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Should I See The Passion?


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When The Passion of The Christ came out I happened to be going through one of the most guilt-laden stages of my Christianity. I couldn't bear to so much as look at a cross, much less see this. A friend, concerned that "there's something going on in my life" because I wasn't going to church, kept prodding me about it and offered to buy my ticket to see this "beautiful story." Needless to say, I stood my ground because that really wasn't the time.


Is there a good reason I should rent it now? In a similar vein to watching Jesus Camp, I wonder if it would remind me of the things I used to feel and had drilled into me, and that seeing this stuff now would make me keener to the experiences of Christians who saw it. Looking for insight, basically, beyond 'this is a snuff film used to shame and control people.' I want to also see for myself how the Jews are depicted. And judge for myself if I consider showing this to kids child abuse (I'm sure I will.)


Or maybe to laugh at it? Does it have the same cheeseball qualities of other Christian films?

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ech. I don't know- that would be up to you.

Personally, you couldn't pay me to watch it. I already know all of the plot points and it is gruesome and nasty. ... ... ... ...but that's just me.


I don't think it is worth laughing at.

How about "Bruce Almighty"?...;)

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...I wonder if it would remind me of the things I used to feel and had drilled into me, and that seeing this stuff now would make me keener to the experiences of Christians who saw it.

Why would you want to be reminded of the bad old days and why do you need to feel "keener to the experiences of Christians who saw it"? Why give a damn about it?


I say move on. Real life should be holding your attention rather than that drivel.

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I say move on. Real life should be holding your attention rather than that drivel.

Well, unless he likes fictional movies with lots of blood and a ton of flashbacks...

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Or maybe to laugh at it? Does it have the same cheeseball qualities of other Christian films?


Ehhh...If it's just viewed solely as a film I think it is definitely well made and is a "powerful" film, but the connotations behind the film and the portrayal of the entire Jewish race as slathering evil God-killers is blatant. Mel Gibson can make very good films (like Apocalypto) but the overall message and pseudo-historical/theological portrayal of the Passion is obviously contrived and bolted together with a bunch of guilt ridden insecurity. If you want to watch it, by all means do so. I have better things to do and better movies to waste my time on than that. The violence of it is completely "over the top" in that it is in there for a reason, to make you feel guilty and shameful, it's a very subtle propaganda piece.

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Well maybe if an extreme S&M snuff film appeals?

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first sniff glue or inhale a bong load, it's the only way you will survive the time distortion that surrounds the film. It goes on forever, and ever, and ever,....

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It is definitely NOT appropriate to show to kids, IMO.


Certainly didn't stop my fundie high school from bussing us to the theater *during* school hours to watch it. (Was it rated R? I think we had to have parents sign forms to get to see it.)


It didn't really have much of an effect on me overall. I don't really like gratuitous violence in films anyways, so I averted my eyes from the screen for a lot of it...and then I would also try to match the dialogue to the subtitles. (FUN! :grin:)


IMO, not really worth anyone's time...

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I watched that when it first came out. It was post-Christianity for me, during a stage of my life where my attitude toward it all was "whatever. I barely remember it. Not even a blip on the radar.


Now? Now I wouldn't watch it.

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It's hard to say. Is the movie in the $5.00 bin at Wal-Mart or some other store? For that price and if you have a couple of hours to spare that you don't mind losing and never getting back, then it might be worth a watching.


I saw it pre-deconversion and thought then that it tried too hard to emotionally manipulate people. It reminded me of pastors and evangelists who would go into graphic detail about the injuries suffered by Jesus and knock on the wooden pulpit as they described the soldiers' pounding nails into Jesus' feet and wrists. It was all designed to create weepy, guilt laden repentance rituals where tearful congregants would repent of not being as passionate as they could be and a few others would "give their lives to Jesus."


I don't want to derail the conversation, but I also wonder what people's opinions are of the old movie from the '80's "The Last Temptation of Christ." I was hardcore fundie then and refused to see it. Is that a good artistic interpretation of the death of Jesus?

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Guest Babylonian Dream

You read the book, if you want to see the movie based on it, go ahead. Though if it might hurt you, don't. If you are just curious, heck, I tend to watch the movies after reading works of fiction.

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Maybe you should watch "The Life of Brian" instead - much funnier!

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I watched this movie long before the deconversion, and I was told by all my friends at the time that it would make me cry. When I didn't cry becuase of the film's blatant emotional manipulation, I was made to feel like some sort of freak, or worse, a bad Christian. "How can you not be moved by this?!" I was asked multiple times. I should have realized it then, but when I responded by saying, "Because I chose not to get all emotional about it." I was clearly aware of the emotion behind my faith.




I say, don't watch it. Spend your two hours on something worth your time. I'd say... Dogma. That's a good religious film. :)



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I don't understand the need to watch something like that. I have no desire to watch Jesus camp either. I've seen it first hand, I don't need to be reminded. Maybe you should probe a little deeper within yourself as to why you want to watch it?

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I went to see the movie just 'praying' that it would bring me closer to Jesus.


All I did was get mad at God and Jesus. If they had so much power - none of this torture would have had to happen in the first place!.And God allowed this to happen to his only son! :shrug:


All I saw was man's inhumane ability to torture another human. I do not like any gory movies and I would not look at most of it. I did a study on 'ancient tribal torture' and I wish I hadn't.......... Brutal - even today!

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The whole movie's up on youtube in parts if you really want to watch it.

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In a huge irony...my Buddist exGF got free tickets from her Chrisitan friend and asked her ex-chrisitan BF if he wanted to go.


Since she had thing about not wasting stuff we went.


Knowing the story..I was thinking passion plays from church so the whole palm sunday through easter thing. GF was just honestly curious about the story having never heard it except through cultural osmoisis.


Afterward, her friend said there was a meeting which we polietly declined. It was interesting that they were handing out tracts that said in bold letters "DID THIS MOVIE INSPIRE YOU TO GIVE YOUR HEART TO JESUS?" my response was No but the contents of my stomach maybe.


My religious mother asked me about it. I told her its was watching a two hour touture sequence.


Ironicly, my lapsed catholic wife has a thing for bad bible moives needless to say we own it.

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I am waiting for the sequel: "Jesus Chainsaw Massacre II: Baby Jesus Gets Revenge" :fdevil:



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I am waiting for the sequel: "Jesus Chainsaw Massacre II: Baby Jesus Gets Revenge" :fdevil:




Kinda like this? (possibly NSFW)




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If you like torture porn, it's one of the best movies in that genre.

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Anything else is worth more to the use of your time than that movie, all it is is boner material for blood loving cxtian fucktwats.

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I take it back. Apparently I can watch it. What a gory, brutal thing.


Humans are a horror.

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Watch a b-rated zombie movie instead: More action, better plot, and less gore.

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Anything else is worth more to the use of your time than that movie, all it is is boner material for blood loving cxtian fucktwats.


You summed it up perfectly.

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