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Evengelism Is Better Than Sex And Social Media


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If it's on the internet and says it can't be refuted, there's no way they're wrong!




Possibly in the wrong forum. My apologies if it is.

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Just ugh.


I couldn't even finish reading that.

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More lies we like to tell ourselves.

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Oh, and I would like to add that if evangelism is better than sex for you, then you are likely doing both wrong.

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Oh, and I would like to add that if evangelism is better than sex for you, then you are likely doing both wrong.

It could be fun to mix them together.
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If by evangelism you mean making her see god, then, hey, why not?

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Oh, and I would like to add that if evangelism is better than sex for you, then you are likely doing both wrong.

It could be fun to mix them together.


Now THERE'S a fun image.

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That's just wrong. Of course, I don't see how evangelism could be fun at all. And I'm not big into social networking (one more week, and I'm deleting my FB account), and I'm about as close as you can get to being asexual without actually being asexual, due to my really low sex-drive. But even still, that is still just wrong.

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I didn't make it to page two. Icky! Sex is definitely more fun than evangelism (especially for introverts since I get kind of shy) and social networking (do I really care that you think your man is the hottest in teh world!?).

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Have they tried sex? Maybe they need to try sex with another person. I find evangelism to be more like a trip to the dentist.

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Good point, MM. How many fundies have actually had sex to make a comparison to begin with?

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The best sex is the sex that one has with the Lord! Amen?

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I don't even know whether it's because they may or may not have had sex. I can't image xtian sex being that good to begin with. There's no exploration, changing things up, having fun with it. It's about procreation, and that's it. To them, having fun while having sex is a sin. Missionary only, and if it last longer than three minutes, you're going to hell. :P

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Evangelism in a nudist camp.

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<knock, knock, knock>





"I'd like to talk to you about the benefits of sex..."

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It might be exhilarating to lead someone to Christ - but how often does that happen? Most Christians I know haven't ever been able to do that, even with sincere effort.

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The best sex is the sex that one has with the Lord! Amen?



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If it's on the internet and says it can't be refuted, there's no way they're wrong!




Possibly in the wrong forum. My apologies if it is.


From the article page 2

. . . God is honored as two people are mutually satisfied.


The mutual O is for God's sake. Do it for God.

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I can't image xtian sex being that good to begin with.


It's not. Trust me.

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It might be exhilarating to lead someone to Christ - but how often does that happen? Most Christians I know haven't ever been able to do that, even with sincere effort.


I did.


However, it was in a psych ward, I was manic, and the dude was suffering from drug-induced psychosis. I think that says something, don't you?

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Well in a way, it is another sex, fucking with other people's minds.


I remember my pastor whose eyes nearly popped when he asked me how many girls I had slept with and replied 30 or so. O.O


Of course, he then had to lead me in prayer to release and forgive them for leading me astray heh heh, if only he knew who was the strayer and the strayees...


But then the last person to ask for sex advice would be your pastor.


So weird that repressed sexual urges always makes it into the conversation with the woos.


I love this comic. They should take a hint.



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Oh, and I would like to add that if evangelism is better than sex for you, then you are likely doing both wrong.

It could be fun to mix them together.


Check out the Oneida Community, founded in 1848 in New York state. They practiced something called "complex marriage" in which everyone was married to everyone else. So any guy could have sex with any woman. And the older folks "introduced" the younger ones to sex. A search engine will lead you to more info.

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Oh, and I would like to add that if evangelism is better than sex for you, then you are likely doing both wrong.

It could be fun to mix them together.


Check out the Oneida Community, founded in 1848 in New York state. They practiced something called "complex marriage" in which everyone was married to everyone else. So any guy could have sex with any woman. And the older folks "introduced" the younger ones to sex. A search engine will lead you to more info.


They also made fabulous silverware. Upstate NY wins the honor of being the birth place for quit a few fucked up cults.

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