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Goodbye Jesus

More humorous than a rant..


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So, last night, I get all comfy on my bed, head at foot watching Naked Science, "The Birth of the Earth."


I hear the phone ring in the other room. We keep it in the kitchen on a charger base, though its actually plugged in in the bedroom. Along with the answering machine. I don't answer after 8.


Answering machine picks up and I expect it to click off as it usually does. Instead, I hear:


"Hi! This is John and Sherry from the K-LOVE morning show!" :twitch:


Seems they are starting their pledge drive and would I please call this number with my pledge..


I've never made a pledge to them..why are they calling here???


Of course, I know its a computer generated call, random numbers and all that. I just started laughing at the irony of it, right in the middle of "The Birth of the Earth."



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So, last night, of "The Birth of the Earth."


snipped, please refrain from quoting in full the text right above your single line reply. Thanks.





Get on the national do-not call list. :HaHa:

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