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Goodbye Jesus

Random thoughts on prayer/problem solving


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I have three adult children who seem often unable to solve their own life's problems. So, they call mom with it.


For my middle child, every problem is a major catastrophe of Katrina proportions. In the past, I would pray about it, get a sense of "its in his hands now" and move on, never really resolving anything.


Even recently, the "habit" of praying often came to the forefront..like a smoker who has quit reaching into their pocket for a cigarette.


Tonight, another catastrophe. The big difference tonight though was that programmed reflex did not kick in. Tonight's disaster involved picking him up from one place and transporting him to another. He was clearly upset..near to rage. I should clarify about this son. He's bipolar, so rollercoaster is what we are used to.


I hopped in the car, cranked up some music..and headed out. Instead of some random prayer popping in..I thought clearly about it all. What I would say, etc.


So, I get there, he's got two friends with him who also need a ride. Normally, not a big deal. However..I have a Camero. With a carseat in the back. Ok, laugh it off, let them sit on each other's lap in the seat behind me..keeping in mind that I have long legs and my seat is nearly all the way back and there is no way I will drive with knees in dashboard.


On the way home, I thought about the whole thing. I was so at peace..and it made me think of problem solving sans prayer.


It CAN be done! :grin:


It proved the point that prayer is pointless..it is simply talking to yourself, working it out in your mind, getting the answer from within..and for the Christian, giving the credit for what you yourself did to some force outside of yourself.


Gotta love those "aha!" moments..

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