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Goodbye Jesus

Who Are We (Part 2 Of 2)

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Unitarian Universalism


There's no "I do not attend church on a regular basis" on this question "If you currently attend church on a regular basis, what positions, if any, do you hold in your church? (Choose all that apply)." So I chose "None"


I'm a software developer. I chose full-time non-management. (Technically my title is "Support Manager", but I only do support for part of the time and there's no one under me.)


I was still in the choir for a while as a deist/agnostic. I liked the music and it gave me something to do when my husband was at church. I gave it up recently, around the time I decided I was an atheist.

The main reasons were:

- Having to sit through the sermons was getting old

- The music was drifting away from classical and hymns to "Contemporary Praise and Worship" music

- I was skipping the first Sunday of every month to avoid having to take or refuse communion


There's no "I do not attend church on a regular basis" on this question "If you currently attend church on a regular basis, what positions, if any, do you hold in your church? (Choose all that apply)." So I chose "None"


Yes, I see what you're saying and maybe I should have included the choice the "I do not attend church on a regular basis" option. I'll add it, but I think you gave the right answer given the limitation.




I'm a software developer. I chose full-time non-management. (Technically my title is "Support Manager", but I only do support for part of the time and there's no one under me.)


I think you made the right selection on the poll.


I was still in the choir for a while as a deist/agnostic. I liked the music and it gave me something to do when my husband was at church. I gave it up recently, around the time I decided I was an atheist.

The main reasons were:

- Having to sit through the sermons was getting old

- The music was drifting away from classical and hymns to "Contemporary Praise and Worship" music

- I was skipping the first Sunday of every month to avoid having to take or refuse communion


I'm very impressed with all the vocalists and musicians we have here. Unfortunately, those are skills that I don't have, though I do enjoy singing in the shower.


First question I put 'none of the above' as I'm a stay at home parent but I'm also self employed although I only bring in a little income.


I don't attend church and didn't for the year prior to my deconversion but when I did I was a worship leader or in the worship band and involved in *prayer ministry*.


We used to give around 10%+ to church and christian charities but we stopped everything except for this one christian charity where we sponser children. Ideally we'd rather not do it through a christian charity anymore but it feels wrong to withdraw our support to those two young people just because we've changed our beliefs. Once they're adults we'll stop and do it through something else.


We used to give around 10%+ to church and christian charities but we stopped everything except for this one christian charity where we sponser children. Ideally we'd rather not do it through a christian charity anymore but it feels wrong to withdraw our support to those two young people just because we've changed our beliefs. Once they're adults we'll stop and do it through something else.


Of course, I'm not sure how you responsed, but the 10%+ giving should have been reflected as giving while you were still Chrisians (if that is accurate) and then what you are now giving through a Christian charity should be reflected in current giving to religious organizations. What we will see then is a drop of the percentage of your household income given to religious organizations after your deconversion (if that is the case).


Yes I voted 11% or more for the first one when we were xian but wasn't sure how much money it actually is now so guessed at around 2%, so obviously it's dropped but I may be totally off the mark there as to the real % lol.


I chose professional, but I could have also chosen full-time non-manager. I'm a engineering consultant in a specialized field and I don't go into an office or report to anyone daily.


I don't believe in a god, don't practice a religion, don't attend a church, and don't tithe.


For the time that I was a Christian as an adult, my ex-husband and I tithed 10% pre-tax. I'm still bitter that the church accepted my ex tithing in my name at the same time as they failed to reach out to me in any way. I never had a special position because I'm not musically inclined and I dislike working with children. Being female, those were the only special positions I could have had.


I chose "I do not participate in any religion" even though I'm still attending a Baptist church. The only reason I go is because that is my job (music director) so I don't consider myself to be participating in the religion.


The last question should have an "I don't know" option. I don't bug my wife about giving money to the church, but I suspect she does, though I don't think it's 10% of our income (I earn probably about 95% of our income, and she knows I don't want my hard-earned cash going to the church). I selected 2-5%, but I really don't know.


For prior positions held in church, I selected Sunday school teacher, music/worship leader, youth leader and other. For clarification, I wasn't technically the worship leader, but I was in the worship band and was definitely more of an arranger than the others involved. As for "other," I also ran sound on my off-weeks from the worship band.


In the first poll I voted none of the above - I'm a full time graduate student, but I also work approximately 25 hours a week...so although I have a part time job, I also go to full time school...no options for those of us who do both :)

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