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Goodbye Jesus



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I do not even know WHERE to begin with this one, so please have patience with me.

My friend's brother is a drunk and is starting to get really nasty with his mother. (He is living with her at the moment.) Anyway, my friend's niece and nephew went over to the house to "bless" the house. My friend happened to be there, she wanted to see how or what they did. She has been to church a couple times in her life, but not really familiar with all the pentecostal craziness like I am. Anyway, they went from room to room, inside and outside the house with the tongues and anointing oil praying and rebuking...then went into the guy's room. His mother on her knees at his bed, one person praying and carrying on, the other placing a prayer cloth under the mattress, then getting up to go pray over my friend. She started crying. Well, she said that it was an awesome experience. I am thinking to myself, OH F*CK! :Doh: Great, now she is getting roped into this emotional shit. I don't dare say anything on the negative (like, I don't believe this bullshit because it is exactly that) because I know that I will be called satan, devil, lucifer, critter, demon, whatever. That, and I am sure that they had warned her that some people would tell her stuff like that, and I would be falling right into the "trap". She knows how I feel about things, I do not want to make her feel like she has to do whatever to make me happy, not my life. I am just so sick about this whole thing. What is one to do when one of their closest friends is showing signs of being "converted" to pentecost ways of thinking???? (If THINKING is really what they do even?!? :loser: ) She is not a church goer, but her family is into it STRONG and HEAVY. They DO NOT give up. She is the type to cave in when the pressure is on. I fear that she is going to be the next victim of this religious cancer.

I just needed to vent because I am PISSED. :vent: I am angry because I USED to be like this, I KNOW what it was like over there without even being there. It is nothing but a great big emotional circus. I know how it ropes people in thinking that they had a GOD experience when all they had was their heart and emotions played like a fiddle. UGH UGH !!!!!!!!!!!!! Why can't people like this just go AWAY or WAKE UP! :Doh: I am sure that the people that did this meant well... did not think that they were hurting anyone.... but DAMN!!!!!! Just hearing this stuff makes you think they need serious medication, does it not??? :twitch: All I know is, it is going to SUCK if my friend turns over to "be with Jesus" cause for one, I know that I will be next on their "hit list" to save...... UGH!!!!!!!!! That and I just hate to see a mind go to waste. :vent: It was nice knowing her while she was still with us. If it makes any sense.... it is almost like watching someone dying???? Once that shit is in their system, the person you once knew will be gone.


Thank you for "listening" to me vent, I needed it. This is truly depressing.

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That is a drag, for sure, Angel. What the hell you gonna do? Like you say, if you try to intervene, you are gonna be the great satan in the whole mess. That sucks, for sure. IMO all you can hope for is that it will all seem a little too kooky for your friend, too. I mean, that is some wacky shit. Tongues alone is enough to freak out someone who is uninitiated in it. We'll keep our fingers crossed for ya.

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I do not even know WHERE to begin with this one, so please have patience with me.

My friend's brother is a drunk and is starting to get really nasty with his mother. (He is living with her at the moment.) Anyway, my friend's niece and nephew went over to the house to "bless" the house. My friend happened to be there, she wanted to see how or what they did. She has been to church a couple times in her life, but not really familiar with all the pentecostal craziness like I am. Anyway, they went from room to room, inside and outside the house with the tongues and anointing oil praying and rebuking...then went into the guy's room. His mother on her knees at his bed, one person praying and carrying on, the other placing a prayer cloth under the mattress, then getting up to go pray over my friend. She started crying. Well, she said that it was an awesome experience. I am thinking to myself, OH F*CK!  :Doh: Great, now she is getting roped into this emotional shit. I don't dare say anything on the negative (like, I don't believe this bullshit because it is exactly that) because I know that I will be called satan, devil, lucifer, critter, demon, whatever. That, and I am sure that they had warned her that some people would tell her stuff like that, and I would be falling right into the "trap". She knows how I feel about things, I do not want to make her feel like she has to do whatever to make me happy, not my life.  I am just so sick about this whole thing. What is one to do when one of their closest friends is showing signs of being "converted" to pentecost ways of thinking???? (If THINKING is really what they do even?!?  :loser: ) She is not a church goer, but her family is into it STRONG and HEAVY. They DO NOT give up. She is the type to cave in when the pressure is on. I fear that she is going to be the next victim of this religious cancer.

