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Goodbye Jesus



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Ok i shouldnt be posting this here but i kinda felt a little out of place even in the theism forum ....


Personally i dont wanna deal with the blame , you know i feel kinda awful for leaving catholicism and all , and then being an atheist wasnt easy , but now i feel like im doing the worse sin for following the religion i finally decided to follow , like BE AN ATHEIST OR BE AN CATHOLIC OR GTFO EITHERWAY , YOUR WITH US OR WITHOW US .... pleeease..... personally i hate being an atheist , it doesnt feel like myself , so dont tell me you will grow out there , because been there done that , no thanks.


So yes , those are my beliefs , i choose them , personally im angry at christianity because they have an closed mindset wich is awfully dangerous , anyway i guess i kinda have the blame specially since i choosed such an difficult religion , since i could have choosen to follow budda or something like that.


I wonder , is religion THAT bad? , i hate picking sides like an stupid kiddies war but really .... i wont try to make you believe what i do but neither i will lie to you , no excuse me but right now im not atheist , not an christian , and im happy with it. ( Im not bashing atheist tought , is just kinda stressful the way they act sometimes ). If you wanna ban me because im an believer then do it , im having an hard time enough to find people who actually follow my same religion , to even worry about it.

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Guest Babylonian Dream

*hugs Adelice*


Sounds like you feel alot of pressure from us atheists to stop believing. I also see that you are like I was, you feel an emotioal connection, that your gods are a part of you. I can totally relate, I was there too. I've truly never gotten over the fact that I have a "spirtual" side. Though when I looked into it, I realized that I didn't really have a "god-shaped hole", I had an imagination that felt neglected.


Know that we aren't really against you believing in a god or gods, we are against you believing in deities that one can't demonstrate that they exist. Just like we're no longer a-orangutans, as we discovered that at least one big foot was real. Though the rest of the big foots are just not to be believed in until we find them.


Though really, I'm only against religion because of what it leads to. It can dumb down our species, it leads people to fly planes into buildings, and often makes people ignore the facts of reality, and gives them an excuse for it.


Fantasies are fun, but when they're passed off as religious belief, then problems arise.

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Why do you need a label? Your beliefs will change over time anyway. Personally, I think religion does more harm than good (with very few exceptions). Whatever you believe, I hope you have good reasons, not just fear.

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Who said you have to be an atheist?


It's no problem for me if you want to believe in ghosts, goblins, gods, and the like.


You've every right to be wrong. :grin:

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Sounds like you still have that emotional connection. Like, maybe you feel lonely and perhaps even worthless without believing in god/gods? We have all been there, and it fades with time. Don't worry too much about labels. This can just add stress to the situation. Relax, read, research, and come to a conclusion that seems right. But either way, you are entitled to believe whatever you want, even if it's the monster in your closet. It is all in your head. :)

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I thought this was ex-c theism and spirituality. Oh well.

I don't see myself "growing out" of my spirituality. It may shift and change, but me being pagan isn't a "phase."

I left dualism behind with christianity.

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Sounds like you still have that emotional connection. Like, maybe you feel lonely and perhaps even worthless without believing in god/gods? We have all been there, and it fades with time. Don't worry too much about labels. This can just add stress to the situation. Relax, read, research, and come to a conclusion that seems right. But either way, you are entitled to believe whatever you want, even if it's the monster in your closet. It is all in your head. :)


Personally i have lived almost all my life withow an god , at all , zero , none , no jesus no god not anything , i just prayed or went to church just for obligation , i never had any connection with any saint or anything like that so it doesnt makes sense the point of me having an emotional connection. Anyway i dont wanna sound aggressive , is just something i felt right , i wanted to follow , is like an hidden treasure that religion put away from me and now i feel more happier than ever , i mean is an personal choice i made , no fear or pressure involved. Tought thanks for the comment eitherway , i dont truly find wrong the religions , but when they start to use people to get money or make them paranoic and with mental illness preaching like parrots , now thats a problem.

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I see you're in Mexico. so you've probably got RC's spouting religious crap out the wazoo. Don't listen to the wazoo. They're all about CONTROL.


Above all else, chill. No one is keeping score, so lighten up, and read, explore, and think.

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