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Reggie Finley and Bob Price


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I'd like to put in a plug for those who are fans of Reggie Finley (the Infidel Guy) or Bob Price to check out the latest episode of the Atheist Hour, available for free temporarily from www.unchainedradio.com.


The first three installments of this show have been somewhat disappointing to me, since Gene slides right into his version of the TAG and keeps the whole show on that topic, but for this episode there were two additional guests with stellar credentials, Dr. Robert Price and Dr. Robert Morey, who took the show to a really intellectual level. I highly recommend it.

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Downloading right now. I absolutely love Bob Price, so I'm really looking forward to the listen.


Note: Although I can tell you right now that I'm already tempted to just skip past all of Gene Cook's statements, because the man is like a vulture. He does really attack as much as he just looms overhead and waits patiently until he can start pecking at atheists.


I've been listening for a little while now, and I'm just like, "God, shut up, Gene!" It's a fairly decent exchange as long as Gene's not talking. Like about 43 minutes into it, Morey starts talking about this one idea someone proposed about the different human races coming from different primates, such as one race coming from lemers and another coming from orangutans or something like that. And Gene goes, "It sounds like an interesting theory, if evolution is correct." Gah!!! So many things wrong with that! If that could be shown to be true, that would actually prove evolution false!


I would have blown my top by now. Really, I would have. I commend people who can talk to Gene Cook and humor him for his idiocy.


Now I remember why I don't like listening to Gene Cook.

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Here are thoughts on the show by one listener. Of course, if you note the title of his blog, well, I guess you'll already know the spin he put on it...

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I've seen that guy's blog before. In fact, I got a message yesterday from Gene Cook's forum (some of you probably got it too) about that, because he wanted people to call in to his next show.


I've only got one thing to say about that guy's entry.


In conclusion, Cook and Morey won the debate...
That was a debate?
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No fair... I want that hour of my life back.




What a waste of time... :ugh:

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Hmmm. Frank Walton seems only slightly less abrasive than Paul Manata.

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I caught the last 5 minutes of this conversation. Just downloaded it. Now I have this one and your last appearence on H. Allee to get too.


But what I caught and what I heard from Bob Morey confirmed what I knew about the guy and from a sermon I heard from him on sermonaudio.com.


He's articulate, but toxic.

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He's articulate, but toxic.

Well, the toxicity comes from his worldview- that's inevitible. But at least he was respectful of his fellow conversants and didn't try to play apologetic tricks.

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Thanks bud.. I usually am busy when these neat shows are broadcast originally.


Fun if nothing else to listen tot hem and see what folks say and do with the subjects.. :)



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Hey Zach. Did you hear about the new evolution show that Reggie's doing? Pigliucci was supposed to be the host, but now Reggie's looking for a variety of on-air contributers to the program. I recommended you.



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Hey Zach.  Did you hear about the new evolution show that Reggie's doing?  Pigliucci was supposed to be the host, but now Reggie's looking for a variety of on-air contributers to the program.  I recommended you.

Thanks for the recommendation. I'd love to do another molecular biology evidence show, like I did with Franc.

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