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Goodbye Jesus

Rebellion And Religion

foolish girl

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Random Musings:


Something ( I forget what) made me think of Suffragettes today. Those women who stood against their community governments, national governments and many of them stood against the men in their lives (husbands, fathers, pastors).


This is contrary to Christian Teaching. We are taught to obey the government, take care of each other and be submissive to our husbands. Be quiet in church and do not usurp a mans authority (*GAG*).


Anyway. Modern Christianity says "of course slavery is wrong! That was all in context"


They say "God loves everyone the same" and while many denominations frown upon it there are today female pastors. I wonder if those women ever stop to think about the fact that they stand on the shoulders of "sinners"?


I don't know how women preachers and christian homosexuals fool themselves. The God of the Bible prefers straight, able-bodied men over anyone else- it is plainly written.



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When anyone mentions suffragettes I can't help but think of the mom in Mary Poppins (the movie, not the book). She dances around singing about fighting for womens rights "militantly" and then the minute her husband gets home she is all "yes, Dear, whatever you say, Dear." :-D

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Another thought here about rebellion. My non denominational "denomination" believed (as do most of them, I presume) that they have the Correct Interpretation of the bible because they're the only ones willing to obey. The other 30,000 or so types of xians have it wrong only because they are rebelling against god and just don't wantto obey what it "really" says.


Which leads me to another observation - it is hilarious to see the xians on this board explain "correct" doctrine to us because they explain it so differently from each other sometimes.

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"Votes for Women

Step in time


Votes for Women

Step in time


Never need a reason

Never need a rhyme


Votes for women

Step in Time"

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I don't know how women preachers and christian homosexuals fool themselves. The God of the Bible prefers straight, able-bodied men over anyone else- it is plainly written.




The bible is pro-bigot and pro-hate. How liberal Christians look past that I have no idea either. Instead of accepting for what it is, they say they know it's 'true' message, which is not kill unbelievers in flames and beat the child with the rod, it's all about love. A liberal Christian is in worse denial than a bad shit crazy fundamentalist.

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Funny thing is, I recently found out in my Geo of Religion is US and Europe class that in the US more women go to church than men do. Seems kinda backward since Christianity is so patriarchal.

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The bible is pro-bigot and pro-hate. How liberal Christians look past that I have no idea either. Instead of accepting for what it is, they say they know it's 'true' message, which is not kill unbelievers in flames and beat the child with the rod, it's all about love. A liberal Christian is in worse denial than a bad shit crazy fundamentalist.



I spend a bit of time on a Forum for Progressive Christians. The last thing I would say concerning many there is that they are in denial. As I understand it, it comes down to what is seen to be the fundamentals of the Faith...................Christ, as the light that lights all who come into the world, a Living Word. Or a the words of a book, The BIble.


It must be remembered that it is only since Luther declared the doctrine of sola scriptua in the 16th century that the text of the Bible has been seen/believed to be fundamental. This is not to argue the case for the Roman Catholic Church, nor the Eastern Orthodox. Only to point out that Reform Theology, and the basically literalist reading of the Bible it has given rise to, is not "Christianity" but only a particular type of Christianity, time conditioned like all things.


PG Christians understand the "inspiration" of the Bible in the sense that its words point beyond themselves - the letter kills but the spirit gives life - and though this understanding can be claimed at times to be "picking and choosing", it can also be seen as seeking the true heart of the text, which is found only by living it.


Really, I have no argument with you. Myself, I identify as a Buddhist, and on the PG Forum I am accepted without question in a context of genuine communion. As I said at the beginning, such "liberal" Christians - at least as I know them - are not in denial, but are opening to the realities of how living according to the "law" of love can truly illuminate our lives.

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Not to mention, if were up to Christian doctrine, there would NEVER have been a Revolutionary or Civil War in THIS or any country. Once the Jews got Cannan it was all over. They are the only ones allowed to fight. in the NT you are supposed to "Take it like a bitch"......or something.


I know many Christians who feel that they should not be in the armed forces. I have heard my husband (an ex-sailor) and our Christian friend have long (boring ) conversations trying to figure out the right answer.


Basically, if a modern day Napoleon showed up on our shores with heavy artillery and a will to rule- ousted our government and took over.....then a *good* christian should just smile and nod.

And pay their taxes.

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Although the church of god I was raised in was ever so slightly conservative, my mom was clearly the family leader and the pastor's wife sometimes preached. Hadn't thought of that before, militant pentacostal-holiness women. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

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Random Musings:


Something ( I forget what) made me think of Suffragettes today. Those women who stood against their community governments, national governments and many of them stood against the men in their lives (husbands, fathers, pastors).


