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Goodbye Jesus

Classic, just classic


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Oh man, this is great shit. I just got a classic comment on my blog from a YECer

Hm... Well..i guess i'm sorry that i didn't include the ideas of current, real scientists in all major fields, both Christian and non-Christian. There is more proof for a literal 7 day creation(God), than evolution. Most, if not all REAL scientist believe(though creation can easier be proven, because there isn't any real scientific proof for evolution) that these two theories are it. There isn't anything else. Not unless you want to make one up right now... even though i don't know if your really a masters or higher in science... But hey, the person who brought evolution had no idea what he was talking about either. He was a pastor, nothing more, and nothing less. He had no training in science, and upon many and many assumptions, created a theory that only writers and poets believed in for hundreds of years(there was no proof then, and isn't any now).


Let me know what you think,


I've highlighted some of my favorites. I have asked him for the evidence for creation. $5 says he uses Hovind and/or Morris.
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Hm... Well..i guess i'm sorry that i didn't include the ideas of current, real scientists in all major fields, both Christian and non-Christian. There is more proof for a literal 7 day creation(God), than evolution. Most, if not all REAL scientist believe(though creation can easier be proven, because there isn't any real scientific proof for evolution) that these two theories are it. There isn't anything else. Not unless you want to make one up right now... even though i don't know if your really a masters or higher in science... But hey, the person who brought evolution had no idea what he was talking about either. He was a pastor, nothing more, and nothing less. He had no training in science, and upon many and many assumptions, created a theory that only writers and poets believed in for hundreds of years(there was no proof then, and isn't any now).


Let me know what you think,


Golly gee! I didn't know that! What an awesome display of logic and grammer! After Will thoroughly disproved evolution did he say what God did after He created the world? Is there some book that tells about it? I wanna be a clay bedpan-- fill me up Lord!!

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Hm... Well..i guess i'm sorry that i didn't include the ideas of current, real scientists in all major fields, both Christian and non-Christian. There is more proof for a literal 7 day creation(God), than evolution. Most, if not all REAL scientist believe(though creation can easier be proven, because there isn't any real scientific proof for evolution) that these two theories are it. There isn't anything else. Not unless you want to make one up right now... even though i don't know if your really a masters or higher in science... But hey, the person who brought evolution had no idea what he was talking about either. He was a pastor, nothing more, and nothing less. He had no training in science, and upon many and many assumptions, created a theory that only writers and poets believed in for hundreds of years(there was no proof then, and isn't any now).


Let me know what you think,



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REAL scientists? is tehre a special school for that? or does he jsut mean "CHRISTIAN" scientists? cuz those would be the only real scientists cuz the holy spirit is guiding all their scientific discovery?




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Once again, a xtian uses stunning proofs and irrefutable logic to prove the existence of god. He has clearly done extensive research on this topic, as his sources are rock-solid.


Someone tell 99.9% of the scientists and biologists they're wrong. :nono:

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Hey, I win $5!

Go to www.drdino.com for more information, if you want to learn about the opposing side, which is a good idea.
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Oh man, this is great shit.  I just got a classic comment on my blog from a YECer  I've highlighted some of my favorites.  I have asked him for the evidence for creation.  $5 says he uses Hovind and/or Morris.


now now, even stupid people have opinions and generally more of them.

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