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Goodbye Jesus

Ronald Reagan


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"It is not my intention to do away with government. It is, rather, to make it

work -- work with us, not over us; to stand by our side, not ride on our back.

Government can and must provide opportunity, not smother it; foster

productivity, not stifle it. It is no coincidence that our present troubles

parallel and are proportionate to the intervention and intrusion in our lives

that result from unnecessary and excessive growth of government. ... We shall

reflect the compassion that is so much a part of your makeup. How can we love

our country and not love our countrymen, and loving them, not reach out a hand

when they fall, heal them when they are sick, and provide opportunities to make

them self-sufficient so they will be equal in fact and not just in theory? ...

We are a nation under God, and I believe God intended for us to be free. It

would be fitting and good, I think, if on each Inauguration Day in future years

it should be declared a day of prayer."

-- Ronald Reagan

(1911-2004) 40th US President

Source: First Inaugural Address, 1981


"Government is not a solution to our problem,

government is the problem."

-- Ronald Reagan

(1911-2004) 40th US President


"If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth."

-- Ronald Reagan

(1911-2004) 40th US President



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Goodbye Jesus
"It is not my intention to do away with government. It is, rather, to make it

work -- work with us, not over us; to stand by our side, not ride on our back.

Government can and must provide opportunity, not smother it; foster

productivity, not stifle it. It is no coincidence that our present troubles

parallel and are proportionate to the intervention and intrusion in our lives

that result from unnecessary and excessive growth of government. ... We shall

reflect the compassion that is so much a part of your makeup. How can we love

our country and not love our countrymen, and loving them, not reach out a hand

when they fall, heal them when they are sick, and provide opportunities to make

them self-sufficient so they will be equal in fact and not just in theory? ...

We are a nation under God, and I believe God intended for us to be free. It

would be fitting and good, I think, if on each Inauguration Day in future years

it should be declared a day of prayer."

-- Ronald Reagan

(1911-2004) 40th US President

Source: First Inaugural Address, 1981


"Government is not a solution to our problem,

government is the problem."

-- Ronald Reagan

(1911-2004) 40th US President


"If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth."

-- Ronald Reagan

(1911-2004) 40th US President



Good Stuff! While not without some questionable activities, I still miss the type of President Ronald Reagan was!

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Reagan (Conservative Hero) Mythology:


1. Reagan was one of our most popular presidents.


His average approval rating during his eight years? 52.8 percent – lower than Lyndon Johnson, H. W. Bush and Clinton.


2. Reagan was a tax-cutter.


He raised taxes in 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986 and 1987. Who got screwed? You guessed it – the middle class who “paid a higher percentage of their income in taxes when Reagan left office than when he came in.”


3. Reagan was a hawk.


He bombed Libya in 1986. Before that? Nothing. After that? Nothing.


4. Reagan shrank the federal government.


Under Reagan…


a) Spending grew by an average of 2.5 percent a year.


B) National debt when Reagan took office: $700 billion. National debt when Reagan left office: $3 trillion.


c) Number of federal employees when Reagan took office: 2.8 million. Number of federal employees when Reagan left office: 3 million.


Ronald Reagan has to be the most over-rated president in American history. The man was a conservative with charisma, charm and a Hollywood background who would be unable to get the backing of today’s Tea Party. Reagan was weak on immigration, he tripled the national debt, raised taxes and grew government – not quite your teabagger’s cup of tea.

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3. Reagan was a hawk


He did a lot to prop up some truly nasty tin pot dictators, including none other than our old pal Saddam Hussein. When it came to proxy wars, he was indeed a hawk.

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What I miss about Reagan is the great protest marches he inspired. It seems there was at least one in D.C. every weekend during his administration. Good excuse to play Hippie. Good times.


When he was in office, I thought he was the worse president ever. But, now that I've lived through Pappa Bush and Baby Bush, I almost miss the old coot.

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The melt down on Wall Street a few years ago proves to my feeble intellect that trickle-down economics of Reagonomics is a failure.

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3. Reagan was a hawk


He did a lot to prop up some truly nasty tin pot dictators, including none other than our old pal Saddam Hussein. When it came to proxy wars, he was indeed a hawk.


I see you got their first. He basically raped South and Central America from multiple orifices via the CIA and propped up governments that crushed democracies in favor of business-loving despots.


But hell, we got cheap bananas out of it and United Fruit increased their profits.

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The melt down on Wall Street a few years ago proves to my feeble intellect that trickle-down economics of Reagonomics is a failure.


He inspired his own melt down when he was in office too. The savings and loan debacle was directly related to the fact he lifted regulations on the farm country banks, creating an environment of rampant fraud. His adherents still sing the praises of deregulation, even though it clearly benefits the frauds at the top and everyone else pays for it.

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Regan transformed the political arena to an entertainment arena. After all, he was an actor and could pull it off.


His two successors were not so successful and shrub II was the village idiot.


