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Goodbye Jesus

Ineptitude. Nothing Shits Me More.


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Fuck me. you know what really fucking shits me? In-fucking-eptitude. Particularly when it's in a field that I fucking well used to work in. And you know what shits me even more? Finding out too fucking late in the day to do anything about it. That really fucking shits me.


But you know, it's not even a fucking hard task to screw up in the first place, but you know what? They done it. They've fucking screwed up the fucking easy-to-do task of allocating my retal payments correctly, even AFTER they managed to do it once before, they've managed to do the same fucking thing all over again. HOW FUCKING HARD IS IT TO ALLOCATE FUCKING RENTAL PAYMENTS CORRECTLY? This is my home, fuckheads. I do not wish to face eviction like i did just before fucking Christmas when you idots fucked up last time. DO YOUR FUCKING JOB CORRECTLY!


Here is how simple it is. Our fortnightly rent is $360. It was recommended to me to add an extra $5 a fortnight for water usage. So that brings us to $365 a fortnight, rent and water. Everyone with me? Good. Now, because shit happens sometimes in life, I like to pay a little extra where I can, like a defacto savings account, so that if shit happens, we can miss a payment with certain things, getting us in front, so that we have a little back-up in times of shit happening. As a result, we add an extra $15 for rent each fortnight, bringing the grand total to put towards rent of $375, and $5 towards water. So all they have to do is allocate $5 for water, $360 covers the fortnight's rent, and $15 a fortnight starts building up. Not a hard concept, right? OBVIOUSLY NOT!!!



Jesus fucking christ. They're not allocating the extra $15 towards the rent, and last time they were doing this shit, they were putting all the extra towards the water- totally stupid, because just before Christmas, when we needed the money, we only paid one week's rent, thinking we had enough surplus to cover it, but because it went towards the water without my knowledge, not only did we have no rent surplus to use, BUT they also somehow managed to not allocate the one week we DID pay, and suddenly we got a call asking us why we hadn't paid our rent. Lovely, huh?


This was all meant to have been sorted out LAST time, but, alas, it was not. And, of course, they do not send out the water accounts, for whatever reason. So now I am seriously ticked off, and tomorrow, I WILL be calling the head of accounts at head Office, and I WILL be getting this fucking drama sorted out once and for all. Because, as it currently stands, we're actually showing up as being behind, being as we must stay 2 weeks in front at all times.


Fuck me. HOW FUCKING HARD IS IT?! Right now, I sure as hell do NOT need this fucking bullshit!

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Idiots. I hope you can get this sorted out. That is some bullshit drama.

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Ugh. People are just...ugh.

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It would probably be better if you put the $15 extra in a personal bank account instead of giving it to them. Good luck with ineptitudeness.

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It would probably be better if you put the $15 extra in a personal bank account instead of giving it to them. Good luck with ineptitudeness.


Quite possibly. IN supposedly fixing the "mistake" last time, they fucked up again, too. So I'm going to have to go through, work out how much has been paid in rent since November 2010, take out the water, and I'm just going to descrese our rental payment that amount this fortnight. Fuck 'em.

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