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Goodbye Jesus

Informal Debate Challenge:


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I would like to extend a challenge to any Christian in an informal 1 on 1 on the subject of the existence of the Christian God.


Any Christian may accept this challenge. If there are any takers we will come up with a good format that would benefit the both of us and have some fun.

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Goodbye Jesus

Come ON people!!! I'm like....an easy target!! I know Bruce made the challenge but I don't have the numchuck skillz he does! You could EASILY destroy me in debate....






buncha pussies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

buncha pussies.[/b]


I would, but I don't do "informal political debate" (unless I'm con'ed into it)

If there is ever a truly hard core logical arena established here, I'll take you on, but don't expect to to last more than a couple of posts.




I would expect that TJM666 to be a worthy opponent for such though.

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buncha pussies.[/b]


I would, but I don't do "informal political debate" (unless I'm con'ed into it)

If there is ever a truly hard core logical arena established here, I'll take you on, but don't expect to to last more than a couple of posts.




I would expect that TJM666 to be a worthy opponent for such though.


Of course....I would never expect you to sink to such a level that you would have an informal ass-whooping.

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Of course....I would never expect you to sink to such a level that you would have an informal ass-whooping.


..a man has to know his limits :shrug:

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I once saw a man standing on his back porch. At his feet were two cats, typical out door neighborhood cats having no restraints, just sitting (and awake). Off to one side of the porch was the feathered remains of a bird from one of the cat’s earlier hunting trips. But starting about 6 feet out into the yard was a collection of about 200 (I counted them) doves. There was no obstacle blocking either view or travel between the cats and the birds. They clearly saw each other, yet didn’t seem to care.


I already knew that the cats had no special training to obey or anything so I asked the man “How in the HELL did you do this?” He immediately replied “ A man has to know what he CAN do, and what he CAN’T do.” A moment later in a little more serious tone, he smiled and muttered quietly, “All joy is but by the perception of progress.”



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Removed...comment not on topic.

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If you will define "the Christian God" for us, I'll consider taking you on.

If no one is going to define it, then no debate will get anywhere anyway.



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