BO is an excellent orator but his words are "hollow". Mind you he walked into a minefield the previous 3 dorks left him.


If any of this was real, I wonder if BO came into office w/o the mass meltdown of the global economy IF his ability to transform would have been different. A black man in teh WHITEhouse obviously don't go down too well with the Real Americans.


You have probably one of the most intelligent guys "in charge" of late but the preceding 5 terms of retards has not left a climate conducive to intelligent leadership. The DP failed to make any difference to the direction of the US apart from the "appeal to emotion" issues.


The fact that a RP in the minority was able to still dictate and/or draw out issues made the whole 2008 victory null and void. This probably exposed the facts of a puppeteer more emphatically as very little has really changed; still in Iraq and Afg.


He said it best, guns gays and gawd are the fundamental issues that drive the public opinion of US politics. Folk want the American Dream back and neither BO or any subsequent retard successor will make it come back - that bubble has burst.


The uber rich are not really affected by what seems to be the "root issues" folk have. The illusionery "middleclass" folk are always on about is a myth. In the end it is the have's and have nots. Only the have nots are under the illusion that there are class distinctions amongst themselves.


This whole "class" distinction comes from the system you booted out known as aristocracy, but did WE. I use we as that was the illusion we were led to believe in here in SA, the "lower" class being kept where they were through legislation - probably similar to your civil rights stuff.


IMO, the "NOT middle class" are ess. the non-white folk. The few folk that did manage to pull themselves up by their bootstraps are few and far between. Your AA program failed and could be abandoned due to the population demographic. Ours failed and still exists because of the population demographic.


BO commands a lot of respect from the rest of the world particularly because he is a intellectual. While the global economy remains in limbo, the chances of any retard coming to power are remote. What stands out very clearly is that the party in control is not really in control. The puppeteers are thankful US citizens have short memory spans. Just look how quickly shrub II's fuckups were forgotten?


If you look at the UK, their see-saw 2 party system is pretty much the same as the US. Tony Blair being labor, never struck me as more than an aristocrat is sheep's clothing, his successor Brown was even worse and the whole political system was ripe for a switch. The labor of old is as blurred as the RP and DP in the US. Here in SA, we are ess a one party state w/o a chance for the new fat cat to be booted until the populace become more educated, however they have adapted the old system of winner takes all. I have never lived in a country (three) where there was a situation or threat of the ruling party to lose control/power. With independence came the changing of the guard ONCE.


So when you want to ascribe good fortune to St. Raygun, our 80's to late 90's were also relatively good for us illusionery "middle class". Thanks to the US derivatives and housing boom, the rest of the of the world seems to copied and ended up in the toilet just like you guys. What probably hurts for the US now is that previously you were isolated from the effects of the fuck ups your government made, this point in time, you suffer as much as we do.


Sorry to piss on your parade, this shit is going to take a long time to recover. It is likely that the attempts to bring it back to the pre-crash, will lead to a bigger crash that is really going to hurt big time.


In the mean time, they entertain and give us sound bytes to chew on.


If the Libertarian Party in the US was a viable 3rd option, they would make significant gains. However the reality is that the US is pretty well divided 50-50 and they, the puppeteers will like to maintain THAT status quo.

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I lived through his presidency. I'd like to know where he's buried so I can spit on his grave.

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I lived through his presidency. I'd like to know where he's buried so I can spit on his grave.


John Dolan, one of my favorite authors wrote:


In all of America, isn’t there one person brave enough to dump wet cement on Reagan’s Hollywood Boulevard star? Isn’t there one bitter reject with nothing to lose, willing to pour lighter fluid over the “tributes” Reagan’s fans have been laying outside the funeral home?


Apparently not.

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"It is not my intention to do away with government. It is, rather, to make it

work -- work with us, not over us; to stand by our side, not ride on our back.

Government can and must provide opportunity, not smother it; foster

productivity, not stifle it. It is no coincidence that our present troubles

parallel and are proportionate to the intervention and intrusion in our lives

that result from unnecessary and excessive growth of government. ... We shall

reflect the compassion that is so much a part of your makeup. How can we love

our country and not love our countrymen, and loving them, not reach out a hand

when they fall, heal them when they are sick, and provide opportunities to make

them self-sufficient so they will be equal in fact and not just in theory? ...

We are a nation under God, and I believe God intended for us to be free. It

would be fitting and good, I think, if on each Inauguration Day in future years

it should be declared a day of prayer."

-- Ronald Reagan

(1911-2004) 40th US President

Source: First Inaugural Address, 1981


"Government is not a solution to our problem,

government is the problem."

-- Ronald Reagan

(1911-2004) 40th US President


"If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth."

-- Ronald Reagan

(1911-2004) 40th US President




Ronald Reagan understood that the far right wing doesn't always want to be satisfied. He understood that he could give them some things, but not everything. They don't want to be satisfied. They want to raise money on their discontent."

- Ken Duberstein, Former Ronald Reagan Chief of Staff

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