This is contrary to Christian Teaching. We are taught to obey the government, take care of each other and be submissive to our husbands. Be quiet in church and do not usurp a mans authority (*GAG*).


Anyway. Modern Christianity says "of course slavery is wrong! That was all in context"


They say "God loves everyone the same" and while many denominations frown upon it there are today female pastors. I wonder if those women ever stop to think about the fact that they stand on the shoulders of "sinners"?


I don't know how women preachers and christian homosexuals fool themselves. The God of the Bible prefers straight, able-bodied men over anyone else- it is plainly written.




But but but...Foolish Girl, you're being such a Foolish Girl! Don't you know that White Republican Jeezus came along and undid all the bad parts of the bible and everything else and made everything so perfect it's the perfectest perfectly perfect bunch of perfect that was ever...um...perfect?


And "all in context," what a copout. Oh, yeah, slavery was all in context. Just like the Final Solution, Apartheid, and the Salem witch trials. Everything has a context; doesn't make it right. Of course, moral rectitude outside that defined within the bounds of the bible is a concept lost on christians.


Fun story: I lurk on ChristianParentsForum, partly out of a Sun Tzu "know your enemy" desire to keep tabs on what the fundies are up to but admittedly, it's mostly for the lulz. One thing I repeatedly notice in their "parents of grown children" forum is how anxious they get over their kids "OMG REBELLING!" when they're too old for the parents to do jack about it. What's funny and slightly worrying is how bent out of shape it gets them to see those "rebellious" people leading happy lives. The posts go something like


I worry about him so much. He's got a good job and a good house and a 401(k) and a Wife(-with-a-capital-W) and a Family(-with-a-capital-F-because-christians-like-to-capitalize-words-with-heavy-religious-connotations) but I just know that something's going to break in that arrangement because he turned his back on God. I keep trying to tell him to go to a Church(-with-a-capital-C) but he won't listen!


Then you get the inevitable


It's okay, just do your Godly duty and keep trying to love him back to Christ! He'll come around eventually.


And of course


(8 fucking million "praying" emoticons copypasta'd onto a single table-raping line, giving my horizontal-scroll tilt wheel a workout when it was enjoying a lovely nap)


Shit, if my (hypothetical) kid had a wife, house, 401k, good job, happy family, all that jazz...I don't think words could express how sublimely contented I'd feel about it. I'm talking deep, deep existential joy here. And these assholes get worked-up over it instead because maybe, SHOCK HORROR, their kids are taking the family to the park on Sunday morning instead of bruising their asses on cold, hard church pews while they're berated by some douchesuitcase about what unworthy human beings they are. I'd much rather be tossing the frisbee to Fido myself.


Another thing that dropped my jaw was the discussions in the "women only" forum (yeah, they have "women only" and "men only" forums there. On a site for grown adult human beings. With their own fucking kids, many of whom are adults themselves. My inner gender egalitarian goes HULK SMASH at the mere thought of it) about how hubby wants to do this, that or the other thing in the bedroom and wifey is made uncomfortable by it, so what should she do? Suggestions of "put your foot down" invariably get a "but a wife's duty is to submit and obey" response, and it's occurred to nobody that they should perhaps have had frank, honest discussions regarding their sexuality. The most prevalent recommendation is "go along with it but don't give a single hint that you enjoy it." Yeah, way to foster a healthy sex life there. Breed that resentment, breed it good. Of course, considering that they were likely pressured into marrying after dating for all of 3 months, it's not like they had a chance to learn each other in bed to begin with.


Anyway, I think I'm kinda rambling at this point, so I'll close with this, to reaffirm to everyone that rebellion is not a bad thing.


(Rakkatakka, motherfuckers.)

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:twitch: Wow.


Feel better? Is that sex thing true? "go along with it but don't look like you like it?.......REALLY?

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Yeah. It's the "submit to the man's leadership" and "anything other than missionary is dirty" mentalities in direct conflict. It would be funny to watch if it weren't so scary that people actually think like that.


Telling, though, that whereas healthy couples would sit down and discuss what they're comfortable with in the bedroom, christians have to do all kinds of mental gymnastics and keep their needs under wraps. And it boils my blood to think how disproportionately it affects the women because of the mentality of male supremacy in that cult.

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This is contrary to Christian Teaching. We are taught to obey the government, take care of each other and be submissive to our husbands. Be quiet in church and do not usurp a mans authority (*GAG*).


For the most part, northern liberal churches in the early-mid 60s were pussies about the whole Southern segregation thing. This is why so many upper middle class white kids ended up leaving their churches.

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