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Goodbye Jesus

W T F !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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OK OK, I know that I have complained about christians and the crazy lady pastor not wanting to get out of my life... but boy this ices the freakin' cake.

I live in a mobile home park and we have a community room. Anyway, the crazy bitch pastor and her side kicks HAVE STARTED A CHURCH IN OUR COMMUNITY ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They have NO BUSINESS here at all. They do not know anyone here but me!!!! The room is for people here in the park!!!!!!! They better not have EVEN used my name for their flop house cracker jack fucktard church!!!!!!

I am so sorry peeps, but I am not annoyed now, I am PISSED!!!!!!!!!! I need to vent in the worst way. You have no clue. Ever been so pissed you are tearing and shaking??? Well guess what. I feel like they are up my ass like an enema. HOW do you get away???? I feel like I am really being stalked now. You have no idea. I am so pissed right now...... Can someone give me a way to calm down or an idea what to do with these people that just will not let it rest?????????

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Well you could ask park management if they used your name, and if so tell the managers that that group has no right to use your name and ask that their ability to use the room be revoked.


If you have a group of friends you could make arrangements to use the room directly before or directly after the church services and set up decorations that appear Satanic, and be chanting when they are gettign there, or leaveing, preferably in latin if you can muster it.


You could just ignore it and not let them know anything they do bothers you.


You could make sure you are not in the park, ever, on Sundays, or what ever day they are having services.


If you have any real proof of stalking, them using your name without permission might count. You could get a restraining order, that would put a big ole wrench in their plans I am sure.


Thats just a few ideas, I am sorry this happened, it's gotta suck.

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I can send along the text for a Black Mass, if you want. In a pinch, "zazas zazas nasatanada zazas" will always do.

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Can someone give me a way to calm down or an idea what to do with these people that just will not let it rest?????????
Vandalism. :mellow:
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Well, it is a community room. So, I don't know what you can really do. If they do use your name, then I think you have something to snap at them about... however, I wonder, is the church 24-7? Or do they run limited hours?


I don't know. I would calm down. My suggestion. Fight supersition with knowledge. Start a freethinker group or an atheist bible study.

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I don't know. I would calm down. My suggestion. Fight supersition with knowledge. Start a freethinker group or an atheist bible study.


That is a very good idea! Find out when their "service" is, and get there before with a bunch of friends and fill the place up with heathens.


Or, better, just find a friend, sit nearby them and talk about sex. That will clear the fundies out.

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That is a very good idea!  Find out when their "service" is, and get there before with a bunch of friends and fill the place up with heathens.

Thanks. Hey like the avatar of your btw. Or just try this during a service....

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I am much more calm today... just the initial shock of it all really REALLY got me yesterday. I like the idea of a pagan bible study.. hehehe

I know that there is nothing I can really do... I will however, try to find out about if they used my name or not. These little fundies are trouble with a BIG T. The minister called children services on someone just because they did not want to come to her church anymore if that gives you an idea. I know that she is trying to find a way to get at me, and getting to know the managers is a good way to start isn't? You would have to know the whole story to really know where I am coming from. Tooooo much to get into here. I just KNOW they are there to get at me. Like, HA HA see, we are here in YOUR park and you can not stop us...type of thing. They are a true cult. They try to "punish" whoever leaves the fold. When I first left the church, I was still sorta of a christian. I visited another church for a while...somehow she found out and called the pastor to find out about me. She has hooked up with all the churches I used to associate with, all the ministers I used to talk to, all the friends I used to have, so, I know that I am not paranoid. She even said that if I did not sing at her "revival", that I would not sing at any church anywhere in this county again....does that give you a clue? Well, I did not back down, I did not sing. It was after I stopped going to church and read the bible for myself that I really REALLY saw it for what it was. WHEW!

Sooooooo, I am trying not to let this BS get to me. It is difficult not to though. Without any proof, I can not nail her for stalking me...which sucks.

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Yeah, find out how they booked that room, if they BS'ed your name, well, pulling the rug out from under them becomes easy.


As tempting as it is to fight fire with fire, or to just generally screw with their heads, you really shouldn't. First, it is unethical to engage in a battle of wits when one's opponent is unarmed. Second, direct escalation tends to just make the situation worse overall, and increases the likelyhood that one side will break more than a few laws and that the other side will smart over it.


All I can really say is good luck.

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They pulled the first shot by trying to 'get back at you' as you said. Return the favor. Go back to the church, and during church service, start yelling obcenities and how you'd really like to fuck the pastor, especially anal, and crack open a satanic Bible and start reading as loud as you can. When they ask you to leave, force them to agree in public to leave you the fuck alone and loudly declare they've been harassing you at your community center where they have no business, and warn the others to leave en mass.


Then file suit against them for harassment, and remind them in a letter Jesus requires that they turn the other cheek and that he would want them to pay you reparations. (it doesn't matter if the case is week, go to small claims court where filing fees are very modest)


Fuck them up the ass if you get the chance and laugh to their face while you're doing it.


I seriously doubt they will want you back after that.


If this is too extreme for you, just make moves on the pastor. Obsess over her and stalk her. Hell, you might even get laid.

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..........just make moves on the pastor. Hell, you might even get laid.


First of all, *PUKE*

Second of all, I would not screw her with Jerry Falwell's wang with Tinky Winky pushing....

Plus, I am a chick and I am straight...even if I was not straight... yuck!!!! I would have better taste than that.


I have gotten to the point that I am trying not to let it get to me because when i do... they win and I lose. That is what they want is for me to get all paranoid and upset... Believe me, i was highly upset when I first posted this thread, I am more calm now. Thanks all for listening to me carry on in an emotional tizzy!

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Stupid idea perhaps, but if I were in your situation, I'd start saving up money to move to a new place.

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Stupid idea perhaps, but if I were in your situation, I'd start saving up money to move to a new place.

Believe me, the thought has entered my mind more than once!!!

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lol I really like the idea of shouting "fuck him , fuck him up the ass! Fuck the holy spirit and then cum in his mouth, all the while Jesus and his Father are kissing with cum, snowball style, saying fuck the holy spirit, fuck him in the ass and cum in his ass, then make him drink it!....



this just got way too obscene. I was going to delete it but I decided it had at least some entertainment value, hope you find this remotely humorous Angel

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Well, after all, God and sometimes Jesus, are heavily involved in love making sessions. The woman often is screaming OH, GOD, OH, GOD, OH, YES, YES, YES

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edit: deleted it, was too much spam, sorry peeps. :P


Man they are stalking you serious big time huh? o.o i wouldnt go as far as cursing in their faces... thats a bit rough

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If the community room is only for residents of your park, and no one in the new church group lives in your park, then you should let the management know that non-residents are using the community room without permission.

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