe in what he said and I hope it will someday be the norm for all differences of people. I just am perplexed at why you seem to exhibit the same types of prejudicial attitudes.



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Luck, what is it with you? Is everything bad caused by white supremacy, anti-semitism, etc. Read carefully what you wrote above. How is your statement any different than the prejudicial statements or beliefs that you claim to be disgusted by? As MLK said, he had a dream where people were judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin. I firmly believe in what he said and I hope it will someday be the norm for all differences of people. I just am perplexed at why you seem to exhibit the same types of prejudicial attitudes.







Yes, I'm not surprised that you're perplexed...anyhow, I read over what I wrote after posting it, and I realized I had made at least two generlizing statements, one of those you mentioned, another by saying all men are mysoginist bastards (more or less).


However, I think that reading my whole post you can understand that I'm not speaking about whites in particular or whites as fucked up violent freaks based on genetic predisposition due to differences of hair and nose structure. If it wasn't clear, allow me to point that out right now, and apologize for any confusion.


No, I meant it as a trait of our race, being the human one. I should have mentioned that the examples I give in bringing white and non-white people are specific to the current climate of worldwide white supremacy.

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I take it you disagree with my opinion of white supremacy and culture/color politics, fine. Do you have anything to say agree or disagree on the big meat of the article which deals with Sarah and Hagar and why people are so sickeningly presumptuous and angry to the point of murder when their presumptuousness is questioned or denied?

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