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Prayer and Sin


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Suppose that the christian god does exist. Then according to the christian bible, god is more than happy to answer prayer requests with a "yes".


So now my question is this:


If a christian prays to god for permission to sin, how will god answer that prayer?

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Wasn't the permission to sin thing covered by the whole grace alone thing?


Then again I have been more of one to ask forgiveness than permission.

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I always enjoyed these little wisdom nuggets from the wholly babble.


1 John 1:8 "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." KJV


Young's Literal Translation:

"if we may say - 'we have not sin', ourselves we lead astray, and the truth is not in us"




1 John 3:6 "Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth, hath not seen him, neither known him." KJV


Young's Literal Translation:

"everyone who hath been begotten of God, sin he doth not, because his seed in him doth remain, and he is not able to sin, because of God he hath been begotten."


Makes perfect sense to a christian, I guess. :shrug:


Christians: please don't try to quote the NIV or Living Bible or some such tweaked versions in order to "explain" this. I'm well aware of the watering down that was necessary in modern "translations" in order to make these verses congruous.

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Suppose that the christian god does exist. Then according to the christian bible, god is more than happy to answer prayer requests with a "yes".

So now my question is this:

If a christian prays to god for permission to sin, how will god answer that prayer?


Actually, a christian doesn't have to ask permission. Once Jesus said "it is finished", it's a done deal. Sin covered in blood = no sin.


It's an implied contract.

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Actually, a christian doesn't have to ask permission.  Once Jesus said "it is finished", it's a done deal.  Sin covered in blood = no sin.


It's an implied contract.


There is a saying, that it is easier to get forgivness than permission. I guess it is the same in Christianity. I cannot imagine a Christian in advance asking god for permission to sin. But if the biblical promises about prayer are read literally, then it should be possible for a christian to get such permission.


But never mind, christians don't need permission, they (as you have pointed out) rely on the forgiveness.

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Maybe the right way to approach it would be to just ask for the forgiveness in advance.


"God, we both know that I have another sin coming up. You know because you're omniscient. I know because I'm planning it as we speak. Forgive me, Lord. In the name of Jesus. Amen."

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Maybe the right way to approach it would be to just ask for the forgiveness in advance. 


"God, we both know that I have another sin coming up.  You know because you're omniscient.  I know because I'm planning it as we speak.  Forgive me, Lord.  In the name of Jesus.  Amen."



How about "God, I haven't sinned in a while, what do you suggest we try?"

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Maybe the right way to approach it would be to just ask for the forgiveness in advance. 


"God, we both know that I have another sin coming up.  You know because you're omniscient.  I know because I'm planning it as we speak.  Forgive me, Lord.  In the name of Jesus.  Amen."



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How about "God, I haven't sinned in a while, what do you suggest we try?"


If looking at the Roman Catholic Church, one should think that child molestation is one of God's favorit sins.

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If looking at the Roman Catholic Church, one should think that child molestation is one of God's favorit sins.

Good point! I don't understand how a brain can absorb that kinda thing. HOW can you hold such a position, take an oath of celebacy (last time I heard, it was NO sex, not just no sex with an adult peer of the opposite sex), and then coerce growing minds and bodies into what "YOU" would be preaching are FORBIDDEN acts!


The ultimate in twisted!




Why don't they mess around with Nun's or other priests and leave other's kids alone

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Makes you kind of wonder what came first? The obsession with pediphelia, or the priesthood?


Did they become priests because they had no natural feelings for a "normal" sexual relationship, or did their obsession with kids develop as a result of their abstinence.


Inquiring minds want to know.

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Which came first, the Chicken or the Egg


Since the chicken was caught smoking a cigarette, I think we got our answer.

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