I just needed to vent because I am PISSED.  :vent: I am angry because I USED to be like this, I KNOW what it was like over there without even being there. It is nothing but a great big emotional circus. I know how it ropes people in thinking that they had a GOD experience when all they had was their heart and emotions played like a fiddle. UGH UGH !!!!!!!!!!!!! Why can't people like this just go AWAY or WAKE UP!  :Doh: I am sure that the people that did this meant well... did not think that they were hurting anyone.... but DAMN!!!!!! Just hearing this stuff makes you think they need serious medication, does it not??? :twitch:   All I know is, it is going to SUCK if my friend turns over to "be with Jesus" cause for one, I know that I will be next on their "hit list" to save...... UGH!!!!!!!!! That and I just hate to see a mind go to waste.  :vent: It was nice knowing her while she was still with us. If it makes any sense.... it is almost like watching someone dying???? Once that shit is in their system, the person you once knew will be gone.


Thank you for "listening" to me vent, I needed it. This is truly depressing.




Hello Angel,


I hope that you get to feeling better. Sounds like this person means alot to you. I replied because this type of frustration hits me pretty hard. I know what it feels like, actually on the other side of the religious spectrum, to lose people you love in that type of way.


I have lost many people that were my best friends, even family. People are always going to be people. I believe in Christ, and the flowing of living waters in those servants whom receive it. I try to always keep a nonjudging mind when I see people acting in repetition of themselves, yet I know that the Spirit comes and goes and nobody knows where it comes .


I have lost many people because of certain denominational veiws, and have confused many people. God didnt save me like the church wanted, so sometimes church can become a little uncomfortable.


Yet, what they forget is that when Jesus came, the Jews were looking for a different Messiah, and missed a great light.

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Mythra, it is a drag... BIGTIME. I am really hoping that she sees it for what it is. Thanks for keeping your fingers crossed... my toes are crossed too.. lol




Well on somethings YoYo, I know that we don't see eye to eye. (As far as belief in the bible and jesus) However, I do see how we both know what it is like to have "church crazies" come in and mess people up emotionally. It is poison. Once that kind of thinking has been pounded in, it is almost impossible to get through... could take years, or never. With me, it took years to wake up. I just hope that she does not get mixed up with this garbage.....but by the looks of things, she is starting to show signs of interest.

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You could tell your friend that demon exorcism, speaking in tongues and miracles are not for today. That it was only for the original apostles. Instead of taking the Non-Christian side, you can play the role as the skeptical liberal christian. Let her know that many Christians believe these kind of events to be un-godly and heretic.

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You could tell your friend that demon exorcism, speaking in tongues and miracles are not for today. That it was only for the original apostles. Instead of taking the Non-Christian side, you can play the role as the skeptical liberal christian. Let her know that many Christians believe these kind of events to be un-godly and heretic.



That might work, only thing, my friend knows me well enough to know that I am not a christian... I can try to point out that a lot of christians think that they demonic? Thanks for the idea!!

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Well on somethings YoYo, I know that we don't see eye to eye. (As far as belief in the bible and jesus) However, I do see how we both know what it is like to have "church crazies" come in and mess people up emotionally. It is poison. Once that kind of thinking has been pounded in, it is almost impossible to get through... could take years, or never. With me, it took years to wake up. I just hope that she does not get mixed up with this garbage.....but by the looks of things, she is starting to show signs of interest.


Interset in Christ, or God in general is a good thing to me. Church fellowship is a good thing to me. Churches acting like Jews, is were things get messed up. Sometimes people have bad situations and blame God instead of the people that hurt them.


I have done this many times. When I received the promise genuinely though, it did change my life to the fullest. I try to humble myself and be of a good nature toward people, yet some (even family) tell me that they dont even know if they see Christ in me because I just sit there mostly like a lump.


People will always be people. On the other hand, I have spoken to people and told them different things about Christ and the teachings, and been upheld as a man of God.


So, the scripture that has always helped me with those things is the one where Jesus talks about the people that will scorn, and hate on those that keep His name. Sad, but the church preaches Peace, Peace, when Christ said watch out for those who say those things.


Anyhoo, Im sorry if this is off the direction chart a little, got to thinking about how weird that is that two people on total ends of the God spectrum could have such a similar situation, caused by the same thing. Church.



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So, the scripture that has always helped me with those things is the one where Jesus talks about the people that will scorn, and hate on those that keep His name. Sad, but the church preaches Peace, Peace, when Christ said watch out for those who say those things.

People that scorn and hate his name, like us? :scratch:


Anyway, it looks like you (Yoyo) is starting to look human even to me! ;)

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