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Astral Projection?


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Bias = you don't agree with me on something.


Actually, no, it doesn't mean that. There are several different kinds of known biases, but the one relevant here is discussed at this link:



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I think the bias definition was kind of a joke.

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I think the bias definition was kind of a joke.


Well... yeah, I guess it was. LOL

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I hope astral projection is not real, because I've never done it. It also sounds kind of scary.

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Astral projection phenomenon can be induced with various drugs, as well as sensory deprivation. Some Buddhist mystics and others (my aunt was into Theosophy for years) claim that they can develop "techniques" that create certain experiences along these lines.


I've had a few interesting experiences through the years concerning this kind of stuff (while in a natural state not affected by any drugs) but the idea that it's any more than just a an interesting process of the mind I find dubious.


Sometmes when I wake up in the morning and roll out of bed I have this curious momentary experience that I'm observing myself in a sort of external mode; it's rather hard to describe, but I don't really find it disturbing in any way.

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First off, I just want to point out that, yes, a lucid dream is a dream in which you know you are dreaming. However, being lucid does NOT always mean you will be able to control the dream, even if you are an experienced lucid dreamer. I have had thousands of lucid dreams, and mastered many kinds of dream control. But there are some dreams which simply refuse to be controlled. Some lucid dreamers will say that as long as you believe 100%, your control will work. This is also a myth. For example, I have flown thousands of times in lucid dreams. And a few months ago, I jumped up in a dream, fully and completely expecting to fly--and I didn't. I ended up waking myself up in frustration because I couldn't seem to get off the ground. That being said, for most lucid dreamers, the hardest part is getting lucid in the first place. Dream control often comes very naturally and that's why a lot of people get the two things confused.


I highly recommend Robert Waggoner's book on lucid dreaming. In his book, he does a great job explaining how lucid dreaming works and feels, even to those who have not experienced it. Lucid dreaming can also be used to bring yourself to other (higher?) levels of consciousness. I won't argue whether or not these states are paranormal, because I think that the experience is too subjective to make that call. All I can say is that the experience, whether or not you believe in anything at all, is something you will never get anywhere else in life.


Personally I have never felt that lucid dreaming invalidates the idea that the human consciousness could somehow be tuning into or accessing other dimensions or realities. When you become adept at lucid dreaming, you can stand there, in a dream, and marvel at the fact that our dream world is just as convincing as reality--and in some cases, can seem MORE real than reality. So in a philosophical sense, reality is subjective. If the dream is not an "objective" or physical reality in its own right, this means it is actually YOUR own personal reality that your mind creates. And that opens up the idea that your mind creates a completely convincing reality, and a new one with every dream in most cases. Which is pretty amazing.


Getting back to astral projection: IMHO, astral projection and lucid dreaming overlap. And in fact, I think that regular dreams can be astral projection. So can OBEs. I believe that these experiences are different facets of consciousness and human expression. If people want to interpret them as spiritual or paranormal, that's their call.


By the way, getting back to the OP--the type of lucid dream you may be looking for is called a Wake Initiated Lucid Dream or a WILD. In this kind of lucid dream, you go directly from the waking state to the dream state. It is very difficult to master. For most people, there is an experience of sleep paralysis (typically vibrations) just before the dream begins. WILDs are known to be more vivid and stable than DILDs (dream initiated lucid dreams). However, I've had plenty of DILDs that were just as vivid as WILDs, so IMO it depends on the dreamer and the dream.


For more on the relation between lucid dreaming and OBEs, I suggest reading Stephen LaBerge's website. He is often credited with proven lucid dreaming scientifically, and he is a well-known expert on the subject. He wrote a great book on lucid dreaming, parts of which are posted on his website.



Finally, a lot of astral projection literature pretty much equates astral projection to what I would call visualization, or pretending. These people claim to astral project while driving their car or watching TV. This is just plain silly to me. Astral projection, like lucid dreaming, means a total disconnect from the physical body and its senses.



While I'm at it, I just want to mention thatlucid dreaming CAN be learned. :)

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First off, I just want to point out that, yes, a lucid dream is a dream in which you know you are dreaming. However, being lucid does NOT always mean you will be able to control the dream, even if you are an experienced lucid dreamer.

-----snipped for brevity----------

While I'm at it, I just want to mention thatlucid dreaming CAN be learned. :)


As an experienced lucid dreamer Naiya, I agree completely with the above.


As for Astral Projection,, wait for it folks, wait for it, here it is: prove it.




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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been researching astral projection for the past few weeks, I've been up all night reading, and have come to what I think is a conclusion.


It's all in the mind.




Also, I believe that our brain puts out thought waves, and that they can also be receivers and senders. i.e. think about someone right before they call you. I've had this happen a lot. May just be a coincidence.


There are energy fields that permeate each of us, many of which have been mapped by ancient sciences from the Orient and India- maps which we still have today, Chakras, for example. As you've probably read, several fields of energy are mapped to extend to regions some distance above the head, where, if we can attain conscious access to, could allow us greater access to "spiritual" or trans-dimensional awareness. For most of us, we would be lucky to once or twice access these higher frequencies of consciousness, and probably wouldn't recognize them if we did. For some of us, we may be able to better access these domains than others and possibly even experience control over our exploration of them. For some, it may happen unconsciously, naturally, without any attempt at all.


I've done quite a bit of math on your notion of sending/receiving simultaneity in thought. According to the math, for your phone calling example, it is unlikely that it is coincidence - actually, the chances of that type of event being a coincidence can be astronomical. It happens and recurs enough for enough people, to not be likely to be coincidence.

Apparently, I do this type of thing to people a lot, more, it seems than other people. Friends have said it's uncanny, and they've come to expect it from me. When I meet others who have the same abilities, things really get interesting.

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I think, scientifically speaking, astral projection is nothing other than a lucid dream. We cannot prove that humans have souls or that consciousness is separate from the brain. I do think,however, that astral projection and lucid dreaming can be a great experience and maybe even a spiritual one. I myself cannot lucid dream because every time I realize I am dreaming I wake up. \


Just my two cents.

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