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Goodbye Jesus

how too make a witness dissapear


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in the mens bathroom me and a freind were arguing and using alot of cusswords


some one says william i didnt know you cussed.


i said yea i do.


he said youll go too hell for that!


i said i dont care.


his mouth dropped i think he froze.


i said are you going too hell?


he said no.


i said well ill go too hell cause being in heaven with you would be hell anyway.


he stormed out of the bathroom.


i usually dont do stuff like that but my freind already had my temper flaring lol.


it was funny :lmao:

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i said well ill go too hell cause being in heaven with you would be hell anyway.




OH, good one. I think my wife said something similiar when our BIL talked to her one day. She said if all the criminals with death bed conversions go there, she don't want to. He was trying to say that even Hitler could go there, all they have to do is CONFESS (get the comfy chair!) yada yada yada

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mabe theyll stay away. their stupid if they come back lol



Finally got the Missionaries to leave me alone. Elder fatfuckfuck, and Elder mutant boy (God dammit are Mormons fucking ugly people).


I told them, that I don't want to go to the Celestrial Kingdom if they were there.


they told me to fuck off (in a fustrated breath way, hmmm I though Mormons didn't sware). I kicked the shit out of them, and threw them out into the hall way. The old Chinese ladies scolded them to leave, and said kind sagely stuff to me.


I was giving them the crazy eyes, as they fled to the elevator! Some teenagers kicked them down the stairs. (man do Hong Kongers hate Mormons!).


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yea whod want that. the jews wouldnt want too spend eternity woth hitler the one who tortured them. i dont see how heaven would be happy too everyone



OH, good one.  I think my wife said something similiar when our BIL talked to her one day.  She said if all the criminals with death bed conversions go there, she don't want to.  He was trying to say that even Hitler could go there, all they have to do is CONFESS (get the comfy chair!)  yada yada yada


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yea whod want that. the jews wouldnt want too spend eternity woth hitler the one who tortured them.  i dont see how heaven would be happy too everyone


Well see, there's the issue of wiping the memory..erhm...tears away. The only way for that to happen is to become a drone and not remember the "bad times"..so the Jew who meets up with his torturer in heaven will have no memory of said torture and can walk side by side with him.


Of course that means you won't be "you" anymore either, because our memories, experiences, etc are what make us who we are..

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Well see, there's the issue of wiping the memory..erhm...tears away.  The only way for that to happen is to become a drone and not remember the "bad times"..so the Jew who meets up with his torturer in heaven will have no memory of said torture and can walk side by side with him.


Of course that means you won't be "you" anymore either, because our memories, experiences, etc are what make us who we are..



I don't think they think it through to any conclusions.


Just got this link on CF... http://www.ecclesia.org/truth/heaven.html


WOW! What's up is down and what's down is up. Humans apparently don't ever go into heaven! Read that guys reasoning and scripture quotes.

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  Willy,  Are you speaking in tongues? :Doh:   :lmao:




what are a school teacher?

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wed be mindless drones wouldnt we?









Well see, there's the issue of wiping the memory..erhm...tears away.  The only way for that to happen is to become a drone and not remember the "bad times"..so the Jew who meets up with his torturer in heaven will have no memory of said torture and can walk side by side with him.


Of course that means you won't be "you" anymore either, because our memories, experiences, etc are what make us who we are..


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what are a school teacher?




correction: what are you a schoolteacher?


translation: get off my damn back this is the second time youve corrected me. shit ill get a damn spellchecker just too please you. :nono:

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Oh, I thought you meant a witness in a court case!


and the job of the other lawyer is to Discredit the Witness

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and the job of the other lawyer is to Discredit the Witness




im sorry if my poor grammer offends you.

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and the job of the other lawyer is to Discredit the Witness



im sorry if my poor grammer offends you.


that's a response to my comment? had nothing to do with you, it was a comment about the real meaning of the word Witness

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im sorry if my poor grammer offends you.


that's a response to my comment? had nothing to do with you, it was a comment about the real meaning of the word Witness




its ok

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