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Goodbye Jesus

Should I Fake It For The Social Benefits For The Kids?


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I was raised Seventh-Day Adventist, 4th Generation. I went to the schools, activities, etc. and existed in that bubble for many years. Over the past 18 years I evolved, studied and no longer believe. I would probably be a deist now but on certain days I'm a near atheist. I like the UU church but it never feels like home for me. So for the past 7 years, I've taken my kids to Sabbath School and then I leave (I find it very difficult to stomach a sermon). I don't mind them learning little stories but I tell them when I get home that they are like Disney stories, look for the deeper meaning but don't take it literally. I connected with a really cool progressive/liberal/UU-ish/Intellectual wing of the church while living in another state but haven't found anything to replace the sense of community. I've tried other liberal Christian churches but I always feel like what's the point in joining another version of something that I don't really believe in anyway. I mean I believe in the following: singing together in community, working together to feed the homeless, taking a nature walk, observing a day of rest (any day will do) -- it makes life feel a little more sacred, eating a healthy diet, staying away from drugs and alcohol, praying -- not necessarily to anyone but just the act of prayer to clear my mind and living a life that in some way contributes to making the world better in some small way. So I want to pass along the things that I valued about my religious tradition to my children but I don't want them embracing any of the dogma so I sift through and explain a lot (especially when the lesson starts talking about miracles). I've joined the UU Church of the Larger Fellowship and purchased many books to teach them about World Religions, views about God, etc. I love religions of the world but I just see them as human's best attempt at trying to understand their place in the cosmos in addition to other social agendas. So I respect everyone's path. I'm in the closet at church but I take what fits and leave the rest. Am I setting a bad example for my kids? I want them to grow up with values and spirituality (if it helps them) and to know the benefits of a warm community and often that's what church offers, especially the one I grew up in (it's also multiracial like my children and churches are generally segregated).

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It doesn't sound to me like you're doing anything harmful to your kids. The values you share regarding activities, exercise, rest, food etc. seem to be beneficial overall.


If you teach your children critical thinking - to think for themselves and evaluate claims - then that will be your best legacy to your children, and it will serve them their entire lives - and beyond (to their children and on down the line).


What you do for your children may one day change the world, and I think I'd like the world to value the things you value.


Give your children your time, and your time will last forever (ok, that's hyperbole, but you get my drift).

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  • Super Moderator

Hello and welcome.


I see what you're saying, but how would being dishonest about who you are and what you believe benefit the kids? You are the primary role model, not some church.


Just a thought.

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Hello and welcome.


I see what you're saying, but how would being dishonest about who you are and what you believe benefit the kids? You are the primary role model, not some church.


Just a thought.


Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it.

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