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Goodbye Jesus

Why save the earth/environment..


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afterall, "god's" gonna burn it up anyway! :banghead::banghead::banghead:


I actually read this on a board..my head is reeling, I'm truly dizzy thinking about the logic here.


Since gawd will make a new earth, we should just use this one up, screw the animals, air and land. Rape it all..take it all for our use. "He's" coming back soon..so what is the point of making things better??



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:mellow: Sometimes, I wish we could just leave this planet to find another good planet to live on, and let them screw themselves out of a livable planet. :mellow:
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Yeah, I believe that Ann Coulter would be the spokeswoman for that retarded line of thinking. :Hmm:

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What a point! Why are they so concerned with saving the whales, or the spotted owl. The earth was put here for us to use up. When it's used up, he'll be back.


If we start to use it all up earnestly, we should accomplish it in about 900,000 years or so. Let's get started!

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afterall, "god's" gonna burn it up anyway!  :banghead:   :banghead:   :banghead:


I actually read this on a board..my head is reeling, I'm truly dizzy thinking about the logic here.


Since gawd will make a new earth, we should just use this one up, screw the animals, air and land.  Rape it all..take it all for our use.  "He's" coming back soon..so what is the point of making things better??


:banghead:   :banghead:   :banghead:


Yah, that's pretty much why the western mindset is anti-environment. It's hard to care what you do to the ozone layer if you honestly believe your generation is the last. Besides, you treehugging pagan, with the love of Jesus all air is clean air.

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:mellow: Sometimes, I wish we could just leave this planet to find another good planet to live on, and let them screw themselves out of a livable planet. :mellow:


If narrow-minded people only hurt themselves, all could rest easy.


If only.



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Yeah, I believe that Ann Coulter would be the spokeswoman for that retarded line of thinking.  :Hmm:


Actually, Ronnie Regan had a hand in the whole eco-antipathy by turning his nose up on environmental policies because he thought the apocalypse was coming. The thing is that hurting the planet also hurts us (mercury-tainted fish, acid rain), it just goes to show you which people are truely the moral ones. And what morality is there in damageing the planet (and causeing untold trouble for your fellow Humans) just because "the world's going to end anyway and you're going to heaven"? I know this is generalizing, but anti-eco fundies/neo-cons have no compassion for their fellow man if they think like that.


KNS: I know how you feel. Why should be get caught between the greed of the millionares who have all the power and cause some of the greatest amount of damage and the asshole leaders who are playing along or are brainwashed into this stupid-ass fundy idea. At least some of the Pagan religions encouraged a respect for nature.

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I really think idiots like that should be tried for crimes against humanity.

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That's probably why so many Christians buy SUVs. Why care about the future when there's not going to be one anyway?

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afterall, "god's" gonna burn it up anyway!  :banghead:   :banghead:   :banghead:


I actually read this on a board..my head is reeling, I'm truly dizzy thinking about the logic here.


Since gawd will make a new earth, we should just use this one up, screw the animals, air and land.  Rape it all..take it all for our use.  "He's" coming back soon..so what is the point of making things better??


:banghead:   :banghead:   :banghead:

Actually, most of the Christians I've personally encountered don't possess a fuck-it-all attitude. They are more of the "we're stewards of God's earth" mentality. Their purpose is to preserve the earth as some pristine "Christian" jewel to present to "Jesus" upon his return. (I think these are the Millenial Reign crowd.)


Which makes absolutely NO sense, since "Jesus" is going to return ONLY to destroy the earth! "God" will pour out his "wrath" from bowls and vials, and "Jesus" will swoop down for a mop up action. Doesn't sound like too much "good" is going to be left of Earth when all is said and done.


Either way you split it, Christians are fucking nutty.

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People like that need to be shot. I'm serious, they are a danger to everyone and everything.

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