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So I found out today that the lady I've been filling in for since November is coming back in a couple of weeks. I am sad and disappointed. Since I've been at my workplace, they have found numerous projects that she never started that have actually caused the company to pay fines. They are keeping her on of course because although these issues are her fault, she's been with the company for a long time.


I knew this job was temporary. No I had no strong desire to stay here but I do enjoy my job. Right now it seems as if my entire life is in transition. I guess this is part of it. I've always been able to find some kind of work even though the economy has been tough. I'll find something in two weeks. I have to...got me some bills. My BF has even told me not to worry about money but I like my independence and don't want people paying my bills for me. I can do this. I can stand on my own two feet.


Just kind of frustrated. If I'm doing a good job then why would they think it's okay for her to not have done hers? Just doesn't make sense.

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Is there any other position you could slide into? Sometimes it's just a matter of making your request known so your boss can find a new place for you.

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Is there any other position you could slide into? Sometimes it's just a matter of making your request known so your boss can find a new place for you.


There had been talk of having a 3rd person there when this lady comes back. I work via a temp agency so there's not really a chance for me to slide into another spot. I guess what irks me is not that my position is ending but rather that they are letting someone come back who didn't do their work and now everyone else has to deal with the fallout.

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Job protection, employment security, permanent positions, whatever you want to call it, sucks. It prevents incompetents from being fired, and competents from finding work.

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Just doesn't make sense.

You must be very young.

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Just doesn't make sense.

You must be very young.


Yep. I have seen stuff in the workplace that would make your head explode.

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Job protection, employment security, permanent positions, whatever you want to call it, sucks. It prevents incompetents from being fired, and competents from finding work.

Same deal where I work. It's impossible to fire people, even though they scream at their colleagues, they do nothing, and everyone hates them. Makes me think, "Geez, I work way too hard".


Zephie, sorry to hear this is happening. Not to be a pest, but are you doing what you love, or at least moving towards that? Have you ever done career counseling? I'm sorry if I shouldn't ask. I just have this thing that people be happy at work....

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You folks haven't seen anything until you work for the govmint. I was at a state university where it took me almost six months to hire a department secretary. A professor with tenure can do just about anything except commit a felony or expose himself or herself in class and still keep the job. It takes a minimum of three years to fire a probationary faculty member even when you have clear evidence of incompetence.

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@ Florduh, Deva, Burnedout...

Yep I'm 29.


Job protection, employment security, permanent positions, whatever you want to call it, sucks. It prevents incompetents from being fired, and competents from finding work.

Same deal where I work. It's impossible to fire people, even though they scream at their colleagues, they do nothing, and everyone hates them. Makes me think, "Geez, I work way too hard".


Zephie, sorry to hear this is happening. Not to be a pest, but are you doing what you love, or at least moving towards that? Have you ever done career counseling? I'm sorry if I shouldn't ask. I just have this thing that people be happy at work....


No prob. I'm working towards it. This is more of a transition but I have a hard time staying at jobs so I get really thrilled when I last more than 3 months at a place. THe past ten years I've been in school but I tend to get bored with work or get tired of dealing with people. I'm working on getting accepted for a Library Science Program.


You folks haven't seen anything until you work for the govmint. I was at a state university where it took me almost six months to hire a department secretary. A professor with tenure can do just about anything except commit a felony or expose himself or herself in class and still keep the job. It takes a minimum of three years to fire a probationary faculty member even when you have clear evidence of incompetence.


I've heard stories about tenure...

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